Thursday, May 29, 2008


We're in the final stretch of memoirs. Please try to have your best version completed so they can be handed in for a grade.
Try to have them typed and saved so you can edit them in class.
If you save them in googledocs, you can edit them in class without having a memory flash drive.
To put your memoir into googledocs:
Just go to - use your gmail account and paste or type in your memoir.
Then you can access it from any computer without saving it on a flash drive. You can also also "share" it with others. I would like to do this so we can edit each other's work on the computer!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
What will you need to do to get there?

What are your other choices?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Comic Strip!

Turn your memoir into a comic strip!
What were you missing?
Make sure you have all of the description you need to "paint the picture."

Give us a few sentences of good description from your memoir!

What scares you?

People who vote but haven't examined any facts!
That is scary to me.

What scares you?
(Be careful - I did not ask
"What would scare you?")