Friday, June 26, 2009

Last Day

Well... Sorry to see you all go...
Keep in touch and enjoy your summer.
I check this from time to time so eventually I'll write back.

Take the lessons you've learned this year and continue to grow!


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karishma_1996 said...

I am very upset. Last night I put on the video year book and I started crying. I did not get to meet all my friends yesterday but I still got to meet most of my friends. I started crying during lunch time because I am not going to be seeing most of my friends and my teachers. So I miss all of you guys and I hope that you all have a WONDERFUL summer vacation.

James67 said...

how come not everybody is blogging on this thing it the same people blogging ovr and ovr again

popstarlakshmi said...

Hi Mr.Byrd and my friends! What's up? Hey Mr. Byrd what have you been up to ? Last day had arrived and I had left this school but just remember that next year I would come back to this school to visit my favorite teachers. I feel sorry for you Karishma_1996 and Vandie:-). I will also miss my friends. Hey Karishma and Vandie:-) what schools are you going to next year?. Oh yeah.. James I had blogged!

madogyarielle said...

=( tear tear i miss all my Friends =( but i will make new ones In Private School =)

madogyarielle said...

I will miss you Mr.Byrd =(

Les_29 said...

heiiiii mr.byrd guess wat? i made the 8th grade. I f ur askin its leslie. I really miss everyone. The graduation made ME cry. I remembered all of us sitting there in OUR caps and gowns and letting the tears fall. I want to see everyone so badly. Well I got to go! Ill keep in touch. Oh and guess what? Im going to canada!!!!!!!

Les_29 said...

Alsoooo, mr byrd my average for the 4th marking period was 92.33 and the year end average was 91.56 I'm soooo proud of myself. Tina is in my class next year. So was Rama but she got kicked out of the Academy sooo yea. Well I hope you have a GREAT Summer! Zike!!!!! Byeee!

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Unknown said...

the last day was sad. it was fun. but was the last day of school too.

James67 said...

the 4th of july fireworks were better then last time. I would say happy 4th july but its july 5th

Unknown said...

hi, every one how are you doing
\well i'm doing ok but i mess everyone out there so see you next year at ms 72 bye

Britts said...

i miss evrybody. crying on da inside still. lol.

BrandonFrom118 said...

Hello everyone i am back and i am the best every i am in shsi and going to stuyvesant and vandita is not

people hatin 4 wat said...

i was cryin? no not me but bee 4 lunch i was telling every one to not cry but every one got teary eyed than i cry and could not stop thank goodness no teachers saw us out side did any one notice mrs hoder not being there

Mr.Byrd said...

Hi, everyone! Hope you're having a great summer!

Mr.Byrd said...

The weather is great - spending lots of time at the beach. I'm going away this week and then who knows!

Have fun in Canada, Leslie - great average!

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popstarlakshmi said...

Still Chillin'.. the normal. anywhere I go in my dad's van Z100 is there.. Party everyday.. my inside style..

Trying to do something in that would probably stay as a memory.. please.. this year in 7th grade is going to kill me cause I am not used to doing so much of work.. I am lazy.. I hardly did anything but sit around fake reading...
Mr.Byrd .. I tried reading but in this heat .. I couldn't make it..

How is everyone this summer? Enjoying it?.. have fun.. oh yeah.. Mr. Byrd make sure you read..

Mr.Byrd said...


Mr.Byrd said...

Vandita - I hope everything's okay - make sure you talk to someone if you feel bad! It does help...

Lakshmi - I AM reading. I am on vacation, but I am reading Angels and Demons. It is not very deep, but a real page turner! Plus there is so much interesting history about the catholic church and the Renaissance.

I'm afraid I'll finish it before I get back home!

take care all!

Mr.Byrd said...

Vandie - I can't tell you what movie I saw - just that I hope you never see it. Talk about inappropriate!
And make sure you talk to mama or someone or I'm going to have to call your house and sing You Gotta Be! Now that would be torture!

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Mr.Byrd said...

Well there goes July! Vandie - I'll never tell; I'm sure you'll see the cleaner version someday

James67 said...

thank god my summer program is comimg 2 a end. The 8th grade math im learning sucks. The lunch is the same thing frum 161 but boot legged. The first friend i made there is BOB chang. His name tag is cool. It just says BOB. i havent blooged in along time cause of this program but u know wat. well i dont

PrincessDiana said...

I am very sad that I don't see my friends anymore. I miss PS 161Q my new school is pretty good, but I left a lot of memories at PS161Q