omg..i dont know wjhat to say about mrs.hazzard. she is the nicest person i've ever met. she always helped me when i needed help. She has always been there for the whole class. I am really going to miss her! she is not like other helpers. She is the best!
Ms hazzard as your SIC {ill tell u what that means in school} ive gotten to know you very well. Your're very close to my heart and ill never dorget you or your smile. You are just so welcoming and caring and i love you with alll my heart Thank you for being there for me always and I love you a lot.
I think that you are the best para in the world. You were like our third teacher and I loved having you with us. I think you really deserved the award that you got at our awards assembly. I think you should've gotten one at our graduation too since you sort of graduated as well. You were very kind and you are a very caring person. You always ask about my family and I've appreciated your generosity and kindness. You rock! :)
omg haven mr.s haazardHaving Mrs. ,Hazzard was a blastrt in our class she helpd solve problems and help bring peace in our classroom. i love mrs. hazzard and i enjpyed every single minute she had with our class.
OMG Mrs. Hazzerd was the best para in the world she always made jokes and in the graduation she pretended to throw her shoe so all of us lighted up and relaxed .I mean shes like the nicest teacher ever she would go above and beyond to make our days better. She always had somthing nice to say. I will miss her soo much!!!!!! :) -TINA
Wow! I peeked at your blogs and was overwhelmed. Thank you so much for making my heart sing. I shared your thoughts with my daughter (19), she too was quite impressed. She said "these are not children writing like this". I am so proud of you all. Please keep in touch. Thanks again for making my job easy.
Ms. Hazzard, you are, like Brianna said, the best para in the world. You always helped us and made sure that everything went smoothly. We all counted on you to save the day and it always happened. Thank You soooooooooooo much for all your help this year.
MrS. hAZZaRd WaZ tHe BesT ParA EvA!!! She HElpEd us wIth MoST WIth Our WOrk ANd She WAz So LoVIng And CarINg. She DeSeRvES THe BEst. I lOVe HeR As The BeST TeACHer.
omg...Mrs.hazzard is the best person ive have ever met.She has been there for me a long time and l would like to thank her so much.She is the best para EVER.l hope u have a great summer and always keep in touch.U bring joy in the class and it is so fun having u .sometimes u are like a teacher
Mrs.Hazzared is the best para in this world.You rock dont leat any one tell you otherwise.You really helped me this year. I will never forget you Mrs.Hazzard
Mrs. Hazzard you rocked the school board of the greatest para board ever it was great having you and your shoe-throwing but you are really a great person to have on my side and the classmates need your help so you really made us winners
OMG!!! Ms. Hazzard you are the best. I sat next to you for a little wile and felt like i knew you for all my life. You are so funny and so smart at the same time. You teached us and made us laughed at the same time. I wish you all the best for the future and I really hoped that i see you again. I really had fun with you. When there is a problem you always know how to fix it without it becoming a big problem. YOU ROCK!!! I AM GOING TO MISS YOU SOOO MUCH!!!
Mrs.Hazzard I agree with Sarita you do rock you made set a good example to the whole school and you where my best out of the para i've had in my life. but you where kinda of pushy but still taught me alot in my life and again YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!
I think you really helped us this year. You were really nice to me. Thank You!!!!!
I'll miss you!!!
Go to
It's new and different.
christine r said....
mrs. hazzard, u rock and don't let anyone tell u otherwise.
omg..i dont know wjhat to say about mrs.hazzard. she is the nicest person i've ever met. she always helped me when i needed help. She has always been there for the whole class. I am really going to miss her! she is not like other helpers. She is the best!
Ms hazzard as your SIC {ill tell u what that means in school} ive gotten to know you very well. Your're very close to my heart and ill never dorget you or your smile. You are just so welcoming and caring and i love you with alll my heart Thank you for being there for me always and I love you a lot.
I think that you are the best para in the world. You were like our third teacher and I loved having you with us. I think you really deserved the award that you got at our awards assembly. I think you should've gotten one at our graduation too since you sort of graduated as well. You were very kind and you are a very caring person. You always ask about my family and I've appreciated your generosity and kindness. You rock! :)
omg haven mr.s haazardHaving Mrs. ,Hazzard was a blastrt in our class
she helpd solve problems and help bring peace in our classroom. i love mrs. hazzard and i enjpyed every single minute she had with our class.
OMG Mrs. Hazzerd was the best para in the world she always made jokes and in the graduation she pretended to throw her shoe so all of us lighted up and relaxed .I mean shes like the nicest teacher ever she would go above and beyond to make our days better. She always had somthing nice to say. I will miss her soo much!!!!!! :) -TINA
Wow! I peeked at your blogs and was overwhelmed. Thank you so much for making my heart sing. I shared your thoughts with my daughter (19), she too was quite impressed. She said "these are not children writing like this". I am so proud of you all. Please keep in touch. Thanks again for making my job easy.
I think ms Hazzaard was a very helpful this year. You were really nice and helped us with graduation thanks alot for a great year!!!
Ms. Hazzard, you are, like Brianna said, the best para in the world. You always helped us and made sure that everything went smoothly. We all counted on you to save the day and it always happened. Thank You soooooooooooo much for all your help this year.
MrS. hAZZaRd WaZ tHe BesT ParA EvA!!! She HElpEd us wIth MoST WIth Our WOrk ANd She WAz So LoVIng And CarINg. She DeSeRvES THe BEst. I lOVe HeR As The BeST TeACHer.
I think u meant "is"
omg...Mrs.hazzard is the best person ive have ever met.She has been there for me a long time and l would like to thank her so much.She is the best para EVER.l hope u have a great summer and always keep in touch.U bring joy in the class and it is so fun having u .sometimes u are like a teacher
l luv Mrs. hazzard
Mrs.Hazzared is the best para in this world.You rock dont leat any one tell you otherwise.You really helped me this year. I will never forget you Mrs.Hazzard
mrs. hazzard i had a great year with you. you are the best, you have been very helpful and all.
you are the best! I feel bad for the kids next year. there not going to have a fun person like you. you are someone who i can talk to..
Mrs. Hazzard you rocked the school board of the greatest para board ever it was great having you and your shoe-throwing but you are really a great person to have on my side and the classmates need your help so you really made us winners
OMG!!! Ms. Hazzard you are the best. I sat next to you for a little wile and felt like i knew you for all my life. You are so funny and so smart at the same time. You teached us and made us laughed at the same time. I wish you all the best for the future and I really hoped that i see you again. I really had fun with you. When there is a problem you always know how to fix it without it becoming a big problem. YOU ROCK!!!
Have a wonderful summer and life!!! R U going anywhere? You helped everyone a lot. Thank You!!! I'll miss you a lot. I'll miss everyone.
Have a great summer and life everyone. I wish you all the best. I will miss everyone.
Go to
Mrs.Hazzard I agree with Sarita you do rock you made set a good example to the whole school and you where my best out of the para i've had in my life. but you where kinda of pushy but still taught me alot in my life and again YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!
I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!
she was too awesome andi hope i see her around, graduation would have not went great without her
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