Thursday, June 5, 2008

Senior Trip

So? What are your thoughts about the Senior Trip?

What was your favorite part?
What was the funniest?

Share your thoughts about this special day!


monica iz smily see:-) said...

why we need a break please
pretty please Mr.Byrd no test tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

monica iz smily see:-) said...


Pardeep_123 said...

I thought the senior trip was awsome. I had so much fun and entertainment. The best part was when we all climbed up the hill. It was kind of tough but soo cool. There were soooooooo many rocks and insects. Most of the trees were blocking. It was so cool climbing up rocks and trees. I felt soo good. It was also very tough going. Some of the girls got stuck hurt or felt scared. I really liked the teamwork that the girls did together. I even helped people i usually don't help.

Mr.Byrd said...

I am glad you had fun. You really deserved it!

Pardeep_123 said...

I think mr.byrd was testing...not saying that there was going to be a test.. monica...

Anonymous said...

The trip was so much fun.I really liked the ''line gliding'' thing.It was basicaly two trees holding a rope in which you slide/glide/fly on.I did'nt like the thing that protected you.It made me feel like Borat.
I also liked the dance party.I thought it was just the funniest thing to see the teachers to ''soulja boy.''
Hnmm...Well it would of been more fun if the girls and boys were all mixed up instead of being on a seperate bus.
And,I almost forgot about the big yellow slide.That was just fun.It took a while to get up to the top because the people above me had really stinky feet.=[

Daisy said...

I thought the senior trip to club Getaway was great! our counselor was Bradley. he was from England which explains the reason why he pronounced his name as Broccoli. my favorite part was going hiking. i was able to hike up the mountain and see animals and of course a lot of trees. we didn't get to the top since we kept stopping. but we still had a wonderful time.

bribri96 said...

The senior trip was so much fun! My favorite part was archery because I was best at it. I got one arrow on the black and one on the blue. My bow only had two arrows. The funniest part was when the guys plus me and Shyla were playing volleyball and Mr. Byrd decided to join in, by kicking the ball to someone when it was out of bounds. I absolutely hated going on the Zipline because I then hit my ankle on the ladder and I really hurt it. I am very clumsy so I wasn't surprised when I had to limp around for the rest of the day. Another favorite part was when Mohamadur and I were playing chess, though he ruined it by cheating. I loved the dance party, even though I didn't dance. I sang along with every song since I knew them all and that was fun because they had such good music. I love when one of the staff makes us say the vowels. We go "A, E, I, O, UUUUU!" because they had started Crank That Soulja Boy! This was so cool and I'm definetely going back again, maybe I'kk meet the seniors of next year! Hopefully!

Mr.Byrd said...

Hey, everyone! Take a look at my digital story about the trip. I made this with iMovie. If I had taken pictures, I wouldn't used the pictures, instead of these drawings. Who wants to bring their pictures to school and create a movie of them?

Adrianna said...

The senoir trip as really fun. Club Getaway was better than I expected. The Zipline was scary. I didn't go on it, but I was about to. I looked down from the top and immedately knew i wasn't going on it. The Massive slide was fun, adn also scary. when i got to the top, i thought i waas going to die. It was freakyy, but fun in a way!
The dancing thing was fun to. Mr. byrd, how comeyou weren't one of the teachers dancing?

Mr.Byrd said...

I didn't dance on the trip because I wasn't feeling great. I was extremely tired that day because I hadn't slept enough the night before. Adrianna - I'm glad you at least tried to go on the zipline. Sometimes just a little push helps people. Sometimes it's not enough. I'm glad you had fun!

Crazy 4 lyfe said...

christine r said....

the senior trip was fantabulous. i also loved the line thingy.what do u call that? any way, i agree wit krissy. i think the guys and girls should've been miced up. other than that, i had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!

*can we go again mr. byrd. the school year isn't over yet.

Kiranpreet said...

Mr.Byrd, you love food don't you???

My favorite part was when we went hiking, all the way up into the mountains.

We wanted to go on the zipline, but that wasn't on the schedule so we couldn't. We had all the whack activities to do, but still had fun. Bradley and the outgoing girls made it the best trip i had so far.

By the way, i am blogging from my relatives house that live in Maryland. Today, i am goig to reach virginia by 5 or 6 o' clock.

can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel sad for you people who don't get a week off. Just kidding.

(I hope r. Byrd doesn't give you a lot of work.)

If you want to know about my adventure, go to my blog. If i have a computer there, i would definetely blog!!!


monica iz smily see:-) said...

Mr.Byrd very I mean extremely funny or historical digital story the illustration was hilarious but I really enjoyed it!

good job Mr.Byrd!!!!!!!!!!

Paul said...

nice video mr. byrd i really enjoyed it it seemed historical somehow

Paul said...

i thought at first the senior trip was going to be boring but at th4 end it was a memorable moment

Mr.Byrd said...

I can't believe so many of you enjoyed the hike! Such a simple (and free) activity. Nature is pretty peaceful and pleasant. I have to say that I am very happy my group did not have that activity.

BRIANA said...

Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!! everyone said as we entered the gates of club getaway from the bus i saw many games and activities to do . but most of all the two main things i liked was the dancehall and hiking

Sarita*_* said...

The senior trip was the best. Club Getways is so cool and fun. My favorite part was the hiking and dancing. I love danger and hiking was similar to danger. The dance club was so much fun. I LOVE dancing and for that to be included in our actives was very increable. The funniest thing was when we did the soulja boy. It wasn our theam song.

Unknown said...

I loved the senior trip it was so fun hope you had fun.

Unknown said...

I loved the senior trip it was so fun hope you had fun.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was the funniest thing when the MC/DJ made us say the vowels.Then,when we got to ''u'' soulja boy started to play.Hnmm,it was interesting to see ms.Riter do the soulja boy. =]

Mr.Byrd said...

Krystal - FYI: Ms. Reiter loves to dance!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

no comment,
okay fine i'll say something,
Mrs.Rieter can dance or she loves to dance somthing like that!
But, i agree with Krstyal and Mr.Byrd

Christine Beharry said...

I love hiking. I don't know why. I hate going down going up is the easy part in my opinion.[I'm kind of scared of heights. It's not my fault.] I had a hard time getting down because I'm scared of heights and we were almost to the top. The worst part was that I kept slipping on the dirt because it was wet. I was suprised I didn't get hurt. Hiking was my favorite part of the trip.

Christine Beharry said...

I like the way the MC/DJ made us say the vowels. When we got to u soulja boy started to play. That was funny. I agree with you Krystal. I thought something was wrong with him for a second.

Christine Beharry said...

Go to page 41 in your yearbook. You will see Ms.Vanbenschoten's class. Then go to page 42. Look at Ms.Berry's class. It has the same picture as Ms.Vanbenschoten's class but the names are different.
Ms. Berry's class isn't there.


ONICA said...

club getaway was so fun.the part that i liked the most was the zip line.

Christine B. said...

Check out my blog at


It's new and completly different.
I did it over.