I won't care if someone breaks a promise.In my opinion promises are meant to be broken.I don't beieve in promises because there is always a 50 percent chance that promise might now come true.
i don't belive in promises anymore. i use to, but after everything in sixth grade, it's like a promise is worth nothing but a penny. trust no on's word but your own, that's what i say.
Christine R- I totally agree with you.Sixth grade had so many ups-and-downs.I think the lesson I learned this year was to be careful who you trust.I think that there was a person in our class who we trusted and we both go hurt. I don't say ''I promise'' because I know that there is a chance that I might not be able to keep that promise.
I think promses are very important. i can never break a promise......i dont know if people do that but i think promises are important to fulfill...i agree with you christine s
I really don't care if someone broke thy're promise.Because proimeses are really not that important to me it's not like my was borken are droped down and melted into tears.Promieses are like lies and also again not important to MEEEEEEEEE!AND I STILL DON"T CARE! =7 or =[!
I think that promises are very important to me I could keep them but sometimes I tell everyone. But I can sometimes keep them and I also agree with you Christine R why should you keep promises anymore.
promises!!!!!!!!!!!! I could promises to people. But one thing is that its to hard to have a promises. Promise is really important to me. When ever i break a promise i feel bad for myself and i mostly feel guilty to myself for breaking the promise to some one that they trusted me. But what ever you do is to never break a promise to someone that trushed to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I take promises very seriously. I try not to make them too often because I know that I am human. Sometimes the very thing in say I'm going to do may be out of my control. I learned not to take people so seriously. If what they say happens, it's wonderful, if not, I don't get bent out of shape.
Well promises to me are meant to be kept. I get mad over little things, think about hw mad i will be when someone breaks my promise. I might forgive them, but they have to have a good reason.
promisses are really important to me. i feel soooo guilty if i break a promise. promising is extremely important to me!
~ christine s~
So do i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I won't care if someone breaks a promise.In my opinion promises are meant to be broken.I don't beieve in promises because there is always a 50 percent chance that promise might now come true.
promises are very important to me because i cherish a promise so that until it is fulfilled
christine r said....
i don't belive in promises anymore. i use to, but after everything in sixth grade, it's like a promise is worth nothing but a penny. trust no on's word but your own, that's what i say.
Pau lsometimes some people don't kepp their promise and that gets u down:-(
promises are important because when you promise to do something you must do it
Christine R-
I totally agree with you.Sixth grade had so many ups-and-downs.I think the lesson I learned this year was to be careful who you trust.I think that there was a person in our class who we trusted and we both go hurt.
I don't say ''I promise'' because I know that there is a chance that I might not be able to keep that promise.
Promises are very important to me because if you keep someones promise that person might not trust you enymore or never talk to you again.
I think promses are very important. i can never break a promise......i dont know if people do that but i think promises are important to fulfill...i agree with you christine s
I really don't care if someone broke thy're promise.Because proimeses are really not that important to me it's not like my was borken are droped down and melted into tears.Promieses are like lies and also again not important to MEEEEEEEEE!AND I STILL DON"T CARE! =7 or =[!
I think that promises are very important to me I could keep them but sometimes I tell everyone. But I can sometimes keep them and I also agree with you Christine R why should you keep promises anymore.
From Anniesha
I could promises to people. But one thing is that its to hard to have a promises. Promise is really important to me. When ever i break a promise i feel bad for myself and i mostly feel guilty to myself for breaking the promise to some one that they trusted me. But what ever you do is to never break a promise to someone that trushed to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
promises are mad important to me. i mean like, if someon promised me 40 dollars, i woulod hold them to their word.
I take promises very seriously. I try not to make them too often because I know that I am human. Sometimes the very thing in say I'm going to do may be out of my control. I learned not to take people so seriously. If what they say happens, it's wonderful, if not, I don't get bent out of shape.
Promises are very important to me. I always keep my promise.If I break a promise I feel so guilty about it. I would try to make it up to them.
I take promises very seriously. That's why I rarely use the words "I promise."
Well promises to me are meant to be kept. I get mad over little things, think about hw mad i will be when someone breaks my promise. I might forgive them, but they have to have a good reason.
If I break a promise everyone might spread rumors about it.
If I break a promise I might not be forgiven thats why i hate to break promises
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