Monday, April 28, 2008

We Are Family

List each person in your family. Write one positive thing you like about each one.


Kiranpreet said...

Father's Mother- quiety and a little active

Father's Father- very active and loves gardening.

Mom's Father- hard working and honest

Mom's Mom- Determined and hard working.

Dad- talented

Mom- great writer and creative

Me- smart, tall and artist

Sister- writes nice stories and poems

Brother- active, and very intelligent

Kiranpreet said...

What do you think about your family????????????????????

Paul said...

a person i like in my family is my father he is kind but short tempered my mom is loving but confused my brother is a rascal and he is also very very loving

andrea__m said...

One thing that my grandma always say that you can do anything .That is why i can always trust her when i am down

Anonymous said...

Mom-shes always there for me through thick and thin.

Dad-He always wants to protect me.

stepsis-Shes only two ,but shes cute.

Stepmom-Hehehe,nothing good to say about her.

Anonymous said...

hey guys guess what i just thought of a great song for graduation "I belive I can fly" But too bad we already have a song. -_-

tareeq said...

Mom- She is always tring to care for me

Dad- He helps me with all of my problems school relatedandnotschool related

Brother- He is always helping me withof my homework needs

Kiranpreet said...

my brother- handsome and brave

Kiranpreet said...

Where have you been Sarita. I haven't seen you for long! what happened?

Pardeep_123 said...

mom~ she is like the best mom on earth~ hardworking

dad~He is the most fastest worker i have ever seen~ he is very creative

lil Bro~ He is always supports me no matter what.

Big bro~ he is like my calculator~ he always helps me..

My grandfather~ he like the best and my favorite out of the family...he can do anytrhing for me!:)

Pardeep_123 said...

My niece is the cutest baby i have ever seen..

monica iz smily see:-) said...

My Mom-the most coolest and fun mother of all!
My Dad- the most kind and that love me, father of all!
My Brother(s)- the most weirdest person but nice, brother of all!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

And also my baby nephews Jr. and Micheal are the most cutest and handsome also the most strongest babyies of all.They're the most bravest people in the whole wide woooooorrrrrlllddddd! =7!!!!!!!!!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

my friends are my family like,Kadjiah,Jazzlyn,Orlando,Natasha,Elizabeth,Ashley,Quientel,Leslie,Carol,Jessica,Ronnie,Mrs.Hazzard,and also *Daljit*!are my family. and they rock!i also forgot about Mr.Byrd.

monica iz smily see:-) said...

the Q stands for Quientel

Pardeep_123 said...

i agrre with you friends are like family to me...

Japneet~ your like the nicest friend i have ever had

Gurpreet~ you are very hardworking and the most enerjgetic person i've ever met...

Kiranpreet~ You are like a are sooooo smart...

Kiranpreet said...

Thanks pardeep! I know you didn't mean that. You meant to say that i was T.P. if you know what that means.

Kiranpreet said...

i have many friends,but i only oone that is really my bestest friend ever since fifth grade. I can depend on her and trust her for any kind of secret. She is like my sister. her name is.........................ASHLEY KISSOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiranpreet said...

ashley is a very determined, talented and hard working person. She is even very honest. In fifth grade, i changed her in a small way by making her more talkitive and less quiet. Whose your bestest friend?

Kiranpreet said...

She has the power of the pen. I admit that ashley is better than me in writing. it has lots of meaning and is very creative with it!!
(But i beat her math!!)

Kiranpreet said...

She can convince anyone to do what she wants, but i can too sometimes only. She is the best loyal person i ever met in my life. I wish we stay together!!!

Kiranpreet said...

She has never fought with me and has always respected me. She will do anything i ask. (only the things that are not negative or bad). She is going to w.c. but i don't when. I wish it is between the 8th- 13th!!!!!!!

Pardeep_123 said...

My grandma~ she is always giving me good adcive..She is also very strong

My granpa~ He is the working person in the family. He never geta tired...he is also very determined

Mrs. Hazzard said...

Hello everyone. I joined blogging fun at the right time. I love to say postitive things about my family members.
My husband - Has a lot of patience and loves children.
Oldest son, Steven - Kind hearted and very respectful.
Daughter, Vanessa- Very spunky, creative dresser
Son, Joshua, Honest, aggressive, tells it like it is
Wow, that was fun, I can't wait for the next topic.

Mrs. Hazzard said...

I just posted my first blog. Now that I have the hang of it, I'd like to say a little more.

One thing I really adore about my son, Steven is that even though he's 25 years old, he still respects me and other adults. Sometimes he plays around and says things just to see what my reaction is going to be. He loves to play and watch football, loves to have fun. He's a dynamic drummer but he's a little shy about pursuing his drum career. Another thing I like about Steven is how he taught his little brother, Joshua how to play drums. More about my children later. I don't want to bore you by overblogging (if that word exists)

~CHRISTINE~ said...

my mommy- very stylish
my daddy- hardworking
paul- very caring
joshua- very charasmatic
michelle- she is funny
andrea- she ism awesome

Kiranpreet said...

Michelle is a great friend as well. Very energetic and hillorous.q

Mrs. Hazzard said...

My son Joshua, is a great son! He keeps a clean room, which I am so grateful for and is a hard worker. He plays most sports very well (I think he's a natural, he gets it from my husband), and he's a super drummer. Joshua is very outspoken and he likes to have fun. That's two down (of my children), and one to go. I'll see you guys on blog spot later.

Keep those blogs coming in!.

ONICA said...

my dad-he is hard working and he is funny!
my mom-she is very helpful she is also stylish
my brother-he is cool and he likes 2 make jokes (but there not funny)
me-i am a active girl that likes 2 write alot.i also like 2 read interesting books.if the book is boring i just put the book down and go and look 4 another book 2 read.



monica iz smily see:-) said...

and more friends as my family and that's, Pardeep,Japneet,Gurpreet,Paul,
Christine(s),and more other weird people.(that's a lie =7,i'm really surious)

Ramandeep said...

My mom~ Very nice and does a lot of hard work

My dad~ Goes to work early and comes at midnight

My sister~ nothing good to say about her.maybe my friends would then they can.

Me~ energetics, smart. kind, and enthusiastic.

Pardeep_123 said...

To Mr.Byrd, Mrs. Shulman, Mrs.Hazzard, and my class~ you guys have stayed with me from september. I have learned so much from you. You people are like my family. We have had so many ups and downs. Some of us fight like real brother and sisters. all i want to say is you guys are like my family.

Mrs. Hazzard said...

LLIf I don't write something about my daughter, Vanessa, and she sees this blog, I'm in big trouble. My daughter is very creative. She has her own style of dressing which works well for her. Vanessa loves children and worked last year at a camp upstate. She's in her 2nd year of college and wants to be an ASL (American Sign Language) interpreter, or something where she can use sign language. She's been using sign language since she was 4 years old and now wants to make a career of it. I believe she will do very well. My husband and I are very proud of her.

Kiranpreet said...

I describe my brother as mischevous, mysterious, and marvelous

Anastasia said...

My parents are like my best friends. They are always there for me through thick and thin. And i am alway there for them most of the time (joking)!

Mom's Dad- funny and works hard also

Mom's Mom- Very, very hardworking, works two jobs and is always there for us to teach us wrong from right

Moms Stepmom- smart and intelligent, is a teacher

Mom- Hardworking, and very creative

Dad- Smart, also hardworking, helpful, and very pushy

Sister Rebecca- Unique, creative, sometimes helpful (with clothes that is)

Sister Nicola- Very creative, writes good stories using her imagination, she mostly writes 2 to 4 pages of realistic fiction stories, she might have written like over 30 stories for the school year (that is with her journaling)

Me- smart and hardworking/ determined

What can i say everyone in my family is harworking. We try our best in everything!

Anonymous said...

christine r said.....


mom: loving

sister: helpful


shylawazhere said...



brother -ok

sister-the best


Mr.Byrd said...

Wow. You all must have great families!

Les_29 said...

Mom:She keeps all my secrets
Dad: Buys me whatever I want
Lil Bro: Totally Funny
Lil Sis: Totally smart and she's only two.
Mom's Mom: She loves me and I tell her all my secrets
Mom's Dad: Buys me whatever I want
Dad's Mom:She cooks delicious
Dad's dad: LOves and cares about me.

Unknown said...

My sister Esmeralda: shes quiet, smart, and talent.
Father: Hes Hard Work Person and creative.
Mom: Hard working, honest and neat.
My brother Alejandro: smarrt, messy, very lazy, and hard working.
My brother david; special.

Kiranpreet said...

Everyone in the family is kind and caring. My parents take care of us well and make sure we are healthy and strong. To be able to protect myself, dad sends me to karate. He wants me to study hard to become better than excellent.

Christine Beharry said...

Mom- She is very helpful.

Dad- He is smart and hard working.

Sister [Christel]- She is funny and kind.

Me- I am smart and helpful.

Brother [Christopher]- ...... I'm thinking. He's smart [kind of].

Daisy said...

Dad- likes to play sports and helpful, and hard working.
Mom- a person to who you can tell your secrets to.she is also friendly and caring.
Me- i am creative and unique in my on way.
sister- helpful and smart.
small sister- supportive and smart as well.

Adrianna said...

Okay, Mr. Byrd, it took me a whle to think of a POSITIVE thing about each member of my family. But i tried! that counts, right?

My mom- "She cleans alot, and that can come in handy. without her feelings, we woudl be living in a pigsty!"

My dad- "he gives us money if we do something good. Anything such as helping my mother cook(standing in the kitchen bored, counts)and other things."

My sister-" she has an attitude, and lies,butshe's a great storyteller! i remember last year, she took five dollars from my mother's wallet and she said while my mom was walking, it flew on the road and fell into the sewer. my mom didn't by it, but hey! A gullible person would(not counting me)!!!!