Hey Mr.Byrd, It's Krystal from class of `08.How was the 09 graduation? On the day of their graduation I saw Wilber in the morning.Aww,I really miss 161.My new school can't compare to 161,but I'm starting to actually get use to the people.I'm really happy because next year when I'm in the 8th grade I get to graduate again! Well,seventh grade was fantastic.My average at the end of the year was a 91.29.I'm really happy cause I didn't get left back.Do you have any high school suggestions.I've also figured out what I want to be,An English Teacher! OH! This year my class and a I went on this wonderful trip.It was to the World Ice Arena,where we got the chance to ice skate.I thought that it was a good trip to take your students.The location is in Flushing Meadows so its about 30 minutes away. Anyways,Enjoy you Summer & don't have to much fun.I hope you ready for a new qroup of suckers in September! Sincerly, Krystal Ann
Krissy ! So good to "hear" from you! Graduation was very long this year.
You have a great average! Good going! An English teacher is a great job - it's good when you have great books that inspire you.
Plus - think about it: I now have over two months off. I'm sure I will be traveling somewhere, and visiting the beach as often as possible. That's summertime!
When I was a kid, I only had a graduation for 12th grade. I barely remember it - I was just happy to be done with it all.
College was so much better. Enjoy your summer and good luck in 8th! Laters...
My summer is going to full of work. Me raja brandon and hardat singed of for this specialized highschool program and it takes place in the summer. Sure itz good if u want to go to a good hishschool. But summer is going to be bad. So basically i have about 11 months of school for 2 years. Hope you guys have a good summer.
I am going to be helping my mom watch my baby brother. Also I might be going to England with my grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousin. My parents are still wondering if they are going to let me go. If I do get to go I am pretty sure that I will have a lot of fun, because we will be staying there for 2 weeks and we will be visiting different places.
Hi Mr.Byrd! What's up? It's me Lakshmi.. I am going to be soo bored this summer nothing that fun to do. This summer I have to go to summer school for the gifted and talented program from july 6th and boy I think that Thamina, Anthony and whoever is going is not going to have fun. But after that I am going to Washington for the Jounior National Young leaders conference.. I hope I make a new friend. Well Mr.Byrd I hope you have fun this Summer .. respond when your on the blog.. What are you going to do this summer.
michael jackson is gone and never will be comming back cry cry tear tear i hate this year so much but anyways i will be going to florida next year i love it there so much and i will be with my family so ya that is wjhat i am doing for mysummer hanging in the pool and with my family in florida
ohh yeah billy mays died because some luggage hit him on the head on the plane crash he was in. ten when he went to bed he did'nt wake up. that is how he died right
finally summer iz here and my life sucks bc i have 2 go 2 a camp where we learn punjabi and it sucks i mean the school has no ac and boring teachers. P.S i can't believe this but the worse part iz dat kanwar iz in it 2 but the good part iz dat he ain't in ma class. Fellow graduates of 1009 happy summer vacation
hey james me happy billy mays die and R.I.P 4 micheal jackson poor dude who painted hiz face white and put lipstick and eye shadow basically a dude wearing girl make up hahahahaha hohohohoho huhuhuhuhu hihihihihi hehehehehe bye!!
summer camp at usdan is awsome thanx mrs hoder and yeah im being thats hard 2 belive buts i wish it can get hoTer i went 2 the pool i go every day but not the beach yet im haveing partys/bbQ like crazy and iM geting ready 2 go shoping 4 sKool so they can kiss My swag nd im not going 2 b a sofTy in jh it a neW boi in town i was bad 2 my class mates 161 than it nothin in YORK
MR.Byrd: Thanks for thinking.. How are you spending your summer.. bored? miss mrs.shulman?ha ha.. (Sorry if I made you.. you know think about her..) Hey if Mrs. Shulman get on the blogsite.. is she going to post her questions?
Annie: I know this is kinda late to tell you this after you had posted that along time ago.. Michael Jackson is cool.. so some guys wear makeup.. you have to be so realistic.. weirdo.. Plus he has a right to put himself as as that cause he has a life.. well before... see ya!
i am going to go to colombia and el salvador nd italy nd im going to get supplies for next year and im going to go to pools and all that
me im going To camp Woot!!! woott!=)
Hey Mr.Byrd,
It's Krystal from class of `08.How was the 09 graduation? On the day of their graduation I saw Wilber in the morning.Aww,I really miss 161.My new school can't compare to 161,but I'm starting to actually get use to the people.I'm really happy because next year when I'm in the 8th grade I get to graduate again!
Well,seventh grade was fantastic.My average at the end of the year was a 91.29.I'm really happy cause I didn't get left back.Do you have any high school suggestions.I've also figured out what I want to be,An English Teacher!
OH! This year my class and a I went on this wonderful trip.It was to the World Ice Arena,where we got the chance to ice skate.I thought that it was a good trip to take your students.The location is in Flushing Meadows so its about 30 minutes away.
Anyways,Enjoy you Summer & don't have to much fun.I hope you ready for a new qroup of suckers in September!
Krystal Ann
Hey Arielle, choose a more appropriate photo for your profile, please!
Krissy !
So good to "hear" from you!
Graduation was very long this year.
You have a great average! Good going! An English teacher is a great job - it's good when you have great books that inspire you.
Plus - think about it: I now have over two months off. I'm sure I will be traveling somewhere, and visiting the beach as often as possible. That's summertime!
When I was a kid, I only had a graduation for 12th grade. I barely remember it - I was just happy to be done with it all.
College was so much better. Enjoy your summer and good luck in 8th!
My summer is going to full of work. Me raja brandon and hardat singed of for this specialized highschool program and it takes place in the summer. Sure itz good if u want to go to a good hishschool. But summer is going to be bad. So basically i have about 11 months of school for 2 years. Hope you guys have a good summer.
I am going to be helping my mom watch my baby brother. Also I might be going to England with my grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousin. My parents are still wondering if they are going to let me go. If I do get to go I am pretty sure that I will have a lot of fun, because we will be staying there for 2 weeks and we will be visiting different places.
Hi Mr.Byrd! What's up? It's me Lakshmi.. I am going to be soo bored this summer nothing that fun to do. This summer I have to go to summer school for the gifted and talented program from july 6th and boy I think that Thamina, Anthony and whoever is going is not going to have fun. But after that I am going to Washington for the Jounior National Young leaders conference.. I hope I make a new friend. Well Mr.Byrd I hope you have fun this Summer .. respond when your on the blog.. What are you going to do this summer.
vandita- whos Billy Mays
michael jackson is gone and never will be comming back cry cry tear tear i hate this year so much but anyways i will be going to florida next year i love it there so much and i will be with my family so ya that is wjhat i am doing for mysummer hanging in the pool and with my family in florida
ohh yeah billy mays died because some luggage hit him on the head on the plane crash he was in. ten when he went to bed he did'nt wake up. that is how he died right
finally summer iz here and my life sucks bc i have 2 go 2 a camp where we learn punjabi and it sucks i mean the school has no ac and boring teachers. P.S i can't believe this but the worse part iz dat kanwar iz in it 2 but the good part iz dat he ain't in ma class. Fellow graduates of 1009 happy summer vacation
hey james me happy billy mays die and R.I.P 4 micheal jackson
poor dude who painted hiz face white
and put lipstick
and eye shadow
basically a dude wearing girl make up
hi everyone and summer is awsome i am in calfornia
hey vandita and james and raja and evryone else
Hey vandita we have the same picture
RIP Michael Jackson and Billy mays but i am still alive to bad they had to go to the begging of summer because ths summer is awsome
summer camp at usdan is awsome thanx mrs hoder and yeah im being thats hard 2 belive buts i wish it can get hoTer i went 2 the pool i go every day but not the beach yet im haveing partys/bbQ like crazy and iM geting ready 2 go shoping 4 sKool so they can kiss My swag nd im not going 2 b a sofTy in jh it a neW boi in town i was bad 2 my class mates 161 than it nothin in YORK
Hey Lakshmi - have a good time in DC! I'm sure you'll have a great time...
I am going away this week and then I'll come back to go to the beach more. Last night I saw a comedy movie - I won't even mention it.
I was hanging out in my neighborhood while it rained.
Vandita - sometimes I look at profiles - more often I read the comments.
Ms. Shulman sent me a text asking for our blogsite. I wonder if she'll jump on at all...
Keep enjoying the summer!
MR.Byrd: Thanks for thinking.. How are you spending your summer.. bored? miss mrs.shulman?ha ha..
(Sorry if I made you.. you know think about her..) Hey if Mrs. Shulman get on the blogsite.. is she going to post her questions?
Annie: I know this is kinda late to tell you this after you had posted that along time ago.. Michael Jackson is cool.. so some guys wear makeup.. you have to be so realistic.. weirdo.. Plus he has a right to put himself as as that cause he has a life.. well before... see ya!
hey guys how is ur summer going
well my vacation is going great everyday i do the same thing which is watch tv , go on my computer ,play my wii and i would read sometimes
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