Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pet Peeves

Here's an interesting topic: Pet Peeves...

What little things irritate you?

Here's one of mine: shredded lettuce!


Mr.Byrd said...

Put up topics for surveys...This one up now doesn't seem to be interesting... Am I wrong?

Pardeep_123 said...

I get very irratated when my little brother bugs me. He is always ruining the fun. Just because he is little everyone likes him better.if my brother does something i get in trouble. when he is hungry, i have to make food for him. he makes me soooo irrated.

Pardeep_123 said...

i get very irrated when my friends ask me questions every second. That gets very annoying. i get very irrated when my i do all the work and my friends copy off me. But i still love my friends.

Pardeep_123 said...

MR. Byrd what gets you irrated?

Pardeep_123 said...

oh sorry i did not read the " what little thing irrates me". Um i get very irrated when i see ketchup. it is sooooo gross. i dont know how people eat it........

Pardeep_123 said...
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Mr.Byrd said...

I get irritated when I am trying to do a simple thing on the computer, and I can't log on, or the Internet is slow, or there is some other miscellaneous problem...

Kiranpreet said...

i get very irrated when my brother keeps hitting me and he annoys me. he doesn't let me do my homework.

my sister is very irrating as well. She never leaves me alone. Wherever i go, dhe wants to go. when i have t do my homework, she comes and sits next to me and annoys me. I can't stand her a bit,

Kiranpreet said...

I agree with you too Mr. Byrd. It is annoying when you try to do something so many times and it doesn't go the way you want it.

Kiranpreet said...

I even get irrated when things are unorganzied because I am a very are almost very organized and i hate to see things all sloppy.

Kiranpreet said...

By the way Mr.Byrs, Do i have to do my journals?????????

Haresh said...

I get irratated when people kepp on buging me and I tell them to go A WAY andn they sitll would not move or leave me alone.

Kiranpreet said...

Another post can be about what excites you!!!!!!!!??????

Kiranpreet said...


Kiranpreet said...

if one thing on the blackboard isn't clean, i can't stand it. I feel like cleaning, but i can't. All these tiny things can bother me and get me fustrated

Mr.Byrd said...

No journals tonight for bloggers.
Another pet peeve:
People on news programs who talk as if what they say is truth or destined to happen. News programs that report on superficial topics and ignore real international problems...

Kiranpreet said...

did you like my idea of that other blog you can do???????????

Kiranpreet said...

Anyone there????????

Mr.Byrd said...

Yep. definitely...There are lots of possibilities! I just have to try to set up new ones beginning of day. It is hard, though, because I can't log on my account on Safari for some reason. My Netscape doesn't peeve!

Mr.Byrd said...


Create a document and share it with your group!

Mr.Byrd said...

I also invite you to go to and try to add information to the Renaissance topics. Just see if it works!

Anastasia said...

one thing that irrattates me is when my little sister is hitting me...

Here's a poem:


Irritation is a nasty little bug crawling up your arm
It frustrates
And gets you furious
It makes you angry
Amd you to scream
Or even better
Pull your hair out!


Jessica said...

I get very irratated when i see a lot of the color PINK!!!! I HATE that color!!! What do you get irratated of?

Pardeep_123 said...

i agree with you mr byrd. i always get irrated when the computer does not work or i cant log on something....that gets very annoying. That has happened to me tons of times. that is very irratating.

Pardeep_123 said...

sorry if i dont know how to spell.................

Pardeep_123 said...

anna i totally agree with you....i hate younger siblings....all they do is bug you and make your life misrables......

Pardeep_123 said...

i also agree with you jess.....i hate the color is for girly girls.....I HATE THAT COLOR....

Pardeep_123 said...

anyone online....helloooo....

lovepreet said...

I hate people when they bother me alot. It gets so annoying and I feel angey.

Jessica said...

Me too Lovepreet, me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica said...

I also get irratated when I hear a song in a commercial 100 times a day!!!!

Anastasia said...


Anastasia said...

we should do a topic on the best part about us have being in 6th grade!

Mr.Byrd said...

Anastasia - that is funny - Computers drive me crazy. Good topic...

Mr.Byrd said...

Jessica, that is a good one - commercials! I hate them - pretty much every one I see or hear. I don't believe a word they say...

Mr.Byrd said...


Mr.Byrd said...


Anonymous said...

whats up people

Anonymous said...

christine r said.....

Naresh, why did u log on! now u take my joy out of blogging! KIDDING!!

Anonymous said...

Ahh...My pet peeve is when someone ''stalks'' another person.Not really stalk,but they follow that person around all day because they think the other perrson is thier friend.In our school we have a lot of that,but I won't name names.They know who they are =]

Anonymous said...

I also hate when people see a person do something,so they go do it.Or even when one person says the word ''grr'' and the other person has to say it.OH YEAH,I WENT THERE =]

Japneet said...

i hate when people like lovepreet can't mind their own business and just bother us!!! Did you hear that lovepreet!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anastasia said...

japneet i also agree with you.... it is frustrating!!!!!!!!!!

Anastasia said...

how can letttuce irritate you mr byrd? i love it especially shredded

Anonymous said...

Food wise-I get irritated when I see liver .There is nothing wrong with it,I just don't like the taste (or smell). =[

christine rockz (that's me) said...

christine r said....

what irritates me is when someone annoys me when i'm writing. i feel like to take a book and hit them on the head. also, i get irritated when naresh starts messing with our powerpoint. i get VERY MAD!!!!!!

Anastasia said...

yea jess i agree with you on the takes up half of the tv show!

Japneet said...

hi anastasia u on?

Japneet said...

mr.bryd how does shredded lettuce irritate u? i like shredded lettuce!

Anastasia said...

i get irritated or mad when my l$ittle ssister starts hittn gme forno reaso dont you?

Mr.Byrd said...

Krystal - when you are annoyed with people - it is important to communicate that to them. It can clear up a situation and help you avoid letting the problem build up inside and annoy you even more!

Anastasia said...

i agree mr byrd that does happen to me thats is why i ignore my little sister but when i do that she crys and goes to my mom!

~CHRISTINE~ said...

christine s-
the little things that irritate me is when people keep on calling my name. another thing is when people are always whining. another one is when people keep on tapping me or touch me for no reason or when i am doing something important. also another little thing that bothers me is when people ware a really really really really ugly outfit. ii also hate the same thing mr.byrd. you know when you are doing something so simle and then out of no where the computer stops working or shuts off.

Kiranpreet said...

The biggest little things that irrate me is when things are uneven. What i mean to say is when things are not organized. i hate that, but sometimes i can't do anything about it!!!1

Ramandeep said...

something that irritates me is when my sister tries to wake me up on a weekend. She jumps on my bed to get me annoyed. She is 14 years and she acts like an 10 years.She makes marks on my face.She also yells in my ear.All this ends up by my sister getting yelled by my mom or me.Wont you fell irritated by your sister if she did this


Ramandeep said...
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Sandip said...

Something that makes me irritated is my little brother because he is always doing weired things and blaming on me to my mother and father. For example he rips his own and tells my mother and father that i riped his homework. These kind of things bother me a lot.

Sandip said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steven said...

I get irrated when a very loud screech like when people scratch the chalkboard, with their nails. Besides screeches I dod not get annoyed often.

*natasha* said...

Little things that irratate me are when people call my name. Sometimes when Lovepreet doesn't STOP BANGING AND MAKING NOISES ON THE TABLE!! When people spread rumers. I also get irratated when people scrach their naild against the agenda! OOOOO Thta is waht really irratate me the most!!!

Paul said...

something that irritates me is annoying classmates

Jessica said...

I totally agree with u Nastasha!!
No offense Lovepreet but you are very annoying to some of the girls!!! That's all i'm saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Pardeep_123 said...

i agree with you..hundred percent.. i cant stand it when peopel like my brothers make mess....i like to have everything cleaned...our classroom is very messy...i cant stand that....i always try to clean things but they never stay that way.....

Anonymous said...

when my psp dies.

Pardeep_123 said...

I get very irratated when i have to do all the work in my family. I always have to take care if my nephews and nieces. I sometimes have to cook, or wash the dishs or even clean the whole house. I get very tired. I hate doing everything.

Anonymous said...

christine r said.....

when people poke me.

Anonymous said...