Tuesday, June 2, 2009

JUNE is here!

What are your thoughts about the end of the school year?
The summer?


Mr.Byrd said...

I can't wait until the summer!

Anonymous said...

emira says: time to relax (finally!!!)

vandita says: i am so glad that school is almost over, but i'm going to miss my friends! ~ Glambert #00

Amanda34 said...

I'm so happy that June is here time to go in the pool and chill.But before all of this can happen i will miss this school,and my friends,and teachers.I give a special thanks to all the people who inspried me throughtout school years and fo the ones who were there when i needed them the most.

tusheka97 said...

i an so happy that summer is almost here.i want to mad fun during the summer and go to places that i never went to.But before all of this i want to finish school and say my good bye to my wonderful friend that i love so much and i know that i will miss them so much and the teachers that i would never forget at all.PEACE I LUV U GUYS.

tusheka97 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
$KING$_$MUTI$ said...

I hate that june is almost here.b/c it wuz da bes school i eva went to i will neva forget dis school and da peepz i met.

nattasharocks said...

I really want to enjoy my summer thinking about all the things that happend of all the years i've been at p.s.161q. I'll never forget these amazing and not so amazing moments .bye!!!!!!

people hatin 4 wat said...

im really going to miss my friends and my enimes?????but it was a wonderful year do you know that i got away with alott of stuff people have to keep in touch it already feels like summer i hope i do not see you in the beach lmao

madogyarielle said...

I am very Glad and Sad. Because of this amazing school I will Be Moving On To The Andurs School Mrs.Shulman,Ms.Haas Mr.Byrd, Ms.Minvera i will miss u all n thanks for everything!!!!

madogyarielle said...

navon I suggest you delete the Lamo part of your comnent for many reasons

Anonymous said...

i cant wait to sit back relax and enjoy the summer. but ill really miss my friends next year

Shivnarine B. said...

Yesh Summer i almost here. i can finally relax but the baad things are that some of my friends are going to different schools and im goiing to miss them. So peace out every one!!

Unknown said...

YAAAAAAAYYEEE!!! It just seems like yesterday it was september n now itz like june. The year flied by so fast even though ime mad hype about the summer and next year ima so gonna miss the buddiez n wifey(<3 MI AMOR)even though seeing them in person sometimez cuz they might go different skoolz I cant live wif out them

karishma_1996 said...

I can't wait until the summer but, I will miss my friends and teachers especially Mrs.Byrd and the funny moments we had with him.

Britts said...

i dont want da school year to end... im gonna miss evrybody! imma cry wen its da last day if school!

wilberthewild1 said...

im between the midddle of ,my thoghts of the end of the year and its going to be sad and hpyyy

BrandonFrom118 said...

June is here. I can't wait to see all the cool things planed for this month.

Peace out

Hi Mr.Byrd

aShybabie said...

June is already here and its time that we have to start leaving everyone. I will miss all my friends and everything i have known throughout my 7 years of being in P.S.161.Q. I hope that in the future i'll come across seeing my friends from Elementry. I will never forget the moments i spent with everyone, good or bad. I will also remember Mr.Byrd, Ms.Minerva, and Mrs. Shulman because i enjoyed spending my last year with them including Mrs. Ortiz. I will always come and visit you teachers!!

Unknown said...


PrinceParveen2 said...

Oh my god! I am so happy school is coming to an end. Summer is finnaly here!!

Annie said...

OMG! june is here and i don't know what to do because in 2 days is our graduation i m seriously gonna miss this school because i have been in it since kindergarten. No matter where i will always look back to this school as " THE BEST SCHOOL IN HISTORY OF SCHOOLS" It was a pleasure being in this school since 7 years. Bye Bye P.S.161Q I will miss u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Annie said...

ain't all of these comments so emotional! Oh No! i think i m gonna cry!!!!!!!