Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We just have to get through three weeks until vacation!


Les_29 said...

wat up mr.byrd its me leslie! I miss 161 soooooo much and i just want to go the way, I made the Honor Roll!!!! I was thinking... you should ask ms.shulman about having a class of 08 reunion party. Just so we can see each other again. PLEASE try your best. All you have to do is get a location after that we'll bring the food. How about that? Answer back please!

Pardeep_123 said...

omg..hi Leslie..we miss ju so and jap always talk bout ju and monica..we miss 161..

Yea..Mr.Byrd i cant wait till vacation..ha ha..our vacation starts on the 19th...cant wait..we r goin to have two weeks and 2 days off...oh yea... we r getting out report soo excited...


Les_29 said...

OMG Pardeep i miss u 2!!!! wat school do u go to

Christine B. said...


well we should be getting our progress reports in a week or two. and my teachers said i improved a lot so far. so i am doing now. :)

Pardeep_123 said...

omg..i just received my report card..i am so proud of myself..i got nothing below the 80's...i got 90's in most of my subjects...

hi Leslie...whats r i go to a private school wit alright..

Pardeep_123 said...

Christine B ur getting ur second report card already..because i thought ju mentioned ur grade before..

Christine B. said...

pardeep- no we get progress reports
next 2 weeks or so not report cards. we got our 1st report cards early though. weeks ago.

Daisy said...

hi, Mr. Byrd remeber i told you that we have a blogspot in technology, well now we had to make our own blogspot and i finally made my own blogspot!

Haresh said...

yes I rembered the website!!!!!!!!......lolz.....I was at 161 2-day it seems normal ooopss I forgot to visit ill come back. School is ok i got a terrible 80.71 avreage need to get a 90 at least. Reunion????? ok. Hey MR.Byrd what dose arp mean the never told me.

Haresh said...

ohhh at my new school we have a cool website too its its kindda like a myspcae but for educational pourpses only.

Mr.Byrd said...

hey again - it's good your schools are using technology. I am trying to get some of my students to use iMovie this year.
Reunion? Hmm.. i don't know - i'm having enough trouble just surviving with my schedule now...
As always, good to see you Leslie. I wonder what you're writing nowadays...

I am very happy that tomorrow is Friday! I have had quite enough of this week.

Adrianna said...

um... mr. byrd (or anyone else who goes to public school) when is your last day of school? mine is the 19th. i got my report card on demcember 2. i got a demerit because my report was dreary and long and i didn't include enough inoformation, and i didn't use my own words and i handed it in late so... yeah, mr. byrd. in math, on my report card i got 88.5. in reading, 96.2 , social studies, 94.7 and science was 78.9. i was suprised!

Adrianna said...

my highest average is 100 in gym and computer. my lowest was in spanish. 76. christine, aren't progress reports for people who aren't doing so good? i never got one. and pardeep, you were excited for report cards! i was soo scared!

Adrianna said...

mr byrd, are there any wierd kids in your class?(navon.. wink wink) um, there's this oy in my class and he likes kevin jonas! this other boy asked him if it's true and he said yeah... that's bad for two reasons.

1. he's a boy!
2. kevin jonas is ugly. joe jonas and nick are like hot!

Christine B. said...

adrianna- idk thats wat my school does.

Les_29 said...

wat up!!! I canoot believe u gys are not up with the whole reunion thing natasha and everyone else thought it was AWESOME!!! well wateve have fun with ur class.

Adrianna said...

okay, jessica garcia just sent my a scary thing on my website. she lied and said she was fifteen and how she is ghost. i looked up her profile and there was nothing like that! she thinks i'm stupid! you guys better read it!

Kadijah said...

Hey Hey Mr.Byrd and others
I miss 161 so much imma try to come vist you guys but i kind of love my new school i.s238 but the olny problem is that i have to wear uniform expect on dress down day .....

Pardeep_123 said...

i know dijha..we have to wear a uniform too.. omg guys guess what? vacation started started this Friday..YES! so happy!..ha ha..for others who have to go to school..

by the way anyone hear of kiranpreet?

Anonymous said...

adrianna-umm,thats just a silly chain message

Anonymous said...

vacation starts on wed. dec. 23

Mr.Byrd said...

Hey Kadijah! Good to hear from you! I'm glad to hear you like your new school. Good grades, Adrianna!
Everyone enjoy your vacation. The 23rd is the last day! I am off to enjoy the sun and sand, and forget this winter!

Adrianna said...

hey hey hey! i just came back from vacation. i went for 5 days. i saw jonas brothers!!!!!!!!! ahhhh! it was so cool. introducing demi lovato. i screamed when i saw joe. he's so cute!!!!!

Adrianna said...

i didn't really see them because i was in the back. i looked at joe's beautiful face on the big screen.

Anonymous said...


Adrianna said...

okay.. back 2 skool. happy new years=] ohh, happy birthday ms. shulman!!! how old are you??? 69??