Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Comic Strip!

Turn your memoir into a comic strip!
What were you missing?
Make sure you have all of the description you need to "paint the picture."

Give us a few sentences of good description from your memoir!


Gurpreet said...

in my memoir i was missing the emotions and feelings

maybe i should put in hw i felt throughout when i was during a volleyball match!!!!!

can someone

anyone give me suggestions????????????


Anonymous said...

Hnmm,you could write about how you feel when the volleyball is coming towards you.You could write how nervous you were about hitting the ball.
For a memoir you could write about how you felt to play in your first volleyball game.You could write about how nervous or exited you were to play.You could also write how the other players re-acted to you being on the team.

Kiranpreet said...

This is one of my most descriptive part of the story (I THink). t goes like this:
We were waiting on line that was one hundred miles in length. It didn’t seem to have an end. There were probably one billion people waiting to go and observe the “Cave of the Winds”. While waiting for an hour, I heard adults talking, kids playing/running around, babies crying and families having picnics on the green grass. But there wasn’t as much commotion as it would have been at a concert of the Jonas Brothers or Hannah Montana. Finally, after walking slower than the slowest snails wearing our blue or yellow raincoats, it our turn to explore the “Cave of the Winds”.

This about when i had to wait on a long line to go inside and see what the cave of the winds is about.

Kiranpreet said...

I like your blog Anastasia. It is nice.

Kiranpreet said...

Gurpreet, Pardeep, Japneet and other Punjabi visit my blog!!!

Haresh said...


tareeq said...

sorry mr.bryd but i just dont get what you are saying in the post. HELP!!!!


Kiranpreet said...

Mr. Byrd, please put up an interesting post so we can give comments. Thank You.

Oh and also blog on mine. It is all new. Also vote on my poll. Thank You!!

That was to everyone, not only Mr. Byrd. I can't wait to read your comments!!

Jessica said...

please join me at:

Christine Beharry said...

Check out my blog at www.christinebeharry5.blogspot.com

Mr.Byrd said...

Good job!
Tareeq - I mean that you can draw or sketch a scene from the best part of your memoir to "see" what took place. Then you go back into your writing to make sure you have descriptive sentences...

Paul said...

in my memoir i neeed to have more dialogue maybe i could include mor scenes with talking