Thursday, June 5, 2008


The school barbeque!

What did you like most?


Pardeep_123 said...

Omg.. the barbeque was awsome. I enjoyed alot. my friends and i also danced alot. We even did our talent show song. Everyone was also dancing with us. I had a blast. I really loved performing my talent show song. I cant wait for the actual show. At the end of the dance mrs. hoder said i dance soo good. I was surprised. what did you like the best mr.byrd.

Pardeep_123 said...

everyone including mr.byrd comment on my profile. I ahve new polls and posts.

Anonymous said...

THe BBQ was okay.I mean,the music was really good.I had an okay time.I guess it was not as much fun because there was to much drama.
We also missed the last half hour because Mrs.Shulman brought us back in early.I guess that was for the best. =]

Haresh said...

It was the bomb I had a great time there was dancing and music food it was a blast!!!!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

the BBQ was the boom i really had a good time dancing and singing to the songs that i knew. but the best part about the BBQ was how Mr.Byrd was dancing i was really surprised i never knew that Mr.Byrd could dance, but anyway the important thing was that i had a good time and so as everybody else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr.Byrd said...

Hi! I liked the dancing part, too. I was dancing because when I came outside, I realized I didn't have to take you all back upstairs. I mean, even Ms. Hoder was dancing! So I was happy we could stay outside more. It was Friday, after all!

I am doing homework right now. I am using iMovie...

bribri96 said...

The BBQ was awesome. I sang along with the songs that I knew which was all of them and then I talked with Christine B. Then I got my arm and face painted with the Mets sign. Almost everyone in our school is a Yankee fan, well boo Yankees :)Anway, I didn't dance because I don't dance but I had a good time. It was okay! ;)

Mr.Byrd said...

Yes, boo Yankees! It's much more fun to go to the Mets game. (Easier to get there and park, ha ha)

Mr.Byrd said...

The dancing was great, girls. You will be so good at the talent show. Everyone was watching you!

Gurpreet said...


the barbeque was so cool

i was damcnig so much

but then when we were leraving to go bac to our class i beacme dizzy

my head was aching and so was my stomach

wheni got home

i was tired and i decided to take a nap

but then i threw up

kust like that!!!

i was soo sick

but now i fell so much betterr

my mom said i got sick beacuse i ate watermelon and then i drank water over that

you should never do that


the barbeue was awsome!!!

mow i can't wait intil the prom!!!!

Gurpreet said...

everyone please go to my blog

i got new topics up!!!!!

bribri96 said...

Yes Mr. Byrd my dad agrees with that statement even if he's a Yankee fan! Haha I didn't know that you were a Mets fan.

Adrianna said...

Um... I was absent for the BBQ, but from the comments, it sounds like fun!

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

christine r said.....

the bbq was rockin!!!!!! i mean, i had soooo much fun dancing. plus, even though at one point i was really angry, i had a blast. i mean, life is free so live while u can, right?

Haresh said...

No Yankees rule!!!!

Mr.Byrd said...

Pardeep - It seems like you really have enjoyed these activities! Your dancing was spectacular!

Christine Beharry said...

Check out my blog at

Pardeep_123 said...

thanks mr.byrd..

Pardeep_123 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BRIANA said...

Dancing with many friends mostly krystal, saira, komal, and bharti
i was suprise cause anjali was dancing it was a OMG moment.

Paul said...

at the school bbq i enjoyed the dancing the most because i got to catch up with my old friends and dance

shylawazhere said...

The bbq was totaly awsome.I think everyone had a great time. my favorite part was the dancing. i loved dancing with my friends;Elizabeth, jazzlyn, kadijah, natasha, leslie, ashley, monica,and much more.I had a great time with all of my friends.The bbq was the best.

bribri96 said...


the school barbeque was a blast! I had fun especially when we were dancing. It was so fun because I got to spend time with my old friends, and I had so much fun with them. The school bbq and the senior trip were the two most fun activities throughout the whole school year so far.

Anonymous said...

The bbq was off the hook man it was better then last year i think. The best part was danceing with our "friends" it was cool.

Unknown said...


Sarita*_* said...

OMG. I love so many things about the BBQ, but I like the dancing and the having no school work part. The BBQ rocks.

Unknown said...

OMG, the BBQ was the most fun day then the other ones. i was dancing so much that i started to swet. My most favorite part about the BBQ was the food, the music, and the games. i had so much fun that i wish there was another BBQ on the same year.what did you like best about the BBQ Mr.Byrd?

Mr.Byrd said...

I liked the chicken, of course. I love barbequed chicken. I also loved the dancing, since we didn't have to sit in the classroom! Friday will always be one of the best days.

mahomudur rahman said...

i liked the games and music the most, even if the Dj was a rip off. he had old songs. when he played slodja boy i was hopeing that he would say a,e,i,o,u thing like in clubgetaway.

Christine B. said...

Check out my blog at


It's new and completly different.
I did it over.