Monday, June 16, 2008


What will be the highlight of the graduation ceremony?

I am always very nervous about the ceremony going smoothly.

It is a very stressful time for teachers!

I hope you all have a great time! You have been a very special class to me.

(Ms. Shulman's class is included in that, of course.)


tareeq said...

I think that the highlight of the graduation ceremony is when the teacher annouces all of the 2008 graduates. I also get nervous because it is very stressfull to go up on stage and say a speech infront of your parents. It can get really nervous to do something like that. thank you for a very great year and a very great sixth grade experiece.

Gurpreet said...

i cannot wait until the graduaion
but i do not know if my mom would come or not

Japneet said...

Graduation is coming up and I am so excited. I am also very worried i don want to go away from this school. It stores alll my memories
I am so proud and i cant wait until they annoince the graduates of 2008

Gurpreet said...

i amso excited i can't wait

but the hat is getting on my nerves it;s to small

i mean it says that one size fits it all

Haresh said...


Dayshawn said...

The graduation is gonna be great even Mr.Bryd says where a little off of the singing but my mom will be proud i can see right now

Unknown said...

I can't wait until graduation. its almost coming up, Just two more days. I'm sooooo nervous because i migth forget something. i just don't want to leave P.S161 because i'm going to leave all my memories
behind and i'm going to miss the class, the teachers, and most of all my friends. Well its time to move up to the next level.


from: Diana .O.

Anonymous said...

I think the hilight of the graduation will be when all the sixth graders will be singing the songs. I get really nervous just singing infront of my parents will be torture.Also my speach

By:Anniesha Jagdeo and zahid omar

Anonymous said...

I think the hilights of graduation will be when we sing the songs infront of our parents it will be humilating for me just to sing infront of them they will tease me for the whole summer.

Anonymous said...

Hnmm,I'm really nervous about like walking up on the stage and doing that hand shake thing in which you recieve your ''diploma.''


Mr.Byrd said...

You need bobby pins in order to keep your hats on...

Jessica said...

WOW! I am SO SCARED that something will happen to me when i have my graduation. I am thinking that i might fall or mess up on a song when we are singing!

Pardeep_123 said...

omg. i am very nervous about graduation. I cant imagine wearing my cap and gown and walking up stage for my diploma. Its going to be very scary, in front of tons of people. I am basically nervous about the music. I don't want to make mistakes. I like to have everything perfect. i don't want to play stand by me when its time for you gotta be. i don't want to be embarrassed. i just want everything to go smooth. With no problems and no hectic.

Its going to be very hard for me to graduate. I don't want to leave this school. I have soooo many memories at this school. all my friends are in my class. I am going to miss soooooooo many people/teachers. this school was part of my life. We all were like a big family. But Know we have to leave.

Christine Beharry said...

I can't wait for graduation. Tomorrow's the prom.


Mrs. Hazzard said...

Well, tomorrow is the big day. Take a deep breath and relax. I know it's easier said than done but don't be nervous. Your teachers, staff and famailies are very proud of your accomplishments.

So relax, sit back and enjoy! We are celebrating you.

Tareeq- don't get stressed out about your speech. Don't focus on any one person. Look at the back wall in the auditorium and speak clearly and loudly. You should be fine.

Gurpreet- Don't worry if your mom can't make it. I'm sure her heart and thoughts will be with you if she can't make it.

Japneet - Don't worry about leaving this school. Just like you met so many friends here at 161, you'll meet others in your new school. You may want to keep a journal to store some of your memories.

Gurpreet - If your hat doesn't fit, you probably will not be alone, but still bring it to school, we're work something out.

Girls - Don't worry Mrs. Shulman and I have bobby pins and safety pins. don't worry about those hats. We'll use crazy glue if we have to, to keep them on (just joking).

Diana: I liked how you wrote about the things you are going to miss here at 161, but to took a deep breath and said you are looking forward to moving on,I'm proud of you. I know that you will do well in junior high school.

Pardeep: I know you have a big responsibility. But remember, you've been rehearsing all along and everything should flow smoothly. Just do what you always do in rehearsal. I'm sure everything will come out just fine. Relax, take a deep breath.

To the singers:

You don't have to look at your parents while we are singing Stand by me and You gotta be. Keep your eyes on me. I'll give you your cues. The words and when to sing a new verse or chorus. You'll be fine.

Christine Beharry said...
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Christine Beharry said...

I can't believe graduation's tomorrow. I'm kind of nervous.

Haresh said...

Graduation is goinhg to rock!!!!!!

bribri96 said...

I think that the most stressful part of graduation is the part where I have to go up on stage and say my speech. I am like so nervous. Also when I have to present the award to Ms. Hoder. Uh, STRESS!

Ramandeep said...

i think the highlights of the graduation is when the teachers anonce the graduats of 2008.

monica iz smily see:-) said...

i agree with ramandeep on that one! =+)