Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Heat is On

How do you keep cool on a hot day?

What activities do you enjoy?

What do you do if you can't partake in those activities?


Haresh said...

I keep cool by putting on the Air Conditionar and eating and drinking cold stuff.

Adrianna said...

What I like to do on a hot day, is to sit in front of the air conditionor and eat popsicles and drink cold lemonade. If i cannot partake in this activity, I will make a fan out of paper, and use it until i can sit in from of the AC.

Pardeep_123 said...

I keep myself cool on hot days by turning on the a/c, turning on the fan and using less light. If you have ever felt the hot air of a light it is burning and it makes the room get hot. I love playing volleyball and basketball on hot days. Sometimes i just watch tv or do my homework or i work on some kind of art project. Mostly i go to my cousins house or have a party.

Kiranpreet said...

It was very hot while we were driving here. It was 100 degrees. I wish i could go outside and play games, but unfortunately i couldn't soooooo sad. Isn't it.

If i can't i would stay inside and watch t.v. or play my PSP

What would you do Mr.BYrd????

Pardeep_123 said...

Today was a special day in the temple. Almost all the Indian people were there. It was soo hot. So we all cooled off with some watermelon, ice cream and cold drinks. that was a little better but it is still 100 degrees. know i am playing games, blogging, and i am drawing in my scrapbook. The Heat is on!hahaaaaa

Mr.Byrd said...

I try to be by a pool or at the beach. If I can't, I stay at home or go shopping. Going to the movies is also a great idea!

Cindaline227 said...

i keep cool by turning on the air conditioner and drinking cold stuff. I try to stay in a cool environment.

monica iz smily see:-) said...


monica iz smily see:-) said...

Okay I was just joking but, yesterday I went to, two beaches for no reason and catch a baby crab.
And today I'm sitting next to the fan and waiting to go out to see some people and to get NEW CLOTHES for Thursday because of the Talent Show!!
So yesterday and today is running smoothly!!!

How about you guys?????

monica iz smily see:-) said...

People People please blog on, blog pretty pretty PLEASE it's

please and thank you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well,Saturday the family and I went to the beach.The water was freezing cold ,but at a 100 degrees I was perfectly fine with that.Hnmm,on sunday I did'nt do much,but I did put on the A.C

Paul said...

i keep cool by putting on my air conditoning and i partake in playing with my friend outside and going to smokey park to get wet

monica iz smily see:-) said...

right now I'm bored and i just finished my homework a couple minutes ago. and I'm sitting right in front of the fan and it's not cooling me up enough but i will get over it if i eat another cherry icey that my dad bought so that might cool me off again!

P.S. i can't wait until Talent Show it's only 2 more days until the big Premiere I'm just extremely excited!

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HOT!!!!!!!!!!!! help meeeee

Mr.Byrd said...

Monica - your blog is really cute! A bit confusing for me, but you use really interesting pictures.

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

christine r said.......



bribri96 said...

What I do is put on the air conditioner and sit in the heat until the other room is cool. Then I grab my laptop and go in the cold room and sit there for hours just on my computer

Paul said...

i keep cool by sitting in front of the ac and fan,and i also drinking ice tea.

Unknown said...

When ever it's hot out side i alway turn on the air conditionar, drink cool water, eat ice, or go to the beach, or jump in the pool or go on the sprinkler from the fire department holes.

P.S. hope you have a splended vacation!!!!!

Gurpreet said...

when it is hot in my house i turn on the ac. or turning on the fan

i eat icecream and drink anythinkm col

i even take cold baths

trust me it works

Gurpreet said...

check utmy blog spot

monica iz smily see:-) said...

idk my bff jill, she might know how to stay cool and to aways be by the A.C.

Anastasia said...

I keep cool on hot days by going outside and letting either my mom or grandmother spray me down with the hose or I set it like a sprinkler, so it goes everywhere.

Some activities that I enjoy are playing on the computer, watching t.v, or playing outside with my friends and cousins and sisters.

Les_29 said... parents and I are the only lucky ones in the house. That means that now my brother has to sleep in my room urgh!!! But at least im away from the heat. Also I go to the open pumps on my block and we have an awesome time.

Mr.Byrd said...

You are lucky, Leslie! It is too hot in my place!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

i agree with Mr.Byrd my place is also hot almost like a dessert!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rama_12 said...

i keep cool by sitting in the air conditionar and eat lots of icecream and popsicles. When it is mid june i have to go to the beach beach

mahomudur rahman said...

all i like to do on a hot summer day is lay on the sofa and play vidogames, watch tv, play around in the park with the sprinkler,and maybe lay around in th air conditonar.

Christine B. said...

Check out my blog at


It's new and completly different.
I did it over.

tareeq said...

a way that i will keep cool is to go in my room and use air condition
i will enjoy going outside and play basketball
i will go on my laptop and dj my own song