Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 9th - First Day of School was it?


Anonymous said...

1st day of school was horrible!! i dont know anyone in my class and we have like 10 classes to get to on time and i dont even know where to go. the kids are mean and theres sooo much work to do i miss p.s.161q so badly i wish i was a 6th grader again

. said...
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Mr.Byrd said...
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Mr.Byrd said...

Well well well, Vandie, tell us how you really feel. Sorry to hear - hopefully it will get better. I have heard nothing but good things from former classmates. Make sure you join clubs or sports if you can, everybody!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Byrd.How are you? I don't see you much around the school anymore.

My first day of school was great...well that's only cause I already know the school.The only part I don't like about being a senior is that you have to go through that whole emotional crap-about leaving your friends && starting High School.SMH.
How are the new kids? Are they giving you a hard time? && when I began 8th grade I saw some of the students that graduated after us.
Anyways,have a good year with the newbies && teach em well-cause when they get to middle school its a completely different environment.The teachers don't bother to help you pass-if you mess up you fail.The part I hate the most is the hallways-they are packed.However,I manage to find my way to class on time-yelling and pushing people help. ;]

karishma_1996 said...

First day of school was ok. We didn't really do anything. I wanted to come and visit all of my teachers but everyone in ms.72 gets out at 3:17. By the time I use the metro bus and get home from school it's 4:30. So yeah it takes me 1 hour to just get home from school. On the first day of school I couldn't wait for 2:40 then when I notice that it is past 2:40 I wanted to know if the teacher doesn't know that it's past 2:40. When I asked the girls across from me what time do we get out from school she said 3:17 I was like oh my god. My book bag is so heavy. Every single Friday we are having a test. Right now I'm doing a project on Satellites.

Mr.Byrd said...

Krissy - great to hear from you! I hope to see you soon. School is okay right now - quiet and dull but things will pick up. good luck this year!

Mr.Byrd said...

Karishma - good to hear from you, too! I'm sure you'll do great this year. 3:17 is too late!!!

karishma_1996 said...

Mr.Byrd- Well, I hope that I do great this year. My math teacher told me that I am doing good in math. I got a 92% on one math test and then on my other math test for my other teacher I got a 90%. Also we took our first reading test last week Friday an guess what.... I got the highest score in the class. I am so proud of myself. So how are you doing?

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

Hey mr.byrd. i don't know if you remember us, but its Christine R and Anniesha. 8th grade is horrible. we already got projects due. sigh, we really miss 161, but we don't supppose we can come back. n e ways, i hope you're liking your new sixth grade class.

p.s:i can't believe you let the other 6th graders use our blog!!!

James67 said...

Vandita its that bad? Oh and no one uses this thing. Its been a long time sice.

. said...
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Daisy said...

hi mr. byrd

Anonymous said...

hi mr.byrd i really miss 161 ms 137 is so hard i am in an arp class which is the gifted and talented class i dont know how i ended up in there but the work is soo hard and my math teacher is soooo stuck up not as nice and funny like you were. i understood you when you taught me and i did get the work but when my math teacher tells me something it comes in and out of the other ear and she makes math seem so boring!!

James67 said...
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Haresh said...
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Haresh said...

Hey Mr. Byrd its been a while. How are things at 161? How are you?

Im very Busy! This is my final year at middle school and this is goning to be hard! This year i get an oportunity to take the early regents (science & math). I also plan on taking the spelized high school test. Im looking foward to visting when i have time. I like my school but high school? I wont know anyone it will. Well.....wait the other sixth graders are using this site =0.nooooooo! Xd oh well! See you soon- Haresh (a good student!)

thamina said...

Hi, Mr.Byrd so far school was great. I passed all of my exams with 95 or above. I am getting my reportcard this tuesday. All I know so far is that my average for math this semester is 100%. And my average for health is 95%

madogyarielle said...

hi Mr.Byrd Tell Mrs.Shulman i miss her so =)

Daisy said...

hey mr. byrd you remember me, how are you? Its been so long since I've gone to ps 161. Hope everything is good over there.

karishma_1996 said...

Hi Mr.Byrd how are you doing? Well I have good news. I was in the academy which is called Law and Justice and my teacher told me that she is moving me into Gifted and Talented. I am so happy. She told me that I am an outstanding student. Also my average was 81.22%,my teacher told my dad that I was suppose to get a 90% average but since I did not take part in gym my average went down. Well any ways how do you like your new sixth graders?

wilberthewild1 said...

hey long time 7th grade is good but hard i got promoted to gifted and talented and math is easier and gt give alot of hw tho but im glad i listen in ur class mr byrd thank you.

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