Sunday, May 18, 2008


To which Simpsons character do you most relate?

I think I have (or have had) shared traits with all of them...
What about you? Tell us why!


Anonymous said...

Hnmm....I might share traits with Bart because he can be very annoying (which is a specialty of mine).

Kiranpreet said...

I don't know because i don't watch the simsons, but from what Krissy said, i can relate that to my baby brother and my sister.

Japneet said...

i mostly relate to lisa:

she is more mature and stuff like that , ( well not that much)

Gurpreet said...

well i think i most relate to lisa

i think i most releate to her beacuse i agree woith her almost everything she states

like if bart is doing somehting bad

lisa says to stop

i will tell bart the same thing

Daisy said...
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Gurpreet said...

who do you guys relate to ?

Japneet said...

i also relate to bart because i am really annoying once you get to meet me.

Gurpreet said...

yeah me to

i mean he is much mature and she is smart and all

lovepreet said...

i relate to bart......

he is very annoying and is almost funny all the time..

well not that much...

Jessica said...

I would relate myself with Lisa! She is like the most NORMAL one in the family. The rest of the family is.... is... I don't know WIERD!

Japneet said...

hey gobi i hate gobi dont u???

Daisy said...

I have never saw the simpsons but from what i read about Japneet i would realte myself with Lisa because she is more normal and mature.almost like me.

Gurpreet said...

yeah i agree with you lovepreet

you arer annyoing like bart

Tina Thomas said...

Hah! Thats funny "krissy" anywayz, I relate mostly to Bart because, he gets in trouble a lot and is seen skating a lot hes also not very smart and his sister is a girl genius so yeah its weird but Im like Bart!!! (: !!!

lovepreet said...

i also relate to lisa.

because she is more mature and has a really good attitude..

She does

Japneet said...

yeah gobi i agree GOBI!!!

Pardeep_123 said...

I relate to Lisa. She is very intelligent. She knows when something is wrong. I like mature people lilke Japneet and Gurpreet said. She is not annoying like the other people in her family. She is also very serious.

Sandip said...

i don`t really know anything about the simsons because i don`t watch this kind of t.v. shows.

Gurpreet said...


and i do not hate gobi
i hate gobi beacuse it doesn' t have any potato

Pardeep_123 said...

I agree with you whats up both of yopu...

Gurpreet said...

why do you not watch these kind od t.v shows?

Japneet said...
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Gurpreet said...

nm oh pardeep wo d you mostly relate to??

Pardeep_123 said...

i hate gobi..noy gopi

Japneet said...

WaT Do YOu WatCh TheN???

Gurpreet said...

i have ish

sandip do you have dish

Japneet said...


lovepreet said...

i hate gobi because he is not a good person

Ihate him for many things

Tina Thomas said...

its natasha
well i think i am mostlylike bart simson in this picture. i do because i am as eergnjwqnsqmam1akqamqkmak1amkamamksmw2jsmke2ndejndj3njwsn3msa2mo1mkwm21omqkmq12kml,xmqwekmdspk2m3eo23kimeo23meqne fjo4enwoqn2nedwnmkjernmwkenmo32neomw2m2okme32kjr2p3k23kep32ok2jijlkwqllqewlqk;elwqk;el;wql;kwqe;lqwl;qw;l2o3pop

Tina Thomas said...


Paul said...

i probably relate most to bart because he is mischevios and i also like hgim for his characteristics

Kadijah said...

Umm.......I can share traits with bart because he can be very annoying and act kind of stupid

DAYSHAWN said...

One of the Simpsons character I relate to is Bart because i'm like the daredevil with my friends there always daring me to go up to a school and do something stupid behind them or clear me throat right next to them Bart is cool

Christine Beharry said...

I relate to Lisa because she is smart and mature and I am. :)

Kiranpreet said...

After reading your comments, it seems like i too relate to Lisa.The one who is mature and smart. I don't think Gibi fits in because she gets immature sometimes. So does Pardeep.

Haresh said...

I would relate to Bart and Lisa. Bart is cool and calm. Lisa is smart and mature so I guess that I fit under both categories.

andrea__m said...

l relate to bart and lisa because i am anyyoing and sweet

BRIANA said...

As scary as this is I would personally say BART SIMPSON . Why well because Bart is annoying , and he enjoys going on adventures some what like me he usally gets into very ,very ,wacky situations. again somewhat like me .I would also say LISA she is the middle child and along with the baby Lisa is loved the most JUST LIKE ME!!!

andrea__m said...

this might be wierd but il would relate myself to be bart because l can be a trouble maker and il can start things with people .plus i can do crazy things to me or to people .

tareeq said...

I think i could relate to bart because he is actually very cool and people also just loves to be around him. I could say that because some say nd some may not say that people just love to be aroun me. That is who i relate to in the simpsons.

Haresh said...

Most people said bart but isn't Bart the trouble maker and the one thatgets bad grades.

Kiranpreet said...

yeah right tareeq. i don"t believe you!!

the simsons remind me of zack, cody, london, and madie. madie can be compared to lisa and bart can be compared to zack. these two characters are alike and i think you can relate to the.

Kiranpreet said...

my brother is half cody and zack because he is naughty, funny, and intelligent. i a madie because i am mature and intelligent. mY sister is london because she is fashionable. well at least she wants to be fashionable. oh and i almost forgot that i a sort of like london becaue i a also rich. well that is what y dad says. the rich daughter of a poor dad. tell me about you!!

that si how my brother is half cody and zack because he is naughty, funny, and intelligent. i a madie because i am mature and intelligent. mY sister is london because she is fashionable. well at least she wants to be fashionable. oh and i almost forgot that i a sort of like london becaue i a also rich. well that is what y dad says. the rich daughter of a poor dad. tell me about you!!

e and my brother is half cody and zack because he is naughty, funny, and intelligent. i a madie because i am mature and intelligent. mY sister is london because she is fashionable. well at least she wants to be fashionable. oh and i almost forgot that i a sort of like london becaue i a also rich. well that is what y dad says. the rich daughter of a poor dad. tell me about you!!

that is how my brother is half cody and zack because he is naughty, funny, and intelligent. i a madie because i am mature and intelligent. mY sister is london because she is fashionable. well at least she wants to be fashionable. oh and i almost forgot that i a sort of like london becaue i a also rich. well that is what y dad says. the rich daughter of a poor dad. tell me about you!!

Sarita*_* said...

I think that I realte to Lisa more because of many reasons. Well one reason is because my nick name is Lisa. Another reason is brcause I have some of her character traits and my pearsonitaly is also like her`s. To me Lisa is a very kind and caring and friendly and genours pearson. But she also wounders about things and is ready for anything. She isn`t afarid to try new things. And this is who i am.

Anastasia said...

i might relate to Bart the most because he can be very annoying and i can sometimes be annoying(i think)


Anastasia said...


Ramandeep said...

I would like to relate my self to Bart because Bart is never up to good. Nether am i.I'm also annoying to my sister and to my parents (especially my sister).I also like to ride my skateboard (that was stolen). I would also like to relate to Bart because he does thing a person would not even dare to do like me. He is very funny. And when I hang out with the friends i really know I am quite funny.that is what some of them told not lying im serous but not in some cases.

ONICA said...


Crazy 4 lyfe said...
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Crazy 4 lyfe said...

orlando said....

i'm bart!!!!

Adrianna said...

I only watched one episode of the simpsons before, but in that episode, i realized that i'm most like Lisa. She is the second girl bron in the family, second child, and can be a little WIERD. Which, is definetly one of my character traits!

Anastasia said...

well adrianna u dont have to worry about being weird because weird is definetley a character trait of mine. and i do kind of relate to lisa because she is born second and so am i!!!!