Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010 - Back to School, etc.

Any plans for the new year?


karishma_1996 said...

Well I don't have any plans for the new year, trying to practice for the ela test. So far in M.S.72 the teachers don't really give us ELA practice. Well how is everything in P.S.161.Q.

James67 said...

Finally you made another blogging thing. People have'nt really been writing on here. But I also have no plans for the New Year. In school we are just reading a book called the outsiders. Something bad happened in aRP. my class took a test for science and when we were done someone wrote all the answers my techer said out on a piece of paper and gave it to the next class. The kids that got it were getting U's and N's for science and for some reason they got a 100% on the test. So my teacher got suspicous found the paper with the answers and now we have to suffer. We have to take a whole new test and harder.

James67 said...

NOOOO tommorows the last day of the weekend

Mr.Byrd said...

that is a cool, story, James

Mr.Byrd said...

PS 161Q is cool - no problems to report. We are just trying to prepare for the tests and I am trying to learn a thing or too. You can always find ELA practice online. Type in ELA New York State 7th grade, etc...
Good luck! You have lots of time to prepare

James67 said...

healthy hair? who are you

karishma_1996 said...

Hi Mr.Byrd thank you.

. said...
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Mr.Byrd said...

hi there!

Mr.Byrd said...

hey Vandie - I hope things are going better for you!

James - that hair thing is an ad!

Mr.Byrd said...

from Ms. Shulman -so, what's up? I i can imagine that you are doing great, as deserved.....enjoy your day off toorrow....paredon the typos.

. said...
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Daisy said...

hey mr. byrd its been a long time since ive seen you or stepped into PS.161. On thursday i got my report card and my average was a 95 which means im on the principals list. im so happy about it, although i do admit that it would have been great to have had a 96 or something like that. But a 95 is good right? well Mr. Byrd take careand keep being the great and awsome teacher you are!

Mr.Byrd said...

Hey Daisy! Great job! 95 is amazing!!!!!!

PrincessDiana said...

Hi Mr. Byrd I got a 94.67 which is pretty close to a 95 but I'm still on the Principals List

Anastasia said...

My plans for the new year are to get a better grade in my classes. I'm aiming for 90's and above (: The thing is I'm not good in science or social studies. They are my weak subject. In math and language arts I am fine. Also spanish :/

James67 said...

I got a 86.14% on the second marking period so i went up 6.14 points.im trying to get a 90 or more maybe in the thrid. Im pretty mad right now too. we were supposed to go on a trip a few months ago but we couldnt go to the destination though we did leave on the bus. My teacher gave the money but we could not not see the show. So we left. Now my teacher is trying to get all the money back. This is about $1400 we trying to get back so i am waiting. My teacher is possibly taking this this to court and the board of ed. but i know the way she is talking to them we are definatly getting the money back. But dont spread the word just telling you guys.

PrincessDiana said...

James, did that really happened WOW!!!

James67 said...

Yeah i did get a 86.14 on my report card

PrincessDiana said...

Good Job James!!!

James67 said...

Spring Break

karishma_1996 said...

Hi how is everything? I am wondering if the world is going to really end in 2012. Do you believe in this? I am really worried. Well any way hopefully it is not. I have been reading many articles on this and most of them are saying that the world is really going to end. I just don't know how to stop thinking about this.

Mr.Byrd said...

good job, James! Keep improving! it's a good goal to keep raising that average. you have plenty of time to get it up before college start looking at it!!!

karishma, just live your life and don't worry about the end of the world. Just be you and smile!

karishma_1996 said...

Thanks Mr.Byrd. Today when my brother, Shivnarine, and I were getting off the school bus(cheese bus)we saw you. You were walking, but by the time we got off you were already half way down the block. Shivnarine said that you were probably walking to your car.

James67 said...

the world not gonna end u readin some crazy things. tat same thing happend to me with the world ending n 2012. It waz in 5th grade and i think tinon told me about that n i was thinking about that so much. Ten after a while like some months i realized i havent been thinkin bout that. All bad things will never stay in your mind forever. You will forget everythinh you heard n it will be a blur. Bad thoughts alwayz become a blur n the feelings you felt at the time if you ever manage thinking about it agian you will say why waz i upset if i was? As long as you dont dedicate your life to think about that then you fine. I think when that happend 2 me i just thouth it couldnt possibly happen. Well if you belive in god or a solution n u dedicate to belive n that the solution will replace the bad thought n da bad thought will not be da center of your mind it will be at da edge. The soluttion will follw it blockinit frome goin 2 da center n da whole thing iz gone. Da world will not end trust me on that. I sound like a pycoistrist lolz.o and nevr ever think about saying in your mind i need 2 find a solution. that will bring up da 2012 thing. So just live life like byrd said n it will come on itz own eventuaally then think about that for whille then look for distractions not on purpose though to not hink about the solution so the solution could do it job n stop da 2012 thing. Hopefully your mind will be occupied by other things while secretly da solution will take da 2012 thing away n itz gone. remember do not memorize this blog cuz it will remind even a little about da 2012 lie 2 make you think about it. just keep being happy n think n be occupied hopefully 4 a couple of monthz n do that not because you want 2 stop da bad thought but 2 just be occupied or watever. k?man thinking iz hard 4 me lolz. O n dont tell no one bout htis blog n your family or any1u know cuz u neva know tey might trigger a thing idk lolz.

James67 said...

WOW i blogged a essay lmfao i feel mad weird. o n im on now cuz i slept during da day cuz i stayed up 2 long. im typing like this because of 2 much aim lolz

karishma_1996 said...

ELA test tomorrow. I am so worried.