Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Awards Ceremony

Which awards do you think you deserve?

What awards would you give other people?


Unknown said...

I think the award I might get is a mathematics improvement award. I think I believe I should get this award because since last year I was terrible in math, but now with Mr. Byrd's help I go a high 3 on the math state test.

people hatin 4 wat said...

im not excited for real because i might not get an award because teachers hate me and i mean that and im such a nice person......hold up i do not care if i do not get any thing wow it is just paper PREETY paper but i will be thankful for one award and i thought that the ceremony was friday

PrinceParveen2 said...

I think I deserve The participation award because I was given the student of the month award for this and I think I truly deserve this award.

antony and ijaz said...

i think that the awords in will get math,gym and science. ijaz and kanwar

Unknown said...

theawards ceremony was not that fun but i'm so happy and proud that i passed the grade.bye bye

Unknown said...

how do you do out there. i had a lot of fun in this school. i loved math the most because everytime i faild agian you mr.byrd helped me. So i wanted to say thanks :) :)

Mr.Byrd said...

You're welcome, Mondira!

All of you - you all deserve so many awards!

Annie said...

i think that the award ceremony was great and the best part was that everybody got an award not the bad ones like attendance but the ones like most improved or good in mathematics. Most people got the attendance but that is nothing i mean they at least got something with. I got most creative writer and the science award. What did u guys get? ....................

popstarlakshmi said...

The award that I got was the principal honor and the computer award. i was happy to get principal honor. i knew that was a good award and I just never got that award before so that I think that it is a great award. i am happy today.

Annie said...

i was also proud because most people got the principles honor. I wish i had gotten that but you have to work really hard for that. Anyways everyone is good the way they are and you can't change that. I would also like to say that be proud of yourself because everyone has their own style and r unique in their own way. SO who care if someone got a better award than u. U r u and work a little bit harder 2 get to the place others r.

Nia said...

i am very proud to get the science award. i did good in science this year. kraishma and my project went down to the science fair this year.so i was expecting
that award.

James67 said...

im just happy i did not get a math award this year. i get almost every single year.

shakira4eva said...


madogyarielle said...
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madogyarielle said...


Mr.Byrd said...

Shakira - I thought you were always good in math. I wish I had looked at the post before the last day! I would've given you an award. See me in September and it's yours! Or maybe I can mail it to you.

You did very well this year! Keep up the great work and don't forget to read this summer!

Mr.Byrd said...

James - I'm glad to hear it! You deserve many different awards. I guess a Math award can be tiresome after so many!

Mr.Byrd said...

Good job, Nia! You deserved it!

Mr.Byrd said...

Wise words, Annie! You did very well this year and you deserve several more awards as well!

madogyarielle said...

Mr.Byrd thanl you for all your sppourt =)