Monday, January 12, 2009


How is the new year treating you? 

I don't think I'm a winter person!


Anonymous said...
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Christine B. said...

i hate winter. it way too cold now. i cant wait for summer.

Jesus said...

hey mr.byrd
its jesus
jus stopping by 2 say hi
tell mrs.brown i sed hi
hows 161?

Mr.Byrd said...

Hi everyone - I am trying to change, too! I am trying to be more open-minded.
Hi Jesus - good to hear from you.
I will definitely tell Ms. Brown you said hi.
161 is good, but we're not having as much fun! Maybe I'll try and change that

loveable5aban said...

hey its me gurpreet
new years was both good & bad
good because ma dads birthday is on new years and bad because my uncle died on new years!!!!!!!!!!!

Pardeep_123 said...

omg..hey are you Mr.Byrd..hows school and everything?..and HAPPY NEW YEARS...

Daisy said...

Hey Mr. Byrd, for this school semester im thinking of changing, i think i will start with partcipating a little bit more in math, my teacher Mrs. Scanio is a pain in the neck. I want to get a good grade for her on my report card!

Haresh said...

lol...hello everyone its getting nicer ican't belive that ground hog saw its more winter

Anonymous said...


Mr.Byrd said...

Happy New Year!
Sorry to hear about your uncle, Gurpreet.
Hi Pardeep, Krissy, and Haresh!
Keep working hard, Daisy!

Good luck on your math tests!

Mr.Byrd said...

Happy New Year!
Sorry to hear about your uncle, Gurpreet.
Hi Pardeep, Krissy, and Haresh!
Keep working hard, Daisy!

Good luck on your math tests!

Japneet said...

heyy mr.byrd
hows winter nd school... we are having a great time at my school.. great hearing from u ....

Mr.Byrd said...

Hey Japneet! Good to hear from you!
Hope all is well everyone!
Busy as usual here, and I'm moving!

Mr.Byrd said...


people hatin 4 wat said...

i wasz in 45 grade den soooo buzz off