Monday, April 28, 2008

Dream On!

Write about a dream or goal you have for yourself.


Kiranpreet said...

i have a goal that i want to reach!!
that is to become a successful doctor and be able to help the poor by building shelters and public schools. this way, when they grow up they can become successful.

Another goal i have is to get valid victorian and to be able to get into Stiveson, the best high school in New York!!!

What about you Mr. byrd??
Yours should to be to give less homework and make us happy. that way you have less work to do!!!! Isn'i that FANTASTIC????????????

Pardeep_123 said...

I also have many goals that i want to succeed. I want to be a pharmacist. i want to make medicine and help sick people.

I also want to gte a scolarship when i am older. I have always dreamed of that....i want to make my parents/family very proud of me. I also want to get in the best highschool/colledge when i grow up.

Pardeep_123 said...

i have always dreamed of making my family and parents proud of me. I have always tried to succeed what i aim for. This year is the best year on earth. i am doing everything i always wanted. its like everything is going my way...i cant miss this year...

Kiranpreet said...

Me too Pardeep!!!!!!

Paul said...

a dream i had once was i woke up ( in the dream)and i went to school but i was in second grade and i wasn't wearing any underwear and i got scared and went homeTHE END

christine rockz (that's me) said...

christine r said...

a dream i have is to let people see that just because a person is smart, doesn't mean they can't be other things like fun, fashionable, etc.

Haresh said...

I have always dreamed fo being a doctor making alot 0f $ and making my family very very happy

andrea__m said...

i have a goal that is going to reach and i know that i wont give up.I will be whatever I want to be and i just have to suceed

tareeq said...

A draem I have about myself is to get into soft ware tecnology when I grow up. I also have a dreamm to get into a great college.

Kiranpreet said...

let me make my second goal a little more detailed. Iwant to get first place valid victorian like Nadia did last year. u can only get that chance if you work really hard!!! which is a very difficult thing to do!!!!!!

Kiranpreet said...

one dream i usually used to have was that i was falling from the sky and i am yelling loudly. when i opened my eyes, i notice that i am just in my room on the bed. i hate that on. I makes me scream in real life sometimes.

Kiranpreet said...

i have always dreamed of making my family and parents proud of me. I have always tried to succeed what i aim for. This year is the best year on earth. i am doing everything i always wanted. its like everything is going my way!!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

I had a dream that I was a marine biologist, then i really didnt like that dream because my brother steal my dream.So then I had a dream that I was a astronaut I really want to studie lots of math this year and also lots of science because they are included in being a astronaut. While that was my dream

Unknown said...

bMy goal is to past sixth grade and to get better grades in reading, science, social studies, and writing. Plus another goal that i want to success is to be a better volley ball player for then i can be expert on volley ball.

monica iz smily see:-) said...

my goal is to keep on visiting my favorite teachers and that's Mr.Byrd,Mrs.Hazzard,and Mrs.Shulman

Pardeep_123 said...

kirean you copy catter

Pardeep_123 said...

I have a dream. i want to succeed in helping the poor. I want to donate money to the poor and make their life easier. I cant stand it when i see someone begging for money...

Kiranpreet said...

My name is Kiran, not Karean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SPELL IT CORRECTLY PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is not my fault i have the same goals or dreams as you!!

Pardeep_123 said...

sorry KIRAN......i was typing very fast

Mrs. Hazzard said...


I love what you posted. I know if you continue to work hard, you will reach your goal. Continue to strive to reach your goal. I'm confident that one day you will become a brilliant doctor.

Mrs. Hazzard said...


I'm sure that you will make your family very proud of you. It's good to know that you want to help make people well. Stay focused and don't give up!

Tareeq: You'll make a great technologist!

~CHRISTINE~ said...

christine s-

ONICA said...

my goal is 2 become a veternarion or a doctor.

: )

ONICA said...

any 1 on

Ramandeep said...

My goal I have for myself is that me to be first in my class. Any class it is I would try to achieve this goal. I also want to be rich when I grow up so I have to study real hard.

Anastasia said...

The goals that i have for myself are that i have to have good grades to keep my parents proud of me. Another goal that i have is that i want to work hard and complete all of my goals!

Japneet said...

I want to donate to the poor, help victims of Katrina, become a very great doctor, help the homeless, be a good student, work myhardest.,

Daisy said...

a goal i have is to become an important person.Maybe a lawyer but I'm not sure yet. i want to go all the way to college and get a good education. i want to be a great student in my new school and have good friends. i want to be involved in many classes like Italian, French, etc. i want to be in sports team also.