Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for?
What are you doing for the long weekend?


Mr.Byrd said...

Once again - great to see all of you on PT conference. I forgot to give my students before '08-09 this blog address. I even saw someone from four years ago!

How are the report cards? Grades are different, aren't they? Do your best - those grades will factor into your average throughout high school. (At least they used to.)

I wish you all the best!

Adrianna said...

Yeah Mr. Byrd, but i'm not off to a good start. Today, I got a demerit. Two more, and I'm out of the school.

Christine B. said...

why is school so much harder now. why is socail studies and language arts so easy now. last year there were kind of hard. now math is really tough. science is just the same boring and confusing sometimes. i never liked science. school is so different from last year.

Adrianna- me either. my grades dropped from last year.

Ramandeep said...

yo mR byrd gues wat im in the honor role

7Th grade is kind of hard. now that we get an essay evry 3 days

Anastasia said...

It's been a long time since i've been blogging. I have got to tell you that I am doing better than I thought I would do. On my first semester report card I got 87.14 as an anverage(which is second highest average in my class, the highest average was 87.54. Not far from me.)

What can I say? Middle school is sooo much fun. I have tons of friends and I actually like school now. My school is amazing and makes the work much more easier. I got all higher than 80's on my
report card. I am happy and my parents are proud. Some kids in my school are bad, but our skool is the smartest class out of 2 or 3other classes. even heard my homeroom teacher saying that teachers ate fighting over who is going to take us on trips. Lol.

Now on to the teachers. They are the best and soo much fun. They let us talk in class and do work(I always finish my work!) They make everything fun somtimes.

Sometimes I wish I didnt have to go to middle school because of the ddrama, but it's actually not so bad. When you actually stick around.

Even though im having fun in middle school, I still miss public school and my old teachers. In class instead of writing M.S.226 for my heading, I write P.S.61Q(a mistake i have made tons of times.) I am gonna come and visit the school again and start blogging, but the thing is thing is that i have been soo busy with middle school and its easy homework.

I have lots more to tell everybody, but im gonna save it for another time. Ask any questions and i will answer.

P.S. I AM IN HONOR ROLE!! For Thanksgiving, im staying home and having a BIG FEAST, YUM!!! Soooo How are yuu doinq Mr.Byrd and everybody?

Christine B. said...

thanksgiving was a lot of fun for me. i went to my cousins house and i had a great time.


Japneet said...

middle school is a real pain its full of embarrassing moments.

pardeep is as usual(insulting me!!!)

but i made a great new and very kinder friend
her name is dilpreet and she was in ms. alex's class last year

so hows it going mr.b?

My teacher said that my average is in the 90's i'm sooooooo excited

Japneet said...

omg i had the greatest weekend

all of the members of my family from all over new york(about 50) came on saturday and we had the greatest holiday party

we stayed up till 3 in the morning just playing games like sharades and x- box and wii

it was sooo much fun

mr.b how was your weekend???

Pardeep_123 said...

omg.School is starting to get exciting. The teacher announced the students who were going to be on the honor roll or principals list. I am one them. On Thursday we are going to get our report cards. I am dieing to see it.

Hi Mr.Byrd, hows school in PS161 going? How are the other teachers?

Omg... Jap your soo mean..jus kiddin..

Pardeep_123 said...

But Jap it was funny when Dilpreet took off your shoe! Hahahaaa

Daisy said...

Hey, Mr. Bryd its me Daisy, in technology my teacher Mr. Kye created a blogspot for our class, which reminded me of ps161q blogspot. however his is so plain and boring!

~CHRISTINE~ said...

hey guys its christine s...i miss all of you

~CHRISTINE~ said...

thanksgiving was horrible i wasnt home i had to be somewhere else =[

Mr.Byrd said...

Hello again!
Anas - nice to hear from you!
Glad to hear you're doing well...
Japneet, Pardeep, Ramandeep - congrats!
Adrianna - what's going on with that demerit?
Daisy - Technology can be so fun - unfortunately the curriculum can get in the way!
Christine - I'm sure you'll keep doing better and better!

Thanksgiving was okay - no big surprises. Good food, though.

I am looking forward to Christmas break, however, and just hoping to pass the time until then. I am not a fan of cold weather, so the winter is kind of annoying to me.

Be back soon...