Is summer over? Say it ain't so! I was in the ocean on Sunday and it was chilly. What are we all going to do when it gets cold? Spend as much time outside as possible!
hey mr. byrd, i took stupid iq test online yesterday that might not be efficient and received 132. they tried to trick me into buying stuff but i refused to.
Well I'm sorry to hear your teachers are "mean." I have heard that teaching middle school is worse than elem. and high school. Those are tough years for kids.
Travis - you mean the IQ test might not be *accurate*? Well, go with it, that's a great score, and you don't really need to know it. There are many types of intelligence, so those tests only measure part.
Enjoy your days off! I will; I think I'll take a nap!
Well, you can be the smart one in that class or have a challenge in the other class...If you need to boost your average, you may want to stay in the easier class, so your overall numbers go up. Wait until high school, when the math really gets insane!
mr. byrd what do you mean by insane? I should have been in the lowest class so my grades would be really,really,really good. I dont like arp. I liked it last year when they didnt do this stuff. Its not easy being in a class room when everyone is just as smart as you are. Thank God im not in the best class. Imagine the work and homework. OMG!!
Haresh- did you see the new part of the school yet. Its alot better. Ms.Forte said like a few years ago somebody set the school on fire. An 8th grader. Do you like spanish? I think Mr.Hernandez gives too much homework. He's short.
Haresh-Monday like 3 times someone pulled the fire thing. I dont know if they realize that there are cameras in the school. I wonder who did it. Do you know?
wat iz up guys its mee ur favorite funny silly girl M0n!c@ how r u guys doing including Mr.Byrd. mini skool iz crazy people getting into trouble everyday and mii class is da best class in the school because of some reason do teachers that we have like or think my class is quite and that we control ourselves but when we r with r homeroom teacher we drive her crazy and she's really cool she gives us treats while we're taking a test. And the best part is the we only get test on Fridays. The funny part is that since Leslie and i are in the same skool she acts a little bit crazy and she lykes to ambrass herself in front people she barly doesnt know. its just to funny well i will talk to you guyz later peace out!!!!!!!!
hi again - Math is insane after middle school because you get into trigonometry and more algebra. You'll see! A reunion? Don't you guys all get dropped off in front of 161 anyway?
I was able to go to a technology expo/conference today at a museum. It made me want to incorporate technology more this year!
mr. byrd- what are you talking about? i have to take the bus the Q10 and the Q8. Who are you talking about? "A reunion? Don't you guys all get dropped off in front of 161 anyway?" ??????????????????????
mr.byrd- what's trigonometry? When do we learn that. It sounds really boring even the name is boring. Really trigonometry. Math has some weird names for stuff. What's wrong with those people. Why is math so boring?
OMG! 2day, I made a mistake and called my math teacher "mr. byrd!" because I needed help on math problem. And he's like old! And he said, "What? You think I look like a bird!" And then he made bird noises. It was funny , but I miss thee old teachers =(!
There's this wierd boy in our class. Let's just say, he's like a certain someone who used to be in Mr. Davis'sclass. He has black nail polish and is mean. He told this poluar girl in our class, "Man, you so uggly. Maybe you should copy me." And then he walked away!
heyy guys, Adrianna what you said about that kid in your class made me laughing down to the floor i cant belive he actually said that to that girl. Anyways hii Mr.Byrd how are you doing and the other teachers is your crazy and weirder then the kids from last cause how's ever in your class makes your class a hard-head. Plus how is Ms.Hazzard can you tell i said hii! (I might visit you guys maybe on Halloween, so prepare for my presents,lol ;+>)
adrianna- i want to punch that could 4 what reason, i dont know! Mr. Byrd i do not get dropped off at 161 because i do not live close, i take the q111 Christine and Monica- Hi!
omg....hey guys...i miss u guys so much.. this year is not fun at all...when people said 6th grade is the last year of freedom..i didn't believe them.. but now i byrd how is ur new sixth grade class...?
hey hows life. hi pardeep. hows your new school. mr. byrd hows your new class now? like every day theres a fight in the cafeteria. its really crazy and theres always food all over the place.
Hey! School is strange. Mr. Byrd, once I made a mistake calling my math teacher mr. byrd, and he starting making fun of it, and then today a bird was stuck outside the window because it's wing broke, and than a kid said, 'ADRIANNA? WAS THAT THE MR. BYRD YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT?'
yeah! That really did happen christine! his name was joesph, but he lieks people calling him jondanna. Once, I asked him why he changed his name, and he said, "because i wanted to. it's sounds much better. now, i got to go. toodles!' wierd...
i'm making my return 2 ps161 soon and tomorrow i have 5 test in the subjects math, english vocab like PSAT's, science, spanish and a hospital test. my class went 2 queens hospital for 2 weeks 2 learn about all sorts of things, well i will be studying
Wow, Travis... that is impressive...the more exposure you have to real life, the more you'll learn and the more you'll be inspired! Work hard so you can go to a great school and then hire me when I'm ready to retire! (I require a six-week vacation)
tell her i said hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
hey mr. byrd, i took stupid iq test online yesterday that might not be efficient and received 132. they tried to trick me into buying stuff but i refused to.
hey travis and mr.byrd. hows life. i have too much h.w. to do.
as do i christine, boo! hoo!
lol man it getting cold school is ok im at 226 arp math is easy we are having mostly what you tought us mr.byrd
yeah haresh is right but our math teacher is mean.
my math teacha is just like Mr. Byrd, Cool, Smart & Hilarious, he is 1 of 3 teachers who actually know our name.
thats not fair travis
I feel like having a 2008 class reunion party!
good idea krystal
hey krys and chris, how is life i am close to 161 now, a renunion sounds awesome
hey travis and krystal
hi christine
wait who is your math teacher i got Mr.wood
haresh were you talkin to me or christine, my teacher is Mr. John although I call him Johnny
i got mr.wood too. Haresh
He's mean
Well I'm sorry to hear your teachers are "mean." I have heard that teaching middle school is worse than elem. and high school. Those are tough years for kids.
Travis - you mean the IQ test might not be *accurate*? Well, go with it, that's a great score, and you don't really need to know it. There are many types of intelligence, so those tests only measure part.
Enjoy your days off! I will; I think I'll take a nap!
Ahh,i think the kids in my class are,well how do i say this?
Well, you can be the smart one in that class or have a challenge in the other class...If you need to boost your average, you may want to stay in the easier class, so your overall numbers go up. Wait until high school, when the math really gets insane!
Mr. byrd could you host a reunion for us at 161?
Thanks for the advice Mr.Byrd!
mr. byrd what do you mean by insane? I should have been in the lowest class so my grades would be really,really,really good. I dont like arp. I liked it last year when they didnt do this stuff. Its not easy being in a class room when everyone is just as smart as you are. Thank God im not in the best class. Imagine the work and homework. OMG!!
LOL.......skool is funny but kinnda easy the meanset teacher i have is LA
christine- do not be so evil
krystal-wave to darshan for me and some people have aim here, you know instant messanger
haresh- how is school?
Haresh- no ms.forte's nice. Mr. Wood is the meanest teacher we have. Do you have band,chorus or drama. Who's your homeroom teacher?
Hey travis, Krystal,Mr.byrd and other people.
Haresh- did you see the new part of the school yet. Its alot better. Ms.Forte said like a few years ago somebody set the school on fire. An 8th grader. Do you like spanish? I think Mr.Hernandez gives too much homework. He's short.
Haresh-OMG lunch was like the worst ever.Mr. Possner cannot sing. I thought my ears were going to bleed.
Haresh-Monday like 3 times someone pulled the fire thing. I dont know if they realize that there are cameras in the school. I wonder who did it. Do you know?
arp math is easy but mr.wood can put me to sleep. He keeps talking and talking. He's just so boring.
wat iz up guys its mee ur favorite funny silly girl M0n!c@ how r u guys doing including Mr.Byrd. mini skool iz crazy people getting into trouble everyday and mii class is da best class in the school because of some reason do teachers that we have like or think my class is quite and that we control ourselves but when we r with r homeroom teacher we drive her crazy and she's really cool she gives us treats while we're taking a test. And the best part is the we only get test on Fridays. The funny part is that since Leslie and i are in the same skool she acts a little bit crazy and she lykes to ambrass herself in front people she barly doesnt know. its just to funny well i will talk to you guyz later peace out!!!!!!!!
maybe it is naresh, just a joke
lol............. i waz laughin he cant sing at all.............i din't know sum1 pulled the fire drill
omg haresh u have him. im switching again. Mercy said that he does. He's weird. I feel sorry for you.
haresh-yeah ms.nepal told my class.
hi again - Math is insane after middle school because you get into trigonometry and more algebra. You'll see!
A reunion? Don't you guys all get dropped off in front of 161 anyway?
I was able to go to a technology expo/conference today at a museum. It made me want to incorporate technology more this year!
mr. byrd- what are you talking about? i have to take the bus the Q10 and the Q8. Who are you talking about? "A reunion? Don't you guys all get dropped off in front of 161 anyway?"
mr.byrd- what's trigonometry? When do we learn that. It sounds really boring even the name is boring. Really trigonometry. Math has some weird names for stuff. What's wrong with those people. Why is math so boring?
OMG! 2day, I made a mistake and called my math teacher "mr. byrd!" because I needed help on math problem. And he's like old! And he said, "What? You think I look like a bird!" And then he made bird noises. It was funny , but I miss thee old teachers =(!
There's this wierd boy in our class. Let's just say, he's like a certain someone who used to be in Mr. Davis'sclass. He has black nail polish and is mean. He told this poluar girl in our class, "Man, you so uggly. Maybe you should copy me." And then he walked away!
Adrianna- really? Are you serious. OMG. Thats just weird. are you serious about the guy. Really. ?????????????????????????????? OMG
You have weird people at your school.
Heyyyyyyy mr.byrd, travis and other people.
heyy guys, Adrianna what you said about that kid in your class made me laughing down to the floor i cant belive he actually said that to that girl. Anyways hii Mr.Byrd how are you doing and the other teachers is your crazy and weirder then the kids from last cause how's ever in your class makes your class a hard-head. Plus how is Ms.Hazzard can you tell i said hii! (I might visit you guys maybe on Halloween, so prepare for my presents,lol ;+>)
adrianna- i want to punch that could 4 what reason, i dont know!
Mr. Byrd i do not get dropped off at 161 because i do not live close, i take the q111
Christine and Monica- Hi!
adrianna by could i meant kid
omg....hey guys...i miss u guys so much.. this year is not fun at all...when people said 6th grade is the last year of freedom..i didn't believe them.. but now i byrd how is ur new sixth grade class...?
hey hows life. hi pardeep. hows your new school. mr. byrd hows your new class now? like every day theres a fight in the cafeteria. its really crazy and theres always food all over the place.
heyyyyyyyyyyy people.
im bored
heyyyyyyyyyyy people.
im bored
Hey. Everyone in the class is nice - no real big problems. It is a little frustrating trying to get a response sometimes, though!
Trigonometry is strange - so is algebra sometimes - look it up on google! Your brain will explode!
Mon - I will tell Ms. Hazzard you said hello. I saw her today, but ordinarily I don't have much time to talk to any adults.
Thursday, a famous baseball player is going to be principal for the day. He was rookie of the year in 1983...
So many homework issues this year.. I'm glad I don't get too upset about it. I am trying to let them play more games online.,, etc...
Hey! School is strange. Mr. Byrd, once I made a mistake calling my math teacher mr. byrd, and he starting making fun of it, and then today a bird was stuck outside the window because it's wing broke, and than a kid said, 'ADRIANNA? WAS THAT THE MR. BYRD YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT?'
yeah! That really did happen christine! his name was joesph, but he lieks people calling him jondanna. Once, I asked him why he changed his name, and he said, "because i wanted to. it's sounds much better. now, i got to go. toodles!' wierd...
HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mr.byrd- whats the baseball player's name? why is going to be principal for the day?
Darryl Strawberry. We had a great time today. He visited classrooms and spoke in the auditorium. He signed a baseball for me. It was cool, I must say.
hi everyone my marking period ends tomorrow
i'm making my return 2 ps161 soon and tomorrow i have 5 test in the subjects math, english vocab like PSAT's, science, spanish and a hospital test. my class went 2 queens hospital for 2 weeks 2 learn about all sorts of things, well i will be studying
Wow, Travis... that is impressive...the more exposure you have to real life, the more you'll learn and the more you'll be inspired! Work hard so you can go to a great school and then hire me when I'm ready to retire!
(I require a six-week vacation)
you require a 6 week vacation?
christine b-guess what? i saw you! lol
adrianna-uhhh,the kid that your talking about reminds me of someone in mr.davis class [last year]...his name began with a ''n''
hey everyone!!!
i rEALly Miss YoU GuYS Alot !!!!
GooD LucK in YOur NeW sCHOoLs!!!
HEYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PEOPLE.
I HATE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi! i hate my stupid schhol. i miss ms. shulman and mr. byrd. tiffany said hi. she forgot her gmail.
Adrianna-tiffany in our class.
how do you talk to her?
tell her i said hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
yes, I require a long vacation! there is nothing like it! Unfortunately, it's not the way to make money...
hi everybody!
Mr. Byrd- after all the pep talk u hav givin me, now i feel like you are my conscience.
i wish i had a long vacation [from school]
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