Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

What do you plan to do for Mother's Day?
What are your favorite memories of your mother or other family members?

It's in the Details!

Your memoir should take the reader to those moments in time.
How can you do that if you don't give us details!

Try using the five senses to bring the memory back to the present!
What sounds, smells, and other senses can you tell us about?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Leads and Endings

A good memoir has a good lead!
Think of how your memoir should start and write your first sentences here!

Then think of the last sentence. Share it with us!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Have You Changed?

One way to think about ideas for a memoir is to think about your own character traits.
How have you changed?
Now think about a memory or memories that have caused this change.

Monday, May 5, 2008


We can publish your podcasts here!

1. Register for free at
2. Create a short audio file and upload it to
You can call your file in by phone!
3. Then post the link to your file here. (My link is at the bottom of this post.)

If you want to create an audio file on your computer, you will need a
If you need recording software, provides free recording software.

You will then have to download the free MP3 encoder.

Here's the link to my podcast:

Memories That Made You

Describe a memory and explain how it made you what you are today (in some way).
Did you think differently back then? How so?
How did that time change you? Add to your life?

When I look back at pictures, I remember how I used to be - and how I've changed since those pictures...

That's one technique