Thursday, May 29, 2008


We're in the final stretch of memoirs. Please try to have your best version completed so they can be handed in for a grade.
Try to have them typed and saved so you can edit them in class.
If you save them in googledocs, you can edit them in class without having a memory flash drive.
To put your memoir into googledocs:
Just go to - use your gmail account and paste or type in your memoir.
Then you can access it from any computer without saving it on a flash drive. You can also also "share" it with others. I would like to do this so we can edit each other's work on the computer!


Kiranpreet said...

That is wonder ful!!

Anyways, where were you???

Why didn't you come to school???

I am fixing up my speech a little more so it sounds good!! You didn't make any corrections!!

Kiranpreet said...

P{lease blog on:

and see the videos!!

Mr.Byrd said...

That is good that you fix your speech. Make it light, make it come from the heart, and don't forget to smile and look at the audience as you read it:)

Ramandeep said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ramandeep said...

hey Mr. Byrd are you coming to school tomorrow? I hope not... (just kidding).

Pardeep_123 said...

kiran your speech is perfect but you have to speak more clear and lowder. Otherwise you are okay... by the way i wont delete the blog... hahhaaaa

Kiranpreet said...

I uploaded my memoir and speech!!

Jessica said...

please visit:

monica iz smily see:-) said...

i love this website Mr.B... it totally rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

Mr.Byrd what do we have to with this website i forgot. Can you explain it to me again! PLLLLLLLease!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haresh said...

Nice this is great Lol

Kiranpreet said...

Mr.Byrd, does docs work on the laptops yet??? Something happened to my flash drive, so i couldn't save it on that. It is being fixed. If it works on the laptop, i can use that. Otherwise, i don't know what to do!!!

Gurpreet said...

please blog on my blogspot

Japneet said...

Please blog on my blog post

Anonymous said...

wat up jap


Japneet said...

wat up gopi

Pardeep_123 said...

please comment on my profile.... I also have new polls... pleae vote! thanks

lovepreet said...

check out my profile..........please.........
its cool..........

Paul said...

this is a very good topic mr byrd

Haresh said...

Hey everyone said that Paul.

Ramandeep said...

please please blog on

PaulyG said...

dear mr. byrd,
can you make a new blog subject like, how we are going to feel leaving this schoolor what are we going to miss

christine sewnarine

Gurpreet said...

you guys please blog on my blog

if u blog on mine i would surely blog on yoours

i promise

and i always keep my promises!!!!!!!

bloggggggggg blog blog blog

monica iz smily see:-) said...

i'll blog on your blog if you blog mine it's

Pardeep_123 said...

Mr Byrd~ please get some new posts up. the older ones are getting kind of boring!

To class and Mr. Byrd~ please vote on my polls. And please comment!!!!!!!!

Christine Beharry said...

Check out my blog at

Christine Beharry said...

Go to page 41 in your yearbook. You will see Ms.Vanbenschoten's class. Then go to page 42. Look at Ms.Berry's class. It has the same picture as Ms.Vanbenschoten's class but the names are different.
Ms. Berry's class isn't there.