Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day of School

I hope you all have a great first day of school.

I know it can be tough, but after a few days you'll get the hang of it for sure...
I have three new classes coming at me this Tuesday.

Good luck to everyone!


Christine B. said...

I can't believe school is starting. Summer Vacation went by fast. It only felt like a month to me. I want to go to the same school. I hate JHS 226. I wanted to go to JHS 72.

Haresh said...

Wow summer flew by man i hate it school came so fast cant belive im moving on to a bew school i am going to 226 too. my homeroom is 708. Keep in touch
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P E A C E!╔══╗♫

Anonymous said...

In a way I don't wanna go to my new school.Its pretty cool but not a lot of people are going.The only person who's going!
Mr.Byrd-Good luck this year.

Mr.Byrd said...

Thanks, Krys - I need it. I am just not feeling it this year. I'm sure my attitude will improve as soon as the students show up. I have three different classes this year!

Gurpreet said...

oh my god

i forgot all about sch0ol
i mean i forgot about how it fell slike to go bac to sch0ol

btw i am goignt o ms137
kepp in touch

Christine B. said...

i can't believe tomorrow's the first day of school

im going to 226

room 709

anyone in 709?

Pardeep_123 said...

omg..summer was so quick...i mean i had so much fun.....i am so nervous about school...i don't know how the teachers will be and i don't know if my friends r in my class. my school starts on Wednesday.....i have never been that nervous before...

i wish everyone good luck on there first day of school...

Anonymous said...

Mr.Byrd-Are you going to tell your new class(s) about our blogspot thingy?

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

i had fun

Christine B. said...

Today was crazy. I only saw a few people I knew. The school is huge. I got lost a few times.

Naresh,Haresh,Brandon,Jaswansingh and Tiffany are the only people I saw from P.S.161.

A lot of people are from P.S.100(the school I went to before). So I knew a lot of people. It was ok bou crazy.

Adrianna said...

i'm starting school tommorrow. it starts at 7:55! and i have to get up like at 6:00! i can't do that! when i went to ps.161q, i got up at 7:30! and this school, is strict. private school STRICT. ANDYOU ALL NO HOW LATE I AM. right?

Kiranpreet said...

School was great! I had a great time. The first day didn't feel like school at all. Everything was new, but I enjoyed my classes. No one from our school is in my class but I still had an awesome time!! What about You????????

Japneet said...

well yesterday was my first day of school and it was ok but all i have to tell you was that it was boring because we did no work and we were all just sitting there like idiots.
hi mr. byrd was up,
good luck this year
well all i know about school is that its gonn be cool and pardeep sits right next to me in every class
today they gave us vocabulary homework it was mad hard there were words i didn't know so used the index to find the definitions. and pardeep and i were stuck one #3 while everyone else was finished.
people who came to my school that i noe:
#1 pardeep
#2 dilpreet
#3 lovepreet EWWWWWWWWWWW!!

Adrianna said...

my school is torture. the only good thing is we get our own desks and we have a half day for the rest of the week. and i have too friends. what kind of name is marvin for a girl? wierd. anyway, miss ps.161q! everyone. oh, christine b., i can't believe you! why didn't you tell me???

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

christine r said....

i like my new school. Ms72 GT is awesome. plus, i have no hw today. my teachers are really nice. i have tons of friends. of course it could never take the place of ps161, but we can't go back to our elementary days.

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

christine r said...

oh, have any of u guys seen Krystal or Leslie. they are suppose to come to MS72, but they haven't been here all week

Christine B. said...

Adrianna- idk i just couldnt ok

were u suprised

Anonymous said...

Hey Everybody!
By the way I'm currently going to ms.210.

Adrianna said...

Yes christine b! I was so surprised! because whenever i asked you, you just didn't say anything.

Tr@v!$ said...

hey mr. byrd, good luck! this is travis and tell mrs, shulman i said hi and i will visit soon. hi my old classmates

Tr@v!$ said...

krissy, darshan is there too

Anonymous said...


yeah I know drashawn is there too.

Tr@v!$ said...

i know that you know that i know that u know that i know darshan is there, you know yo!
Sorry about that, it's just sad to leave 161. Great things took place from September 4th to June 26the minute i boarded that plane. The great thing atleast is that everyone has some form of contact thanks to Mr. Byrd

Tr@v!$ said...

aim krystal, need the aim

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mahomudur rahman said...

i hate my new school lot of kids with problems but not all
i cant belive i have to carry all my books around
I MISS 161