Saturday, April 19, 2008

Vacation Time

What are you doing with yourself?
Take a good book with you on your travels...
If you like to write, don't forget that pad and pencil!

New posts will be arriving in bunches from time to time...

Friday, April 18, 2008

What Excites You?

Describe what makes you happy, excited, thrilled, etc.?

Post your feelings!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pet Peeves

Here's an interesting topic: Pet Peeves...

What little things irritate you?

Here's one of mine: shredded lettuce!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Who's Special?

Who is special to you?
Why? Submit a poem or even just some thoughts...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's Rhyme Time!

Can you think of two lines that rhyme?
Can you make a poem that makes sense and has rhythm?

on the weekend
flying high
to the beach
to see the sky

no clouds today
the waves are white
I'll dream of this day
when I get home tonight

Remember - use sounds that are easy to rhyme!
use the alphabet plus: br, bl, cr, chr, dr, fr, fl, gr, etc.
Try to use more that one syllable...

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Special Place

Imagine a perfect place or a place where you can escape your troubles and worries!
Use the five senses to describe it! Post a poem or just some thoughts about it!

Here is a poem I wrote after imaging a place:

Hiding Place

In a bubble on the bottom
of the smooth floor
of the salty sea

the currents caress the hairs on the back
of my neck, diving and swirling against my skin

tiny capsules of air dance euphorically
rising beyond my view
toward the light

I can float to the surface
as the light gets brighter
and I break through
to the scent of mangoes

I am home