what excites me the most is having funny friend and teachers,espeially Mr.Byrd and Mrs.Hazzard and also Mrs.Shulman.and also what excites me the most is that they love me!
Gurpreet- I also like going to new places.I like meeting new people too.However,I hate meeting people who have no life [losers] =] -----------------------------------
what excites me is when i am going on a trip to india to meet my relatives.
I also get excited when i am going to any place with my friends. ilove to go to my friend's house becauseit is a lot og fun. we play for most of the time!!!
Another thing that excites is when i go to visit new places that i have't seen before.since i love to travel, i get excited when i am going to a place i haven't before.
something that excites me is when i get to do or try new foods or things..... also i get excited when it is my birthday so i can get more presents!! isn't everyone?
I get very exited when i am on a roller coaster.....I love to go on rollercoasters.....i love it when the coaster suddenly falls.....its soooooooo exiting....i dont know why people think it is scary......hahha
I get very exited when i go to parties...i love to dance....its my life.....i love to dress up in fancy clothes....Parties are very fun....you could even meet people you havint met in a long time......i love parties....
I gte really exited when i hear about my cousins wedding....it is when school ends.....oh my god....i cant wait....i cant wait to wear rthe best dress on earth.....i cant wait to go to all the ceremonies.....i cant wait to dance in the party....i cant wait until my grandfather and other relitives come.....i cant wait to see my grandfather......i am also going to get soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomany gift in the wedding....I am soooooo exited.....
christine r said..... what excites me is when i get to go see my cousin's dog. (really my dog. he just her at his house because my mom doesn't want a dog in the house.)
i get excited when i do things i never have done before, or when i see things i never seen before. i also get excited when i hear that any one of my relatives are coming from out of this state. I get so excited that i can't wait to see them! I also get excited when i go to different places. i love to go to three different places 1. india 2.canada 3.pensylvania India is where my family livesand i really miss them alot! Canada is where my cousins live. The are coming this monday and i can't wait! Pennsylvania is where i go in the summer , it is alot of fun there i can't wait!
Have a great vacation! I will put up new posts from time to time, but probably not everyday. Maybe sometime this coming week I'll put up a bunch at once. Some will match your journals and those that don't involve discussion will not.
christine s- something that makes me happy is when i acomplish something or when i see my freinds who i miss so much, but what really gets me excited is when my sister comes home. the first time she came and i opened the door i screamed in her face and started jumping up in down like i just met celebrity SOULJA BOY. i also get excited when i buy something new.
I was excited today because i was going to a party and because my friends were going to come over to my house. At the party, i was going to get a present when i left and i couldn't wait to leave. My gift was special. I am trying to tell u that i get excited when i recieve gifts!!!
I cant wait to go to India.The Bad thing is i can go to India when I' in 8th grade.I'm sooooooooooooooooo exited.I cant wait.We might go earlier.The last time i went to India was when a 1 year old.Now do you know why I'm so exited. ~Ramandeep~
omg...i really want to go to india.....i did not go there since third grade....i miss my home.....it is like a mansion....all my favorite people live there..like my grandfather, my niece and my cousins....in india i can do soooooo much....i love going to wonder land[....it is the bestplace on earth! i really want to see my house and you can buy soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much in india...i love to shop so i always buy like the whole store. I really want to go to india. i am going to india this summer. just thinking of it exites me.....
I even get excited when i go to my dad's office because i get to do whatever i want there. All the people are kind and friendly and the boss is never there when i go!!!!!! I can watch t.v., do my homework, help out and etc. I can't wait to go!!!!!
What excites me is when I haer good news that is about me. What also excites me is the fun senior events and wel... LET"S JUST SAY THAT "FUN" THINGS GET ME EXCITED!!!
Another thing that excites me is when people come over to my house and i get to play with them. Today, my aunt came over for dinner and i played with my cousin. I had lots of fun!!
i am soooooo exited about the Senior trip, the prom, the talent show, the volleyball match, and the last day of school. it is going to be tyhe best time of my life... i cant wait to spend time with m friends. cant wait....going to have a blast.........
well what excites me the most is having the coolest teachers ever.that is so coool. and what also excites me is having the coolest and greatest friends i can ever ask for they rock and also the teachers you rock also! :->
i am soooooo exited about the Senior trip, the prom, the talent show, and the last day of school. it is going to be the best time of my life. i cant wait to spend time with m friends. cant wait.going to have a blast.
i even get excited when i , see things i never seen before. i also get excited when i hear that any one of my relatives are coming from out of this state. I get so excited that i can't wait to see them! I also get excited when i go to different places. i love to go to two different places 1. india 2.canada India is where my family livesand i really miss them alot! Canada is where my cousins live. The are coming this monday and i can't wait!
I even love when i hear or i know my aunt is coming because she is the best. I have a blast when she comes. I usually get gifts and i get to play around with her as if she were my best friend( She Is)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am going to be excited about rehearsal of are graduation songs and prom and senior trip and talent show and getting are yearbook.and then graduating with my bestest friends and classmates!
what exites me is roller coasters. I love Rollercoasters. They have many twists, and loops. I love it when roller coasters go down very fast. That is the best part. I love all the scary rides. Rollercoasters are scary but very thrilling.
i geT really exited when i see my cousins..that is because they are always planing something good. My cousins and i always play sports and indian game...its always a blast....we annoy our parents tooo...everytime my cousins come over we go shopping or we go out to dinner...i love spending time with my cousin.
what excites me is when i go to new places and i meet new people it just opens my world to new doors and windows
i got moore but i would blog later!!!.
blogging is so fun i am so happy that mr. byrd introduced me it!
what excites me the most is having funny friend and teachers,espeially Mr.Byrd and Mrs.Hazzard and also Mrs.Shulman.and also what excites me the most is that they love me!
I also like going to new places.I like meeting new people too.However,I hate meeting people who have no life [losers] =]
hey wat makes you guys happy or excited???
i wanna noe!!!
r u there!!!!!!!/?????????????
what excites me is stuff that I have never done before!
yeah gurpreet
hello u there?
another thing that excites me is when i meet my nephew!
he is so cute!!
my nephews live n india and here!!!!
i have three stepbrothers and one real brother
i love my nephews one of my nephews is 3 years old
and my other is 1 and a half years old!!
i love my nephews so much!!!
Give me a minue, i want to eat!!!!!!!!!!!
another thing that excites me is when i meet my nephew!
he is so cute!!
my nephews live n india and here!!!!
i have three stepbrothers and one real brother
i love my nephews one of my nephews is 3 years old
and my other is 1 and a half years old!!
i love my nephews so much!!!
yeah i'm here!
tell me when u guyz r going to leave ight?>??
yeah same here japnett!
hey gurpreet
how many nephew's do u have?
o.k i feel ignoredright nowww!!!
wat happpend to you japneet!???
i oe that kiranpreet is eating but what about you?
how dare you spell my name wrong gurrpreet
i have to leave bye bye
not in this one but the one you wrote before
more than too
kiran are u still there???
well i will wait
what excites me is when i am going on a trip to india to meet my relatives.
I also get excited when i am going to any place with my friends. ilove to go to my friend's house becauseit is a lot og fun. we play for most of the time!!!
more than too what???
Where u going Gurpreet????????????
ok bye i am leavin
going to hotmail gurpreet
kiran i am leavin k?
i wanna check my mail
Where you going???????
Another thing that excites is when i go to visit new places that i have't seen before.since i love to travel, i get excited when i am going to a place i haven't before.
something that excites me is when i get to do or try new foods or things..... also i get excited when it is my birthday so i can get more presents!! isn't everyone?
What excites me is when I get to do new things. It is fun looking foward to tasting new food. Going to new places and trying to do new stuff.
I get exited when i travel. i love to travel...its sooo unique.....I love to see new places....its very fun to expierence new things.....
Gurpreet i agree with you....hundred percent.....I love to travel......
I get very exited to see new people.....i love to hang out with new people...its very nice to see new people...
I get very exited when i am on a roller coaster.....I love to go on rollercoasters.....i love it when the coaster suddenly falls.....its soooooooo exiting....i dont know why people think it is scary......hahha
I get very exited when i go to parties...i love to dance....its my life.....i love to dress up in fancy clothes....Parties are very fun....you could even meet people you havint met in a long time......i love parties....
I gte really exited when i hear about my cousins wedding....it is when school ends.....oh my god....i cant wait....i cant wait to wear rthe best dress on earth.....i cant wait to go to all the ceremonies.....i cant wait to dance in the party....i cant wait until my grandfather and other relitives come.....i cant wait to see my grandfather......i am also going to get soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomany gift in the wedding....I am soooooo exited.....
haresh i also agree with you....i love new things.../
hellooo is any one there....??????
Mr.byrd what exites you..........i am exited to know.....
gupreet i also love to see my nephew.....he is sooooo cut.....just like yours......
gurpreet...japneet....kiranpreet.....are you there.....so ke hal chal ey....hey what time are we meeting tommm...
christine r said.....
what excites me is when i get to go see my cousin's dog. (really my dog. he just her at his house because my mom doesn't want a dog in the house.)
i get excited when i do things i never have done before, or when i see things i never seen before. i also get excited when i hear that any one of my relatives are coming from out of this state. I get so excited that i can't wait to see them! I also get excited when i go to different places. i love to go to three different places
1. india
India is where my family livesand i really miss them alot!
Canada is where my cousins live. The are coming this monday and i can't wait!
Pennsylvania is where i go in the summer , it is alot of fun there i can't wait!
i love when i go to my friends house. i get really excited!
I get excited when I know I can sleep in the next morning!
Have a great vacation! I will put up new posts from time to time, but probably not everyday. Maybe sometime this coming week I'll put up a bunch at once. Some will match your journals and those that don't involve discussion will not.
Enjoy the weather!
thank you mr byrd you too
christine s-
something that makes me happy is when i acomplish something or when i see my freinds who i miss so much, but what really gets me excited is when my sister comes home. the first time she came and i opened the door i screamed in her face and started jumping up in down like i just met celebrity SOULJA BOY. i also get excited when i buy something new.
I was excited today because i was going to a party and because my friends were going to come over to my house. At the party, i was going to get a present when i left and i couldn't wait to leave. My gift was special. I am trying to tell u that i get excited when i recieve gifts!!!
i can excited when i go to do fun things
I cant wait to go to India.The Bad thing is i can go to India when I' in
8th grade.I'm sooooooooooooooooo exited.I cant wait.We might go earlier.The last time i went to India was when a 1 year old.Now do you know why I'm so exited.
omg...i really want to go to india.....i did not go there since third grade....i miss my home.....it is like a mansion....all my favorite people live there..like my grandfather, my niece and my cousins....in india i can do soooooo much....i love going to wonder land[....it is the bestplace on earth! i really want to see my house and you can buy soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much in india...i love to shop so i always buy like the whole store. I really want to go to india. i am going to india this summer. just thinking of it exites me.....
I even get excited when i go to my dad's office because i get to do whatever i want there. All the people are kind and friendly and the boss is never there when i go!!!!!! I can watch t.v., do my homework, help out and etc. I can't wait to go!!!!!
What excites me is when I haer good news that is about me. What also excites me is the fun senior events and wel... LET"S JUST SAY THAT "FUN" THINGS GET ME EXCITED!!!
Another thing that excites me is when people come over to my house and i get to play with them. Today, my aunt came over for dinner and i played with my cousin. I had lots of fun!!
i am soooooo exited about the Senior trip, the prom, the talent show, the volleyball match, and the last day of school. it is going to be tyhe best time of my life... i cant wait to spend time with m friends. cant wait....going to have a blast.........
i agree with you kiran....i love it when people come over to my house.....i love it when my cousins come over.....its sooo fun...
well what excites me the most is having the coolest teachers ever.that is so coool. and what also excites me is having the coolest and greatest friends i can ever ask for they rock and also the teachers you rock also! :->
i am soooooo exited about the Senior trip, the prom, the talent show, and the last day of school. it is going to be the best time of my life. i cant wait to spend time with m friends. cant wait.going to have a blast.
i even get excited when i , see things i never seen before. i also get excited when i hear that any one of my relatives are coming from out of this state. I get so excited that i can't wait to see them! I also get excited when i go to different places. i love to go to two different places
1. india
India is where my family livesand i really miss them alot!
Canada is where my cousins live. The are coming this monday and i can't wait!
I even love when i hear or i know my aunt is coming because she is the best. I have a blast when she comes. I usually get gifts and i get to play around with her as if she were my best friend( She Is)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am going to be excited about rehearsal of are graduation songs and prom and senior trip and talent show and getting are yearbook.and then graduating with my bestest friends and classmates!
what has been exciting me is seeing friends everywhere,like the library,park,and also passing by their houses.
getting new games for my psp.
what thrills me is seeing my classmates dance and hearing the boys sing they sound soooooooooooo good.OMG.
what exites me is roller coasters. I love Rollercoasters. They have many twists, and loops. I love it when roller coasters go down very fast. That is the best part. I love all the scary rides. Rollercoasters are scary but very thrilling.
i geT really exited when i see my cousins..that is because they are always planing something good. My cousins and i always play sports and indian game...its always a blast....we annoy our parents tooo...everytime my cousins come over we go shopping or we go out to dinner...i love spending time with my cousin.
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