Friday, April 11, 2008

Misty, Water-Colored Memories at PS161Q

What are your favorite memories of class this year (or before)?

Which moments would you like to forget?

(Christine R.'s idea)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings

Poetry is a great way to get out your feelings.
Think about a time when you experienced some emotion.
How did you feel?

How does it feel when you're anticipating a party or vacation?
How does it feel when you accomplish a goal?
How does it feel when someone insults you?

Insult by Mr. Byrd

An insult is a swift slap
burning my cheeks as my head hangs low
shoulders hunched
doubting myself

Why can't I let it go?
an insult is a sharpened arrow
straight to my heart,
straight to my thoughts
and it's nagging me again

An insult pounces
and I am thrown down
waiting for the strength to stand

I hear a call -
a dependable friend of mine
I bet that insult will soon
drift off like a blue balloon escaping from a child's hand

Share your feelings and good times, bad times, etc.!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Adjectives: Happy Versus Joyous

Here is a challenge:

Let's share adjectives that we could put into our poems.
Keep in mind:
Each adjective should be new and interesting.
Each adjective should fit smoothly into the poem when read aloud.

Good luck!
Here's one from me:

The malicious night took over the sunset

More With Metaphors

I saw some great metaphors on the other post!
Keep it up!
Remember, metaphors compare two things. Try this format:

Now fill in the blanks! Here's an example:

Joy is a
sleek surfboard
riding on white-capped waves,
balancing beautifully between the ocean floor and sky

See what I mean? I could now keep going with my metaphor, or I could find new ones for joy. Try it out!

**Did you notice the alliteration?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Join Our Blog

Check out comments to each entry!
I have posted a picture of a place that inspires me.
Can you guess where it is?

Similes, Metaphors, Imagery, Oh My!

Write down your best metaphor, simile, etc....

Here's one of mine:

The tiger pounced as quickly as an arrow
towards the unsuspecting rabbit
waiting like the deserts waits for the rain

Monday, April 7, 2008

Welcome to Blogging!

Why should we use blogging as a class?
What skills do you think you will use when blogging?

Advertisement for a Friend

What qualities do you look for in a friend?

I think it's important for a friend to be supportive.
When I want to do something different, I want my friends to say,
"It's worth a try!" or "Go for it!" I don't like people who scoff or discourage me in any way.

What do you look for in a friend?