Friday, May 23, 2008

I Love Long Weekends!

What are you doing this weekend?
I am going to the beach!
It is the first weekend of the season!


Anastasia said...

I love long weekend too Mr.Byrd! This week i am staying home, blogging, going to my aunts house for barbecue and etc.. I rally do love weekends!

Jessica said...

This weekend i am going to the park and the zoo. It will be so much fun !!!!!!! :0

bribri96 said...

I absolutely love long weekends. This weekend I am going to my aunt's who lives in Rocland County. She has a huge backyard and olympic sized pool. We are having a barbecue! Can't wait!

Christine Beharry said...

I love long weekends. This weekend I am going to have a barbecue. Most people I know are.


Haresh said...

This weekend I am going to a party and shopping.

Anastasia said...


Anastasia said...

MAYBE SOME PARTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IDK YET.........

Jessica said...

OMG! I just found out right now I am going to a party all the way to conneticut this weekend!!!!!!

ONICA said...

i dont know what i am doin

Adrianna said...

okay, first of all, its like you read my mind! i'm totally looking forward to tommorrw and monday! yesterday, i did some of my homewk, and i'm going to finish the rest today. i'm going over to my granndma's house to pack away stuff,and clean up, because she just got construction to make it look bigger. And its so BORING! i won't tell my mom because she's get mad and won't take me to my cousin's house tommorrw to put songs into my ipod. And i've been wanting this for a LONG time. Anyway, HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!

Pardeep_123 said...

every one please comment on my profie.........i have new polls and ichanged it...please vote..

Paul said...

yeah i am also going to the beach this weekend mr byrd and tommorow i am going to long island to salute some veterans and soldiers

monica iz smily see:-) said...

Well, this weekend I'm going to see my aunt at the hospital. Then I think I'm going to get a new battery for my MP3player and also go to the park!

Mr.Byrd said...

Enjoy your time! I was at the beach yesterday, and the park today. The weather today was a perfect as it gets, as far as I'm concerned!

Jessica said...

Everyone come join me at:

monica iz smily see:-) said...

hey guys check out my profile it's called, +h3 $w33+ !if3

Kiranpreet said...

I was very busy this weekend. I had no time to do what i wanted to do.

Friday- come from school, ate, played, took care of my brother and went to temple

Saturday- cleaned the house, relaxed, got ready for party, and went to party. Returned home at 12:30 a. m.

Sunday- went to bare mountain park and played. Bunch of people. Had fun. about 70 people ate and had fun there. went at 7:30a.m. and came back7:30 p.m.

Today- finished homework, cleaned house and took care of my brother.
Time flew fast today

Mr.Byrd said...

I went to the beach yesterday, but it was too windy and sand kept blowing in my face!

Japneet said...

This weekend I had my cousins wedding. I can't believe she got married. She was the best cousin ever and her mother and sister cried a lot when she was leaving their house with her new husband. My new cousin is very nice. He doesn't know me that much yet. We did a dance preformance for her wedding party and it was great for others but I thought it was bad. I hated it because we didn't get to practice that much. Talk about like 5 or6 hours of practice in total!!!
It was a great weekend! I loved it.

monica iz smily see:-) said...

this week I went to my moms job because the person that she takes of, fell so then they took him to the hospital and when i saw him i felt sorry because he had surgery and they cut off his leg! and i was about to cry but i didn't so i held my tears aside! then i when i went outside i saw this little 4 month puddle/golden retriever!Ii was so cute and i told the owner if i can borrow it for 2 weeks but then i told myself that they just got it Friday and that they're father just surprise them and got it for free.But i get to take care of it when they go on a family vacation!

Christine Beharry said...

Check out my blog at

BRIANA said...

Sweet mangoes and fresh smelling pine trees.
Well this week i am going to FAR ROCKAWAY BEACH yay!!!! I just hope It wont rain . then all i will do is take a sand bath

shylawazhere said...

This weekend is going to be so cool. i am going to have a bbq at my uncles house. Hopefully if it's nice enough we can go in his pool.We might even bbq at the beach if it is nice and hot.

shylawazhere said...
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Anonymous said...

mr byrd do u like the beach. also what i like to do on long weekends is go to the beach to because i go fishing

andrea__m said...

l love long weekends because it is slow and then you get to have alot of fun and you get to do stuff the whole day

lovepreet said...

i love long weekends its really cool you get to have much as fun as you can get...............