What is everyone doing? Don't let summer homework get you down. Do it and get it over with! You will have homework until you gradate college - you'd better learn how to incorporate it into your life. I know it stinks!
Hi Mr.Byrd what are you doing? I did not get any homework from my school as yet. Also I don't know but I did not get my class number. What do I have to do to get my class number???? Could someone help me.
I bumped into Dean and Maya on my way back home from the gym. (I'm sure I didn't look much worse than I do during the school year, ha ha.)
It was very odd to see former students in my neighborhood, but I think it was cool. (I'm sure they were horrified.)
Usually I bump into former students near the school, so I was a bit surprised.
And by the way, there is PLENTY of summer left! I am taking a class in Manhattan and I take the opportunity to go to Central Park and other places I never get to see anymore.
Karishma - your school should send you information this month. If not, just skip it this year!
Take a year off and travel, live it up! Ha ha
Vandie, my summer is going well. Relaxed at the beach today, even though it was cloudy all day - then dinner with friends.
Guess I'll have to go back to the beach this week since it's going to be hot!!
oh yeah we got our report cards frum the program. i got a A in science a A in Math and a B in Language arts. This is my first report card where i got lettr grades. O and HA HA brandon i did better in the report card and u said u would. just wanted 2 rub it in brandons face
wow HI MR.BRYD so um what you been up to buddy i can call you buddy now cause you are no longer my teacher haha =[ i miss everybody and lost a freind GUEES WHO 2 girls one guy i am still freinds with tusheka and navon no longer nia it ok though I LEARNED THE MOONWALK OVER THE SUMMER i hope to see you again my.bryd
By the way - to all of my wonderful students... Some of you have requested me as a friend on facebook.
It is nothing personal, but I can't add students, no matter how wonderful you may be. I am just afraid of accidentally typing something stupid or silly, you know?
Anyway, I never use it, and I will probably cancel it.
Someone I knew long ago tagged two pictures of me from almost 15 years ago!
I am not happy about that - although I dont look so bad in them. ha ha
Halo, Nama saya Helen Wilson, pemberi pinjaman yang menawarkan bantuan keuangan dan peluang. Apakah Anda secara finansial turun? Apakah Anda memerlukan pinjaman segera untuk melunasi utang Anda atau apakah Anda memerlukan pinjaman untuk memperbaiki bisnis Anda? Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman konsolidasi atau hipotek? Apakah Anda ditolak oleh bank dan lembaga keuangan lainnya? Cari tidak lagi karena ada di sini untuk membuat semua masalah keuangan Anda menjadi sesuatu dari masa lalu !! Kami memberikan pinjaman kepada perusahaan, entitas swasta, dan individu dengan suku bunga rendah dan terjangkau. Modal dan proses pinjaman kami dijamin 100% dan dijamin. Anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui e-mail melalui: t: (helenwilson719@gmail.com) Terima kasih.
What is everyone doing? Don't let summer homework get you down. Do it and get it over with! You will have homework until you gradate college - you'd better learn how to incorporate it into your life. I know it stinks!
Hi Mr.Byrd what are you doing? I did not get any homework from my school as yet. Also I don't know but I did not get my class number. What do I have to do to get my class number???? Could someone help me.
Hey Everyone im really excited to go to school
i bet vanditas job will be president of the Adam fan club.
oh back to school again i miss school right now but i dont want my vacation to end!
Hello there! Guess who I bumped into?
I bumped into Dean and Maya on my way back home from the gym. (I'm sure I didn't look much worse than I do during the school year, ha ha.)
It was very odd to see former students in my neighborhood, but I think it was cool. (I'm sure they were horrified.)
Usually I bump into former students near the school, so I was a bit surprised.
And by the way, there is PLENTY of summer left! I am taking a class in Manhattan and I take the opportunity to go to Central Park and other places I never get to see anymore.
Karishma - your school should send you information this month. If not, just skip it this year!
Take a year off and travel, live it up! Ha ha
Vandie, my summer is going well. Relaxed at the beach today, even though it was cloudy all day -
then dinner with friends.
Guess I'll have to go back to the beach this week since it's going to be hot!!
vandie he didnt brake his ribs and i dont understand wat u told me about adam. please dont explain it.
oh yeah we got our report cards frum the program. i got a A in science a A in Math and a B in Language arts. This is my first report card where i got lettr grades. O and HA HA brandon i did better in the report card and u said u would. just wanted 2 rub it in brandons face
wow HI MR.BRYD so um what you been up to buddy i can call you buddy now cause you are no longer my teacher haha =[ i miss everybody and lost a freind GUEES WHO 2 girls one guy i am still freinds with tusheka and navon no longer nia it ok though I LEARNED THE MOONWALK OVER THE SUMMER i hope to see you again my.bryd
Hi everyone
Congratulations James! Those are great grades. I'm sure you'll do really, really well this year!}
Vandie - i dont remember when I was in the park, but I know I won't be there for a long time! Not in the USA right now!
Sara - good to hear from you "buddy" and I hope you are doing well. Keep practicing your moonwalk because you'll have to demonstrate !
See you all later!
V - I am in Mexico, studying
By the way - to all of my wonderful students...
Some of you have requested me as a friend on facebook.
It is nothing personal, but I
can't add students, no matter how wonderful you may be. I am just afraid of accidentally typing something stupid or silly, you know?
Anyway, I never use it, and I will probably cancel it.
Someone I knew long ago tagged two pictures of me from almost 15 years ago!
I am not happy about that - although I dont look so bad in them. ha ha
Technology...go figure..friend or foe?
hi mr.byrd how r u im good thanks i miss u my summer is good
Miss you Arielle!
- Ms. Haas and Mr. Byrd
Nama saya Helen Wilson, pemberi pinjaman yang menawarkan bantuan keuangan dan peluang.
Apakah Anda secara finansial turun? Apakah Anda memerlukan pinjaman segera untuk melunasi utang Anda atau apakah Anda memerlukan pinjaman untuk memperbaiki bisnis Anda? Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman konsolidasi atau hipotek? Apakah Anda ditolak oleh bank dan lembaga keuangan lainnya? Cari tidak lagi karena ada di sini untuk membuat semua masalah keuangan Anda menjadi sesuatu dari masa lalu !! Kami memberikan pinjaman kepada perusahaan, entitas swasta, dan individu dengan suku bunga rendah dan terjangkau. Modal dan proses pinjaman kami dijamin 100% dan dijamin. Anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui e-mail melalui: t: (helenwilson719@gmail.com)
Terima kasih.
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