Tuesday, June 10, 2008

School Jobs

If you worked in a school, what would your job be?

(Be specific, please!) Explain!


Ramandeep said...

If i worked in a school i would be the physical education teacher. i would like to work as this kind of teacher because well they get to play a lot with students. I could also teach children how to swing a bat or kick a ball far away. and i dont even have to teach boring stuff or bore the children 2 death. :)

Mr.Byrd said...

Hm...interesting, Ramandeep. I think I would like to be one, too.

Jessica said...

If i could work in a school i would be a writing teacher! I love writing. And if that doesn't happen then a reading teacher. I would love to be like my reading teacher MRS. SHULMAN!

ladiilex96 said...

I Would love 2 b a pre-k teacher because i love <3 playin with kids

Haresh said...

I agree with ramandeep I would be the physical education teacher I would chouse that job because it learning without books we get to play all day wihich is healty and fit.

Pardeep_123 said...

if i worked in a school, i would be a math teacher. i thin math is a very important and fun subject. everyone should be a little bit of everyones life. for example if you go shopping you might want to learn about discounts and money. you would be a fool if you didn't know that. math can also be a very fun topic. i remember the time we played with the i inch cubes and we made a sculpture out of them. it was cool. i love math. people say i am very smart in the math area. well i always get good grades in math so why not be a math teacher when i grow up.I really would love the job of a math teacher, just like you Mr. Byrd.

Pardeep_123 said...

everyone please vote on my polls and comment my blog. please. check it out.

monica iz smily see:-) said...

i agree with Ramandeep and Haresh i would also like to be a Physical Education Teacher because i really know how to make hard exercise really fun and easy so yeah i really like to be a Physical Education Teacher. for my school job!!!!!!!!!!

Mr.Byrd said...

I think being a math teacher is a great job. Some people think it's boring, but math is used in everyday life!

Christine Beharry said...

I would be kindergarden, pre-k or 1st grade teacher. I have more patience with younger kids. That would be very easy and it won't be boring.

Christine Beharry said...

A math teacher isn't a job for me.
I will get bored and so will the students.

Christine Beharry said...

Did anyone notice the mistake in the yearbook?

Christine Beharry said...

Go to page 41 in your yearbook. You will see Ms.Vanbenschoten's class. Then go to page 42. Look at Ms.Berry's class. It has the same picture as Ms.Vanbenschoten's class but the names are different.
Ms. Berry's class isn't there.


Christine Beharry said...
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Christine Beharry said...
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Pardeep_123 said...

if i dont get to be a math teacher, i would want to be a writing teacher. I love to write. some of the writing lessons are so much fun. I love writing poetry, mysteries, memoirs, and newspapers. It can be very fun once you write. I love to write aabout different topics. i also get good grades in writing. I really love to write poetry about my favorite people, and things i like.

here is a poem written by me:

My favorite person
She was my favorite
We always stayed together
like sisters
We were always sharing secrets
And wore the same clothes
We used to be perfect
But suddenly she disappeared
And left me my heart alone
She left me in darkness
With a bowl full of sadness

i love to write tooo.

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

christine r said.....

if i could work in a school, i would be a music teacher. i mean, i just l-o-v-e music! i love hip hop, r&b, pop, alternative, country, rock, punk, and all that good stuff.

tareeq said...

if i worked in the school my job would be to be a person who delivers stuff to other teachers. I would go around that giving people there mail and to give people any packeges that they wanted. i would also take any thing that other teachers want an give it to the teachers that need it . it is like a delivery person.

(!_!) (@_@) (#_#) ($_$) (%_%) (^_^) (&_&) (*_*)

Christine B. said...

Check out my blog at www.christinebeharry5.blogspot.com.


It's new and completly different.
I did it over.

Adrianna said...

If i worked at a school, I would be a principal. This is because I be like the president of a country or a ruler of the land. I'll try to makethe best environment I possibly can for my staff and students. I'll try to be more fun, than strict.

Anonymous said...

Hnmm,I don't think that working at a school would be a job for me.If I was working at a school I would be a lunch aid.=]