I think this picture is about a park or a feild. I think it should inspire you because it is a calm smothing picture. It really shows a nice calm place you would want to be in.
Good guess! Well, I guess "inspire" was the wrong word. It is one of my favorite places because it is so peaceful yet interesting. (People watching, animal watching, etc.) It is a park in Brooklyn, and as the weather gets warmer, I plan to spend more time outside!
Peaceful places are important for thinking and sorting out thoughts for writing. I am interested to hear about the best places for thought for everyone...
Well,the most peaceful place for me is my bedroom.I guess its peaceful because its mine-Duh!! I also plan on spending more time outside too.This summer,I really want to learn how to skateboard.*
This is a picture that I took last fall. It is a good idea that I post some other pictures for inspiration, though. Pictures can be used for ideas for poems this month. I would like everyone to post their poems, or parts of their poems eventually so we can all help each other before she finalize them.
Mr.Byrd- I agree with you.Pictures and objects can help you create a poem.Last Wednesday,when Mr.Mat came and we did the writing lesson in which you have to write about an object ,I thought that was kinda cool
Oh really? I didn't like that lesson. I don't find erasers or other school supplies an interesting subject for a poem. We should've used google images or something else from the Internet for ideas.
I prefer emotions, tough times, good times, etc. for the subject of poems.
I'm logging off for now..Thanks for blogging. We should do more in class for sure!
I think blogging is a good thing to do. Many of us need to express our feelings and so this would be a great oppurtunity to do that. Also we can learn about other people's thoughts and feelings as well!!!!!!!!
Mr.byrd- I did'nt like the fact that we used school obljects ,but it was still pretty cool. It's kind of wierd I'm typing this comment and you are sitting behind me grading our math test. =]
Well I kind of agree with Krystal this is kind of bording using topics that we have to pick. In my oppion we should have gotten a wide varity of topics. We should writ about what we have intrests about and what matters to us.
hey i wanted to blog that it is thing Mr.Byrd just did is cool cuase is gives kids a better way to comunicate (very neet blog we got here)alright i wanted to blog this"the pizza is a hot ball of fire moving towards your mouth' thanks i hope you like it!!!!
Well place that is peaceful to me is in my room. It is the only plce were I can be by myself. Like I am right now. It's so quiet if there was a mouse in here it would be heard.
Dear Mr.Byrd Well, I think this place is a park in Connecticut.I think this because one of my friend went to a place similar to the place that inspires you.they took a picture with a background with trees with green leaves,but they were kind of near the trees. Sincerely, Ramandeep
I also agree with you guys (Andrea & Jessica). I think this is a place for Mr.Byrd, for being alone and where he can read and also being away from us. (I'm just saying (:-}) !)
Mr. byrd, are you happy that i blogged today several times??? Whenever i did, you wereen't online. Tell me if you like my poem later please. I would like to know.
Christine R- O-M-G..I REMEMBER YOUR SIS (ARY). =] ----------------------------------- Anastacia- I agree with you.Sometimes the noise helps you.You also get more ideas from listening to other people.By the way,its not wierd. -----------------------------------
Question-why does it inspire you?
Well,my guess is that it is in New york. =]
I think this picture is about a park or a feild. I think it should inspire you because it is a calm smothing picture. It really shows a nice calm place you would want to be in.
Good guess! Well, I guess "inspire" was the wrong word. It is one of my favorite places because it is so peaceful yet interesting. (People watching, animal watching, etc.)
It is a park in Brooklyn, and as the weather gets warmer, I plan to spend more time outside!
Peaceful places are important for thinking and sorting out thoughts for writing. I am interested to hear about the best places for thought for everyone...
Well,the most peaceful place for me is my bedroom.I guess its peaceful because its mine-Duh!!
I also plan on spending more time outside too.This summer,I really want to learn how to skateboard.*
*I hope I don't fall to much.
Mr.Byrd-Have you ever went to this park or you just picked a picture OF A PARK?
This is a picture that I took last fall. It is a good idea that I post some other pictures for inspiration, though. Pictures can be used for ideas for poems this month. I would like everyone to post their poems, or parts of their poems eventually so we can all help each other before she finalize them.
I agree with you.Pictures and objects can help you create a poem.Last Wednesday,when Mr.Mat came and we did the writing lesson in which you have to write about an object ,I thought that was kinda cool
Oh really? I didn't like that lesson. I don't find erasers or other school supplies an interesting subject for a poem. We should've used google images or something else from the Internet for ideas.
I prefer emotions, tough times, good times, etc. for the subject of poems.
I'm logging off for now..Thanks for blogging. We should do more in class for sure!
I think blogging is a good thing to do. Many of us need to express our feelings and so this would be a great oppurtunity to do that. Also we can learn about other people's thoughts and feelings as well!!!!!!!!
Thanks Jessica -
So far it's working great. Hope to have more participating tomorrow. Happy blogging!
I did'nt like the fact that we used school obljects ,but it was still pretty cool.
It's kind of wierd I'm typing this comment and you are sitting behind me grading our math test. =]
Well I kind of agree with Krystal this is kind of bording using topics that we have to pick. In my oppion we should have gotten a wide varity of topics. We should writ about what we have intrests about and what matters to us.
hey i wanted to blog that it is thing Mr.Byrd just did is cool cuase is gives kids a better way to comunicate (very neet blog we got here)alright i wanted to blog this"the pizza is a hot ball of fire moving towards your mouth' thanks i hope you like it!!!!
Well place that is peaceful to me is in my room. It is the only plce were I can be by myself. Like I am right now. It's so quiet if there was a mouse in here it would be heard.
My peaceful place is actually where allthe noise is because then i get more ideas... Wierd right? i know...
Well I can only focus if the tvor music is on but other than that I can not relate to Anastasia.
well unlike you Haresh i am very different and wierd so i do and say wierd things...don't you agree?
So wait I'm confused you called youself werid.
yea so what i already know that lol
Giggle at Anastasia.
Jazz - Great metaphor!
Dear Mr.Byrd
Well, I think this place is a park in Connecticut.I think this because one of my friend went to a place similar to the place that inspires you.they took a picture with a background with trees with green leaves,but they were kind of near the trees.
Really I saw a park simmlar there too.
Ramandeep - it is a park in Brooklyn!
christine r said....
the place looks rockin'!!!! i soooo wanna go there
i would like to go there to...it's up to my parents....lol(i'm not joking!)
well I think this is aplace were Mr.Bryd would like to be .For example :this place is quiet and this a place were Mr.Byrd can read
I totally agree with Andrea! This is a place for Mr.Byrd! =D
I also agree with you guys (Andrea & Jessica). I think this is a place for Mr.Byrd, for being alone and where he can read and also being away from us.
(I'm just saying (:-}) !)
Your's Truly'
Mr. byrd, are you happy that i blogged today several times???
Whenever i did, you wereen't online.
Tell me if you like my poem later please. I would like to know.
christine r said....
Christine R-
I agree with you.Sometimes the noise helps you.You also get more ideas from listening to other people.By the way,its not wierd.
hi people
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