Friday, June 27, 2008

Summer is Here! Hello July!

The last day was tough for some of you. I hope you have a great summer.

I spent the last day at the beach, swimming in the ocean. I thought it was a great way to start the summer right.

What exciting things are you doing this July?
(I thnk I'm going to be working!)


Christine B. said...



Christine B. said...

I don't really know nothing much.


Haresh said...

In July I am going on vacation and having a fourth of july party. What are you all doing

Japneet said...

Well I am going to India on July 15 and cumin back on August 28th
I am going to india after 7 years
can't wait!!!
Yesterday i went to six flags it was sooo much fun
well sum of it said...

Hi everyone I miss all u guys! Anyway,I might move to Virgina this July, if I dont I am going to MS 72 with my friends! LUV U -Tina said...

Hi Christine, Haresh, and Japneet!
It feels so weird to not hear my alarm clock go off a 7:00am but I wake up then anyway and read till someone else wakes up! What about u?

Haresh said...


Haresh said...

I am going to florida july 9-15 i think. But at home it is soooooo boring. BBl. BTW I CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL NEXT YEAR

Gurpreet said...

i miss all my friends especially pardeep and japnett they are tge most people i miss so far
and the onky
but i miss evryone else
but i miss my true best friends
i hate to leave my friends
i just want to be close to them
i love u guyz!!!!!

Gurpreet said...

visit my blogs you guys

oh and i am going to india or englnad

and next week i am going to pennsylvania and i am stating there for a week or so
i miss ps161q!!!!

espescally since i have been there since pre kindergarten

Pardeep_123 said...

omg..i am very busy this month. my cousin brothers wedding is on July 11. its going to be in Indianapolis. but we have to get everything organized. my families from India, england and Bombay are coming g tomorrow. i cant believe it my grandfather is coming too after four years i think. but we have many special ceremonies before we the wedding, in our house. so its time to clean up.

well this summer i am going to six flags, dorney park and splish splash. i might go to India this summer too. i am dieing to go. well my sumemr is full lfof exitment.

Pardeep_123 said...

i am really missing my friends, japneet, and gurpreet. i wiss the school walls and the crowded hallways. i really miss my whole class. we were like a big family who always supported each other. I am really despret tomeet all of u guys.

Mr.Byrd said...

Hi everyone! I am working at ps161 this summer! Ah! Then I will go away somewhere. I have been going to the beach, though!

Les_29 said...

heiii everyone i miss you all sooooooo much! Hii Mr.Byrd what are u up to this summer? Well im going to dominican republic an having a whole lot of fun. I cant believe its all over i just want to go back and see all your faces again. Someone should throw a 6th grade reunion party that would be cool!! Well i miss u all!!

Jessica said...

Hey! I miss u guys SOOOOOOO much. The exciting things that i am gonna do this July is go to Disney Land and I am coming back in August. In August when i come back i will go to Six Flags, Coney Island, Hershey Park, and Doney Park. For now I am having barbeques and pool parties. That is what i will do in the summer.

Japneet said...

I can't wait!!!

In one or two weeks i am goin to india.

soo cant wait

really miss all of you ppl

And remeber we still r a great big family like we were

Kadijah said...

Hey guy its me Kadijah I miss all of you especially Crazy girl leslie nd otha people like Gurpreet nd ect......

Dayshawn said...

I miss you guys so much it's been really hard trying make some good jokes without seeing your faces but me and my family might be going somewhere very exciting I hope it is

LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!

Dayshawn said...

I miss you guys so much it's been really hard trying make some good jokes without seeing your faces but me and my family might be going somewhere very exciting I hope it is

LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s how are you doing Sarita my phone does'nt work right now i'll call you soon

Les_29 said...

heiiii everyone its me crazy girl leslie just like Kadijah said. Im leaving in just 14 days to DR and i cant wait because i havent gone in 5 years!!! Well ill keep in touch even while im over there! Love all of u!!!!

Christine B. said...


I'm having a great summer!!!!

Christine B. said...

Mr.Byrd are you going to do this with your class this September?

Adrianna said...

for july, i'm doing nothing. ii hate camp!!!!!! YMCA!! I mean, who calls people bossing u around fun??????????

Gurpreet said...

i miss all ya guyz!!!!!!!!
visit ma blog pleae
i got new posts up!!!
if u visit mine
i will visit urs for sure!!!!

mr. byrd can u pleaze visit ma blogggggggg!!!!!!!!111

Christine B. said...


Les_29 said...

heiii everyone happy 4th of july. Im goin to see the fireworks in manhattan. Its gonna be AWESOME!!!!! well bye!!

Christine B. said...

I'm going to Florida this month.

tina:) said...

OMG! My parents will let me go to Club Gettaway in Conneticut after we visit our cousins in Virgina!( If I survive my cousins)

Les_29 said...

heii everyone its really late at night but i wanted to say hi. Hope you guys are having an awsome summer have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ramandeep said...

I cant wait!!! im goin 2 italy on monday

IM goin on business class plane of KLM.

Haresh said...

I am goin 2 florida in 2 days I can't wait I will my cuz after 3 years hope all is well with u all. keep in touch. peace!!!!!

Christine B. said...

Tina what part of Virginia? I'm going the July 26. When are you?

Jessica said...



Adrianna said...

please blog at:

Les_29 said...

heii everyone what are u up to? Im going to DR in just 1 week I cant wait!!!! I hope everyone is having an awesome summer!! See ya!!

Pardeep_123 said...

omg..i am really going to miss my best friends...i am goung to indianapolis rite know....i am sdoooooooooooooo exited
its my cousin bros wedding...cant wait...

andrea__m said...

Hii everyone l miss you guys so much nd l cant wait to see u guys
l have been busy with work from the young womens leadership school that l will be going to next year
l especalli mizz my friends like leslie nd kadijah and the class
even mr.byrd
and mrs.hazzard
love Andrea Menzies

Anonymous said...

Mr.Byrd-Umm,are you teaching summer school?

Anonymous said...

Aww,I miss everone right now.Hnmm,I guess this is what it feels like to have graduated.Yeah,to be honest it feels crappy.=[

Adrianna said...

catholic school has 2 many rules from wat i heard. i don't wanna go!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

wat is up peeps how u doin i mizz u guyz i actually mizz skool 'nd u guyz i really don't know y, i mizz skool but i truly mizz u guyz 'nd mii summer iz boring cauze nothin' iz making mii happy 'nd u guyz r my only hope 2 make mii happy.

keep in touch guyz
'nd Hey Mr.Byrd
mizz u
love ur gurl m0n!c@

bribri96 said...

I'm sad!!! I really miss everyone so much! The girls at my new school are snobs! Plus, they are much taller and larger than me, I feel like I'm about to be jumped whenever I turn around! Run for my bunny life!!! :) Yah I have a very busy summer. I'm going to summer school, then to a Congressional Conference, then to a training for another conference, then to Washinton, then to Virginia, then to Florida. I get back on Spetember 1! Someone help me!!!! :( I just wanna sit in the air conditioner and be on the internet and talk to stupid people! But no, that ain't happening! *Grr*

Mr.Byrd said...

Hey everyone! It's so cool to hear about your exciting travels. Yes, Krystal, I am teaching summer school. It's not bad! (I hate getting up early, still!)

Christine B - Hm, I don't know if I'll do this with my class next year. I will only be teaching Math!

I can't believe Ramandeep is going to Italy! What's up with that?

I have been working and going to the beach on the weekends. The weather has been perfect - I just wear lots of sunscreen.

Well, keep enjoying the summer and have a blast!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

hey guyz wat iz up i thnk dat, dis month of July iz actually fun 'cause dis week I'm going 2 Coney Island which iz my favorite place since i was a little girl. then the other week I'm going 2 Atlantic City then just hanging wif friends!

Pardeep_123 said...

this summer is full of fun events. know that ma cousin brothers wedding is over, we are going to a lot of places. i even might go to my cousins wifes house in Indianapolis......the wedding was great......we spent a lot of money too. it was so much fun traveling in a hummer limo for 14 hours just to go to the wedding. it was in Indianapolis. this summer we are also going to six flags, dorney park, and splish splash. oh and we are going to the beach. cant wait.

natasha ;D said...

heii everybody I miss You all so much! I am having fun this summer. I am in Florida enjoying the nice sun going to the beach and such. Soon i will go to my house and my cuzin will spend the rest of her vacation there!!well i am having fun and enjoying the summer while it lasts for some reason to me time is going by real fast you know??

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

hi, i'm bored. oh and i'm having a horrible summer. i gotta go 2 skool for a summer session at G&T. somebody help me!!!!!!!!

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

i who wants 2 sing the campfire song wit me?

Anonymous said...

YUCK!summer school? Well,good luck.

Adrianna said...

omg! the summer is terrible. camp is killing me. I don't know anyone. Thank god my mom is taking me out tommorrw. but, i have to babysit my sister. i hate it! she sings "Forever" by chis brown non stop! her and her four friends, andrew, sean, mikayla and ASHLEY. torture!

Les_29 said...

hey everyone its me leslie im in dr. everyone over here says hi all my cousins and friends. Im having the best time of my life and i only have two weeks here!!!!! It is soooooo awesome over here!! Love ya all!

Christine B. said...

I just came back from Virginia. I had a great time!!! Who has summer school?

Anonymous said...

i remember some of you dudes when you were in the 4th grade. i graduated a ocuple years ago... and no Mr.Byrd i wasnt in your class, i was with Ms.Jones =]]

hmm.. ill leave now, this blog isnt for "old" kids lol

take care guys
P.S. 161 was the best elementary school out there.

Tr@v!$ said...

it waz my birthdizay on julizy 19
krystal what is your aim

Tr@v!$ said...

go to