Friday, June 19, 2009


So what do you think about the ceremony?
How did you celebrate?


Mr.Byrd said...

The ceremony was so long - I didn't get to say anything special! Thank you to everyone who helped out for the ceremony!

I really couldn't do it without you!

You are all very nice kids!

wilberthewild1 said...

The ceremony was long but good nd mr byrd dressed up nd gave awards and mr byrd cept the speech short and good. To end up the graduation thing i and my parents went to olive garden and we had a bomb then my mom end it with a great surprise she told me i was going to italy nd my father gave me a red digital camera so it was hoooottt thaanx teachersnfor making it the beest graduaition ever.. thank you

PrinceParveen2 said...

it was greAT!!

Mr.Byrd said...

Wow! You are so lucky, Wilbur! Make sure you do a little research so you will know what you're looking at when you get there!

I usually speak more at graduations, but I think we had all had enough!

wilberthewild1 said...

Thank yo mr byrd and i will try to bring the teachers some small gifts

Unknown said...

that was so like cool that we graduated and stuff

James67 said...

The graduation was the best. i didnt think i would get a award but i did. the slide show waas cool to. mr. byrd my bookbag is still in the classroom. itz black and has jansport. i couldnt get it after graduation the door was locked. i come get it on wensday keep it in the closet thankyou

James67 said...
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James67 said...

oh yeah and congratulations everyone. i'm gonna miss u guys

shakira4eva said...

nooooooooooooooo i dint get a spcial award by anyone that really i was good in ur class

madogyarielle said...
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karishma_1996 said...

I thought that the graduation ceremony was GREAT. I was really scared when I had to give my speech in front of sooooooooo many people but, my dad told me that i did wonderful. I think that I didn't do that well? I did not think that I was going to get an award but I did get one. I MISS YOU ALL.


The graduation made me really mad cause It was really long ms.shulman gave special awards to different people that where not in our class and we didn't get real awards so that made me mad and my parents didn't stay and watch me get my paper or see me sing =[ ={ cry cry tear tear I'm so sad the only thing I liked was the slide show after the graduation I went straight to walmart and got a brand new 26 inch bike and five people I didn't know said congratualtions cause I was In my cap and gown LOL!!!!!!!!!!! That is all I have to say !!!!!!!!

Anessa said...

hi it was amazing it felt like it was not real bc of all the practice we had

madogyarielle said...

yes it was good better than my grad from my old school


i just noticed that every comment i put is really long lol guees what people im writing on a computer my own computer my first computer that is so cool this is the best gift i ever had yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Mr.Byrd said...

I'm sorry to hear that Sara! At least you got a bike and you have a new computer now!

madogyarielle said...

I went To TGI Fridays n we had Shrerly Temples n there brownie obession

. said...
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popstarlakshmi said...

This school is over finished and I think that I liked the graduation since I was Salutatorian and everyone was there. It was a happy moment and it was kinda boring because there was so much talking to do. I know that I blogged late about this but I was just thinking about this event...

people hatin 4 wat said...

all of you need 2 stop graduation rocked the vid year book was fab cuzs i had lots of pics aaahhhh mr byrd look handsom and atractive i GUESS but hold up ijaz was getin on my nerves and there was alot of scary ppl on stage nd shaheed moms got more rewards than us they just toke our grad from us let me snif dat up =} but other than that it was ok i wenT to a buffet and pet land than yessi ok GRADUATION party the end

Arfa said...

My hat fell off on stage!:(

Unknown said...

i will thank