vandita says: i loved everything about the trip, except for the walking! i liked the dance party the most! the brownies were great! i wonder if they deliver...
emira says: the trip was really fun. i didnt enjoy the crazy olympics.
Senior trip was off the hook!!!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome. I had a lot of fun. The wedgie bounce was hot!! I did a lot of flips. When i got off i got a wedgie. The dancing in the club was CRAZY!!!
i really enjoyed the senior trip! that was actully the best day ever the bus ride was pretty long but i had a ton of fun with my friends. The activites were awsome i am looking foward to visiting club getaway later in the future
HeY PeopLx ThE Senior Trp WaZ So MuCh FUN I BarFFFFFeed In Da BuS CuZ i DiDnt EaT BreAkfAst BuT THts kk I FElT MucH BettEr WeN i GOT THr.... EvErY ActIviTy WaZ AwSomE!!!!!! AlSo LotZZZ Of PeOplZZZ WErE THr FRoM DiFFrnT SchO0lz AnD DiFfeRnT ClAsses!!!!
hi the senior trip was great but there was one activity where you climb up the thin straps and jump on them to move up the hole and i tripped and the rope went right between my leg which was painful
this is wil and im here to say that the senior trip was so cool the mountains were so cool and then when foran and meteyo were not getting along it was very funny the trip was amazing the scenes were beautiful comment back plzz
pawandeep: hi, what i think the trip was about that the activities and the dance and music was so good and the d.j was good too. The guide that was ahowing us around and was with us for all the activities. That was the best time ever. I loved it.
ravleen: i think the senior trip was very fun and i enjoyed alot there. There were many things to do such as bunjy jumping and rock climbing and there was a party and it was so much fun.
hi hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
my favorite part was going to the trampoline because i did the most flips oh yaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
navon tusheka and i had a crush on our instructor james
it wasssss mad funnn the senior trip except the time when i went to the first aid place and i missed one if the activites that is the one where you where atached to the string and run and you get pulled back
anyways this was really fun this is the senior trip
The senior trip was bangin ...My fave part was rock scrambling.Thats when u gotta climb a mountain off rocks... :)...when i got home i went to put my bookbag at myy bed and ifell asleep right there and woke up the next day.. The buss ride was fun me and all the girls next to me had a mike and ike fight...
i liked the senior trip because we got to fool around spend time with friends. Ijaz
I enjoyed the Senior Trip because I got to spend time with my homies. Also there was plenty of time to fool around. Next the activities were plenty of fun.
Hey everyone. Going to senior trip was a blast. I had so much fun. We did so much activities and i enjoyed everyone of them. The best ectivity was the dancehall party. Every sixth Graders from P.S161 was there and everyone enjoyed it.
Hi Mr.Byrd did u have fun at the concert? The senior trip was good. My favorite part was when I went on this thing and then the rope would pull you back.
the senior trip was the best trip tis year. it was da only trip. But the funnest thing was the spider climb and the boxing thing. we should have went on the zipline though
Senior Trip! OMG The senior trip was off the hook. I really loved the Trampoline thing. People called me a monkey for doing all those tricks. And the dance party. Ashley And Maria were really good dancers. I loved the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air dance. I do it all the time when i watch the show. I wish we could go back to club getaway and see all the p.s.161q sixth graders their. oh and rolling down the hill was cool. Expect i got a major headache and fell asleep on the bus back home. Me,Maleke,Raja, and James all fell asleep on the way back home. Parveen was talking like crazy when i wanted some sleep. So i got mad at him and did not play Gears Of War 2 with him on the Xbox 360. Senior trip was cool.
The Senoir Trip was very cool. We did a lot of activities. The lunch was very good. I really enjoyed watching the teachers dance. It was a very fun trip.
I thought that the senior trip was fun but the hard part for me was the rock climbing. I was sooo tired when our instructor Jimmy had made us go hiking all the way up to the spot where it's high. My favorite part of the senior trip was the dance party. I had fun.. I like the song they played, You spin my head right round by Flo Rida. Anywayz we could have started our memiors on the senior trip!.
the thing that i liked about the senior trip was that i was on my own for the first time in my life. this is becfause since i am short i am not usually by myself
The Senior trip was so much fun. We got to do lots of different activities. I really enjoyed it and I had a wonderful time.
vandita says: i loved everything about the trip, except for the walking! i liked the dance party the most! the brownies were great! i wonder if they deliver...
emira says: the trip was really fun. i didnt enjoy the crazy olympics.
I loved the senior trip. it was one of the best days' of my life. I had so much fun. I really liked then bungee trampoline. It was great!!!!!
wow I love the senior trip . I loved the dance party that was really awsome. I will never forget going to club getaway
Senior trip was off the hook!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was awesome. I had a lot of fun. The wedgie bounce was hot!! I did a lot of flips. When i got off i got a wedgie. The dancing in the club was CRAZY!!!
yo I loved the senior trip. I especially liked the wedgie bounce.
i really enjoyed the senior trip! that was actully the best day ever the bus ride was pretty long but i had a ton of fun with my friends. The activites were awsome i am looking foward to visiting club getaway later in the future
senior was mad butters i had so much fun i did lots of things that i will do again in the future like bungee jumping i sware i lost 10 pounds lol=]
The Senior Trip was the best trip ever.
the trip was cool nd funn
HeY PeopLx ThE Senior Trp WaZ So MuCh FUN I BarFFFFFeed In Da BuS CuZ i DiDnt EaT BreAkfAst BuT THts kk I FElT MucH BettEr WeN i GOT THr.... EvErY ActIviTy WaZ AwSomE!!!!!! AlSo LotZZZ Of PeOplZZZ WErE THr FRoM DiFFrnT SchO0lz AnD DiFfeRnT ClAsses!!!!
Senior Trip Was AWESOME! I wished we had gone on the zipline though.
hi the senior trip was great but there was one activity where you climb up the thin straps and jump on them to move up the hole and i tripped and the rope went right between my leg which was painful
this is wil and im here to say that the senior trip was so cool the mountains were so cool and then when foran and meteyo were not getting along it was very funny the trip was amazing the scenes were beautiful comment back plzz
The trip was soooo much fun. I wish we could have done more things like the zip line. I want to go there again.
pawandeep: hi, what i think the trip was about that the activities and the dance and music was so good and the d.j was good too. The guide that was ahowing us around and was with us for all the activities. That was the best time ever. I loved it.
ravleen: i think the senior trip was very fun and i enjoyed alot there. There were many things to do such as bunjy jumping and rock climbing and there was a party and it was so much fun.
hi hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
my favorite part was going to the trampoline because i did the most flips oh yaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
navon tusheka and i had a crush on our instructor james
it wasssss mad funnn the senior trip except the time when i went to the first aid place and i missed one if the activites that is the one where you where atached to the string and run and you get pulled back
anyways this was really fun this is the senior trip
bye bye bye bye bye bye!!!!!!!
Vandita - They ran out of brownies before I could get any!
The senior trip was bangin ...My fave part was rock scrambling.Thats when u gotta climb a mountain off rocks...
:)...when i got home i went to put my bookbag at myy bed and ifell asleep right there and woke up the next day.. The buss ride was fun me and all the girls next to me had a mike and ike fight...
i liked the senior trip because we got to fool around spend time with friends. Ijaz
I enjoyed the Senior Trip because I got to spend time with my homies. Also there was plenty of time to fool around. Next the activities were plenty of fun.
I had to go to a concert after the trip. I was so exhausted!
Hey everyone. Going to senior trip was a blast. I had so much fun. We did so much activities and i enjoyed everyone of them. The best ectivity was the dancehall party. Every sixth Graders from P.S161 was there and everyone enjoyed it.
yupperz the trip was like mad fun I was hype n was awesome (especially the trampoline like geeze i did mad flipz)and the hiking.XD
Hi Mr.Byrd did u have fun at the concert? The senior trip was good. My favorite part was when I went on this thing and then the rope would pull you back.
the senior trip was the best trip tis year. it was da only trip. But the funnest thing was the spider climb and the boxing thing. we should have went on the zipline though
da senior trip was fun. I went on da bungie jump thing nd i flipped five times. i just wantd to go on da zipline. the next day my whole body was sore.
The senior trip was off the hook, exspecially the party. I couldnt believe that Club Getaway would actually have amazing and fun activities to do.
Senior Trip! OMG The senior trip was off the hook. I really loved the Trampoline thing. People called me a monkey for doing all those tricks. And the dance party. Ashley And Maria were really good dancers. I loved the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air dance. I do it all the time when i watch the show. I wish we could go back to club getaway and see all the p.s.161q sixth graders their. oh and rolling down the hill was cool. Expect i got a major headache and fell asleep on the bus back home. Me,Maleke,Raja, and James all fell asleep on the way back home. Parveen was talking like crazy when i wanted some sleep. So i got mad at him and did not play Gears Of War 2 with him on the Xbox 360. Senior trip was cool.
The senior trip was really fun. I liked every thing we did. But my favoite was hiking. And our tour guide (jimmy)looked so like my cousin.
The Senoir Trip was very cool. We did a lot of activities. The lunch was very good. I really enjoyed watching the teachers dance. It was a very fun trip.
I really enjoyed almost the whole trip exept when I broke my darn glasses!
I thought that the senior trip was fun but the hard part for me was the rock climbing. I was sooo tired when our instructor Jimmy had made us go hiking all the way up to the spot where it's high. My favorite part of the senior trip was the dance party. I had fun.. I like the song they played, You spin my head right round by Flo Rida. Anywayz we could have started our memiors on the senior trip!.
the thing that i liked about the senior trip was that i was on my own for the first time in my life. this is becfause since i am short i am not usually by myself
my memories about the snr trip was that i did trampoline jumping i kept trying until i did five flips and i did.
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