Wednesday, May 28, 2008


What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
What will you need to do to get there?

What are your other choices?


Kiranpreet said...

When i grow up, i would like to become a surgean. This way i can help people and recieve a lot of money. To get here, i have to go to schools that teach medicine, science and math the most. Also, if i become a surgean, i will be able to help the poor and donate money and clothes for them. I have huge plans for that. but that can only happen if i become some sort of doctor that recieves lots of money and knows how to help people in need.

If i don't get this job, i am willing to become a lawyer or a teacher.

Mr.Byrd, what did you want to be when you grew up and why? Did you get that career or not? I want to know!!!

Kiranpreet said...

Every one visit my blog and vote on my poll. Thank You!!

Website is:

Mrs. Hazzard said...
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Mrs. Hazzard said...
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Anastasia said...

What i would like to be when i grow up is a teacher (maybe...idk)

I may also be a doctor or nurse because i love helping people

Or maybe a lawyer(not positive about this one)

Mr.Byrd what did you want to be while you were growing up? Did you get it? Why or why not? I really wanna know!!!

Anonymous said...

Hnmm...I'm still not sure what I would like to be when I grow up. =[

Pardeep_123 said...

When i grow up i want to be a pharmacist. I would really want to help peple by making medicine. I want to earn tons of money too! In order to do that i can go to schools/college to learn all about my job. I can go to school/colleges that teach about science, and medicine, just like kiranpreet.

If i dont get that job, im going to want to become a lawyer.

Mr byrd what did you want to be. i am waiting to know toooooooooooooooooooooo...

Pardeep_123 said...
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Pardeep_123 said...

Mr byrd and bloggers please vote on my profile.... i also have new posts. Please send comments.. thanks..

Mr.Byrd said...

It is hard to remember. It's been so long! When I was little I wanted to be an artist, a fireman, and a policeman. I also think I wanted to be in movies at some point.

Adrianna said...

When i grow up, i previously wanted to be a teacher. now, as time passed and i grew older, i found out i wanted to be a movie director. it's not only because of the money and fame, its because personally, i love movies! and i think it'lll be great to make one when i grow older.

Mr.Byrd said...

Wow, Adrianna! A movie director! You should research and find out what is involved. Plus - with technology today you could write and direct your own movie now! (If you have a video recorder.) See Tina T. for ideas for scripts!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

When I grow up I want to be a, Astronaut because it's like science and math mixed together and I really love science math!

Or maybe, I something else like I really love poetry so maybe I want to be a famous Poet and publish my own poem book for ever different gender and for everyone.

Or maybe, learn about business and open up my own bakery store and bake different cakes and maybe drinks(but the cakes would be different flavor but nearly the same taste also the drinks, I promise=+>!)

Or maybe, a Songwriter but not singing(even though I could sing wouldn't waste my breathe, I would save it for talking and talking some more just to annoy people and make them bleed to their ears, I'm just joking)

So those are the things that I want to become when I grow up!To a strong and Brave woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ramandeep said...

When i grow up i want to be a pilot or four closer business man or a be a pilot i need to be really good in math. to be a four closer business me i need to be wise and one step ahead of people who try to trick me. I also need to be good in math so i can understand confusing problems. to be a firefighter i need to loose weight and learn about how houses are built so i would not go from where a house is about to fall. so that is what i want to be when i grow up.

Mrs. Hazzard said...
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Mrs. Hazzard said...
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Mrs. Hazzard said...

When I was younger, I wanted to be a music teacher. I sang in the school chorus in elementary, junior high, high school, college and in the church choir. Since this was something I really enjoyed, I went to college and majored in music education. I enjoyed going to college but my schedule changed after I got married and started to raise a family. I still enjoy music but I just wanted to leave this with you.

Never give up on your dreams, goals and aspirations. You can be whatever you choose. GO FOR IT1

Christine Beharry said...

When I grow up I want to be a.....
I'm not sure.
Maybe a lawyer

Christine Beharry said...

When I grow up I want to be a.....
I'm not sure.
Maybe a lawyer

Anonymous said...

A few months ago I wanted to be a wedding planner.It seems kinda wierd,but I guess I liked the idea of planning weddings and making other peoples day special. =]

amir said...

when i grow up i want to work with computers

Unknown said...

When i grow up i want to be a me its a cool job

- Orlando

Christine Beharry said...

from Cindy

Well, I'm not really sure what i want to be when i grow up. Maybe a teacher,or a lawyer.


:] :] :] :] :]

:) :) :) :)

Tr@v!$ said...

my mother always calls me a preacher and lawyer because i know how to defend my cases and preach at special dinners. my dad tells me the same. my plans for the future are to become a scientist. i like to explore and create things. an engineer would be cool.

bribri96 said...

Brianna M says: I would like to become a CSI field agent or researchist. That would be really cool. Since I was little I thought I would want to be a teacher but I have like no patience and thats not a good quality when teaching.

Christine Beharry said...
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Japneet said...

when I grow up I want to be a doctor. I have 6 other cousins living with me and we thought of all being doctors and own our own hospital it was a great desicion. I would be looking forward to becoming a doctor.

Kiranpreet said...

please visit:

Jessica said...

When I grow up I would like to be a vetanarian. I LOVE animals. I will need to go to college and Vet school. My other choices are lawyer or a teacher.

Jessica said...

Oh ya and please visit:

Sandip said...

I would like to be a police officer when i grow up because there are a lot of uses in being a police officer. The reason why i to be a police officer is because it has a lot of adventure in it and also even my parents want me to be a really nice and very strict police officer. There are more than just one way that i could be a police officer. One of the ways is that i could also be a poloce officer is by reading books on how to be a really good and better officer. And when i jion the police they also going to give me a police training. The best part is when i could use my gun that the police is going to give in the training.

Haresh said...

When I grow up I want to be a doctor or if not a scientist would be great.

Kiranpreet said...

Mr.Byrd, i feel sorry for you because you couldn't become what you wanted to!! What stopped you?? or did you change your mind then to become a teacher???

Oh JApneet, you can also use that hospital for the poor that need help, but not charge them!!! That would be a good idea!! This way i can help you in my free time!!! I better be payed for helping! Just Kidding about being paid!!


Gurpreet said...

hey waz up

Gurpreet said...

so what ar eyou guys writing about???


Sarita*_* said...

When I grow up i want to be a.......
I have no idea. There is so many things that i want to be when i grow up. Maybe a teacher, doctor, lawyer, or a model. Who knows. I don`t.

Pardeep_123 said...

When I was younger I wanted to be a teacher or a doctor. But know i have changed my mind. I want to be a sucessfull pharmacist. I know people dont even think about having that job, but i think that job is interesting and i will be sucessfull at it! Know I dont want to be a doctor because i know its going to take so many years learning. And i dont think i would have liked that job.

Pardeep_123 said...

Everyone please comment posts on my profile! i have new polls... please vote! thanks.

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

christine r said....

when i grow up i wanna be a vet and open my own clinic for underpriviledge pets. i also plan on writing my own series of horror/preteen romance!:)

Paul said...

when i grow up i want to be a math professor kinda like you mr.byrd because that is also what i am good at to get there i need to know everything about math so i have to work hard and study hard like going to college

Mr.Byrd said...

Sandip, that's a good job. I hope they raise the pay, though! Kiranpreet - I did not become what I had orginally wanted to be because I didn't have the drive, courage or enough talent to do it. Usually that will stop you, ha ha! Teaching is a great job, though, and I still haven't given up on my dreams.
Paul - a math professor is a really great job!

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

christine r said.....

DO WE HAVE 2 GROW UP????????