The tiger pounced as quickly as an arrow towards the unsuspecting rabbit waiting like the deserts waits for the rain
Well,I really like the part where you say ''waiting like the deserts waits for the rain.'' I really like your poem.Infact,now I feel at tad bit embarrased about my poems.Anyways,right now I can't think of a good simile or metaphor but heres a random one: Her heart is as cold as the ice cubes in my lemonade
Simile Trees are as beautiful as buzzing bees. Metaphor On the wall there is a shadow of a branch outside. Imagery I am the grass when the weight of myself is melted away by the truth of the moment.
I am very impressed! Some of you are incorrect, but so what? The images you have created are great. Keep working at creating great lines for your poems. You will be rewarded with a meaningful, deep poem.
Krystal - thanks for the compliment, but my line is a cliche that I heard in a song. Sorry! I was trying to think of one really fast so you would have an example! Yours is great!
That's very funny, Haresh. You are right - we are supposed to all think of our own lines. I was in a rush. The song is called "I Miss You." I don't know the songwriter because it is just a song I have heard on the radio. I will try to be more original for my examples!
The tiger pounced as quickly as an arrow Towards the unsuspecting rabbit Waiting like the deserts waits for the rain Well... Mr. Byrd I really enjoyed reading your examples. Although I did read your comment saying you got it from a song! Shame on you! I also agree with Haresh, you should have put the title and artist of the song! But again it was fast and it was great! Here are my tries for a great simile, metaphor, and imagery:
Simile: Her smile is as fake as the Barbies I used to play with as a kid. Metaphor: She was so ugly Imagery: I'm sorry, but, she was as ugly as my brother's vomit last week after eating a tomato and drinking lots of milk.
Good job, Natasha. In poetry, you might want to use "prettier" images, but I'm not trying to limit you. There is a very sad song by Sade. It is called "Pearls." It is about a mother in Africa collecting grains by the roadside for her little girl. She refers to them as "pearls."
Using metaphors in poetry and music gives your writing deeper meaning. Try it!
1.skateboarding is an easy breeze rushing toward you at a million miles per hours gasping for air 2.the house is hotter than a desert with the sun burning down on it from a centimeter away 3.the lion is a fast cheetah running a million miles per hour running at the speed of light.
i really think these are good since it took about 5 minutes each so it took a long time
Dear Mr.Byrd, 1.The rose is the color of blood. 2.The bathtub is the color of my sister's wedding dress. 3.The teacher is a tall tree. 4.The waves on her shirt are the waves from the sea. 5.The ball was the shape and color f an orange. From, Christine Sewnarine=)
Metaphores... 1. The house is hotter than the sun`s surface. 2. He was colder than the north pole. 3. The cat was jollier than Santa Claus. 4. His smile was brighter than a star. 5. His heart was sweater than choclate.
here is a couple of my similes, metaphors, and imagerys...can you guess which one they are? *She was as happy as a kid being entertained by clowns. *Words are bullets and should be aimed carefully toward a target. *Maddie drank soda and hiccuped when she drank it too fast.
Keep it up everyone! Komal – good! Sandkip – clean up the language, but awesome! Travis – good. Now spice it up! Alexa – good comment. We’ll see! Tareeq – See correction: The girl is as strong as a lion. The boy is an angry bear. Good! Haresh – Good. Don’t forget that “as” should be there twice. Are these yours? Adrea – Good! You wrote a simile, though. Sarita – Good imagery, but those are not metaphors. The cat WAS Santa Claus. His heart IS chocolate.See the difference? Anastasia - Good. Your third one is not a metaphor, though.
here is a poem of mine that i wanted to blog so you guys could see it:
The breeze blows warm As the days grow long And somewhere in the distance You can hear the birds chirping Coo-oo, Coo-oo, Coo-oo
That is when the mangoes Ripen in the tall dark, green trees And hovering around Trying to eat them are busy, buzzy, bees Then right over the walls that block us from eachother You hear my call Hm-mmm, Hm-mmm, Hm-mmm
That is when you know summer is coming!
*What do you think? *I worked really hard on it...
Hi people of Mr Byrd class and Mr Byrd Here is a poem that i made up about Me!
Me, Myself and I. I am not just a pretty face, I have a beautiful soul, I am something special, And always faitful. Sometimes I can be all wrapped up and into me, But that is who I am and always will be.
well I too made up a poem to share listen. Our homework assignment was simply to write down the capitals of every state. I wrote down MONTANA, NEW YORK, INDIANA. I thought I was doing just great.
I wrote down all fifty and just to make certain, I checked them and then double-checked them. I handed mine in with the rest of the class for the teacher to go and correct them.
I guess I must not have been paying attention, or maybe I'm just a bit deaf. Whatever the reason, I misunderstood, so I got a capital "F."
Christine R. - that is good. I think it is a challenge to think of new metaphors that compare two things that you wouldn't think would have any similarities.
There is a song with the line:
"Sometime I feel like an old engine that's lost its driving wheel."
Well,I really like the part where you say ''waiting like the deserts waits for the rain.'' I really like your poem.Infact,now I feel at tad bit embarrased about my poems.Anyways,right now I can't think of a good simile or metaphor but heres a random one:
Her heart is as cold as the ice cubes in my lemonade
It's not that good =[
The bride was as white as a polar bear.
The wolfed howled as loud as a car honking on the streets.
The dog moaned like an ill person
I am as beautiful as the sunrise.
One of my best Imagery is:
The sharp needle pranced through her bare feet sending chills down her spine.
One of my best Simile is:
He was as enraged with anger as a bull in a competition.
One of my best Metaphor is:
She has the heart of a stone.
Is It Good?
"The water is like the sun,"
"The teacher got to the bottom of the problem,"
"Grandma's hugs burn my skin,"
Trees are as beautiful as buzzing bees.
On the wall there is a shadow of a branch outside.
I am the grass when the weight of myself is melted away by the truth of the moment.
(Krystal_Ann giggles at Haresh's imagery,its so funny.)
One of my best Simile is...
The light shined as bright as the sun.
One of me best Metaphor is...
The chicks are the size of mice.
One of my best imagery is...
My bedroom is the size of a tennis court.
I am very impressed! Some of you are incorrect, but so what? The images you have created are great. Keep working at creating great lines for your poems. You will be rewarded with a meaningful, deep poem.
Krystal - thanks for the compliment, but my line is a cliche that I heard in a song. Sorry! I was trying to think of one really fast so you would have an example!
Yours is great!
Mr.Byrd I tought we were supposed to make up our own lines but I geuss you were in a hurry so it's okay.
P.S. you should have put the song name and the author.
That's very funny, Haresh. You are right - we are supposed to all think of our own lines. I was in a rush. The song is called "I Miss You." I don't know the songwriter because it is just a song I have heard on the radio. I will try to be more original for my examples!
Hmm..I think I might give that song a listen.
The tiger pounced as quickly as an arrow
Towards the unsuspecting rabbit
Waiting like the deserts waits for the rain
Well... Mr. Byrd I really enjoyed reading your examples. Although I did read your comment saying you got it from a song! Shame on you! I also agree with Haresh, you should have put the title and artist of the song! But again it was fast and it was great! Here are my tries for a great simile, metaphor, and imagery:
Her smile is as fake as the Barbies I used to play with as a kid.
She was so ugly
I'm sorry, but, she was as ugly as my brother's vomit last week after eating a tomato and drinking lots of milk.
Good job, Natasha. In poetry, you might want to use "prettier" images, but I'm not trying to limit you.
There is a very sad song by Sade. It is called "Pearls." It is about a mother in Africa collecting grains by the roadside for her little girl. She refers to them as "pearls."
Using metaphors in poetry and music gives your writing deeper meaning. Try it!
Ok now I am blogging off! Until tomorrow!
Natasha - your metaphor is incorrect.
Check this one out:
Sadness is a lonely tear running down a child's face.
You see? You just say one thing IS something else.
Winter is a _____.
Try again!
skateboarding is an easy breeze rushing toward you at a million miles per hours gasping for air
Here are some more of Similies.
1.The wind was fast as speeding bullet.
2.The light was as bright as the sun.
3.The boy was as fast as the wind.
How were they ?
It needs some work in my oppion.
Sadness is a ferocious monster eating your soul.
Time slides a gentle ocean waves upon waves, washing the shore, loving the shore.
Sadness is rain falling towards the concrete.
1.skateboarding is an easy breeze rushing toward you at a million miles per hours gasping for air
2.the house is hotter than a desert with the sun burning down on it from a centimeter away
3.the lion is a fast cheetah running a million miles per hour running at the speed of light.
i really think these are good since it took about 5 minutes each so it took a long time
You have a witchs fingers.
Dear Mr.Byrd,
1.The rose is the color of blood.
2.The bathtub is the color of my sister's wedding dress.
3.The teacher is a tall tree.
4.The waves on her shirt are the waves from the sea.
5.The ball was the shape and color f an orange.
Christine Sewnarine=)
I think blogging is realli fun bacause... we can express our feeling without fear of being wrong, isnt that cool??
My favorite simile is "The girl is as stronge as a though an angry lion." That is my favorite simile.
My favorite metophor is "That boy is turning into an angry bear." That is my favorite metophor.
*That is a poem,I don't know the name of the type of poem,but it starts with a ''D''
Dear Mr.Byrd,
That newspaper writing assignment was realli fun we should do something like that again
I agree with you.The newpaper writing was really fun.
Hey I think I finally came up with some good ones. Listen what do you guys think?
1.Hard as Chinese arithmetic.
2.Ran like a chicken with out a head.
3.Dumb as a can of dirt.
4.Mixed up as a frog in a blender.
5.Lazy as a cut dog.
1. The house is hotter than the sun`s surface.
2. He was colder than the north pole.
3. The cat was jollier than Santa Claus.
4. His smile was brighter than a star.
5. His heart was sweater than choclate.
Haresh your metaphors are amazing and funny. LoL
Mr.Byrd Ilike this one:my heart flows like the ocean breeze
Nice Andrea. Very creative.
MR.Byrd I like this one:my heart flows as the ocean seas
thanks haresh
Cheek this one out
"He was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs."
Good right :-)
here is a couple of my similes, metaphors, and imagerys...can you guess which one they are?
*She was as happy as a kid being entertained by clowns.
*Words are bullets and should be aimed carefully toward a target.
*Maddie drank soda and hiccuped when she drank it too fast.
cool were did you came up with the ideas
i made them up myself... are they any good?
wee thx yours are funny and good...
Thanks alot
you welcome...
*i really like blogging lol
i know that i`m funny haresh
but your metaphors are funny
Thanks alot
hey sarita u like my guessing game?
so where did u get your ideas?
from me of course lol duh...
Hello what geussing game? I am missing someting
the one at the top and then you said where i got my ideas from that one...
the one at the top and then you said where i got my ideas from that one...
Keep it up everyone!
Komal – good!
Sandkip – clean up the language, but awesome!
Travis – good. Now spice it up!
Alexa – good comment. We’ll see!
Tareeq – See correction: The girl is as strong as a lion. The boy is an angry bear. Good!
Haresh – Good. Don’t forget that “as” should be there twice. Are these yours?
Adrea – Good! You wrote a simile, though.
Sarita – Good imagery, but those are not metaphors. The cat WAS Santa Claus. His heart IS chocolate.See the difference?
Anastasia - Good. Your third one is not a metaphor, though.
thank you mr byrd. i didnt know that.
I made mine up too. It only makes sence we made them up.U ALL DID RIGHT?
yea... we all wrote good metaphors, similes, and imagery.
Thanks Mr.Byrd.
thanks for that mr byrd i will reamber that
yea me too mr byrd
Anyone have any good Imagerys. I didn't see alot of those.
I came up with two Imageries which are
1. Blowing against the part of me that hides.
2. what remains with razor sharp teeth
here is a poem of mine that i wanted to blog so you guys could see it:
The breeze blows warm
As the days grow long
And somewhere in the distance
You can hear the birds chirping
Coo-oo, Coo-oo, Coo-oo
That is when the mangoes
Ripen in the tall dark, green trees
And hovering around
Trying to eat them are busy, buzzy, bees
Then right over the walls that block us from eachother
You hear my call
Hm-mmm, Hm-mmm, Hm-mmm
That is when you know summer is coming!
*What do you think?
*I worked really hard on it...
critisize, but critisize good plz...
yea i like it you like my poem?
Hi people of Mr Byrd class and Mr Byrd
Here is a poem that i made up about Me!
Me, Myself and I.
I am not just a pretty face,
I have a beautiful soul,
I am something special,
And always faitful.
Sometimes I can be all wrapped up and into me,
But that is who I am and always will be.
Hope you like it!
Yea I like your poem!! -_-
Hi, Check out my new post and try it! I will try to be back later to blog back. Blog away!
well I too made up a poem to share listen.
Our homework assignment was simply to write down
the capitals of every state.
I thought I was doing just great.
I wrote down all fifty and just to make certain,
I checked them and then double-checked them.
I handed mine in with the rest of the class
for the teacher to go and correct them.
I guess I must not have been paying attention,
or maybe I'm just a bit deaf.
Whatever the reason, I misunderstood,
so I got a capital "F."
nice poem haresh and again it is very funny!
thanks but do you know anything about the new format thing Mr.Byrd put up.
i know... also nice poem sarita haresh omg my i am laughing my pants off lol... your too funny dude
I got one, She is a busy bee working in the garden
Jessica - she is a busy bee... good!
christine r said....
the girl was as happy as a mother when her baby is born (after all the pain of course!!!)
I really like how you said "the bride was as white as a polar bear."
christine r said...
his heart is as cold as the ocean at night. i'm talking about a howling, ghost chilling night!!!! not no happy summer night!:)
Good one, Christine!
I also really like the ''bride was as white as a polar bear.
christine r said....
he is as curious as a 4 week old puppy. :):):)
Christine R. - that is good. I think it is a challenge to think of new metaphors that compare two things that you wouldn't think would have any similarities.
There is a song with the line:
"Sometime I feel like an old engine that's lost its driving wheel."
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