Well i cant remember the funniest moment in the sixth grade.But i can remember one funniest moment in this whole week.I remember when it was graduation practice on Monday and one of the candle liters said her last name and everyone started to laugh.Especially Mrs.Shulman. :) :) :) :)
The funniest thing i remember within my fifth grade year is when kishan lamae Jonathan lutchman and Isaiah and were playing outside and we accidentally bumped all of our heads together.
I agree with you Ramandeep. When Briana Marine came up to speak, she said her name as if she was a mouse and made us all laugh. Mrs. Shulman kept cracking up. It was very funny. Even I laughed.
um...let me c...the funniest moment that i remember in sixth grade was when my shulman was laughing so much she turned red.that was so funny!!!!!!!! every 1 started to laugh and we could not stop.that is the funniest thing i remembered in sixth grade.
he funniest moment funny i ever had actually happened today:
i was sweeping in 3/17 for mrs.shulman to help her clean up, so i put it out farther than i was. the next thing i know KISHAN comes walking and trips over the broom. it is stuck between his feet, but he mages to get out.... everyone starts laughing (especially me). this is my most funniest moment (funny for me, but embarrasing for KISHAN BOODHU). DONT BELIEVE ME (ASK CHRISTINE R.!!!)
also everday at rehearsal for graduation, mrs.shulman and mr.byrd are always cracking up. hey are sooo funny. i love that about them (there is always time for fun!) they are the greatest. mrs.shulman especially and mr.byrd tooo.
i also remeber when BRIANNA MARINI said her miidle name (MARIE). it sounded funny because she said it really fast. it was mad funny!!! mrs.shulman kept on laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!! funny BRIANNA TAKE OUT THE MARIE AND LEAVE IT AS (BRIANNA MARINI!) KKKKK>?
but the most fuuniest part was when lovepreet was talking to the school aids in punjabi and the second funniest part was when i crack up jokes..Sixth grade was a year full of laughter. No matter what happens i hacve learned always to smile and forget the past.
One of the funniest moments I remember from 6th grade was when we had gym and we were playing baseball. Jesus was the one standing next to the baseball plate and Andrea came running and falls on top of Jesus! That was SO funny!
I also remember the time when Mr.Byrd was on the laptop and told us to look up but first he closed a window that was there and then this lady pops up and Mr. Byrd says OH! That was funny.
the funniest thing that ever happened to me in sixth grade was when i was outside and somebody was playing basketball and he went for a lay up and he missed and hit the wall. the funniest thing that ever happened to me in fifth grade was when every body thought the school was hauted. It was a rumer and it was to funny. the funniest thing that ever happened to me in fourth grade was when a new kid walked in and made a mistake and slipped on a pencil. PAIN IS FUNNY!! (*_*) (!_!) ($_$) (^_^) (@_@) (#_#) (%_%) (&_&).
I reamber when I was in 5th grade Naresh took this girl name Debie`s lipgloss. She loves lipgloss and if someone took it she would go crazy. Which she did. When she found out it was naresh she ran and spear him to the wall. Everybody laughed so loud and for so long. At that moment Britney Spears song "Hit Me Baby One More Time" went into my heard. I was laughing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! (*_*) (*_*) (*_*) (*_*)
One of the funniest moments in class was when Mr.Byrd finally dissed Jesus but then he got scared of what Jesus was gonna get him back so that was very very funny. Another funny moment in class is when Mr.Byrd dissed Leslie that was another great moment sixth is such a grade of getting dissed by your teacher now that's bad seriously
You guys remind me of when Leslie said to Mr. Byrdthat he made a contract with her on which you signed Douglas Shulman. Everyone had something to say and we all cracked up.
This year was better than any other. I agree with you Anastasia!!
I wonder if Mrs. Shulman really meant that She wasn't giving out any awards to her class. Was she playing?? I hope not! if it is, that is sad for the other class!! Hope you luck.
The funniest moments i remember from sixth grade was when Mr.Byrd wasn't going to be in school for 2 weeks and we had a substitute, MS.DEVOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was like SO strict to everybody. Jesus was the one who hated her the most and when it was the last day of Ms.devoser staying with us Jesus wrote on the homework board, "Mr.Byrd, please don't let us be with Ms.Devoser anymore!"m That was SO funny!
another funny moment was when we were all in gym playing kick ball, and Jesus ran so fast and fell on top of Andrea who was on the second base. it was really funny.
that is funny daisy but it was andrea who fell on top of jesus. Another funny moment was when I was in 4th grade my teacher fell on top of one of my friends. That was soo funny.
welllll..... jessica i do agree with you that the funniest time no for me,but for the whole class (i think) was when Jesus locked Lovepreet in the closet. Jesus is sooo funny, but can be really annoying. and it was funnier when Lovepreet was yelling in a girls voice. thx for reminding me Jess (i almost forgot)!
jess you remember all of the funniest moments. u can be the helper on memory lane. lol!!! that time was really funny when Jesus wroe that on th board. reallllll funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fourth grade: something very funny was the dissing contest that me and gurpreet and others sixth graders had. The fourth graders vs the sixth graders. It was mad funny. Then next day I bought yo mamma jokes to the classroom and Jaipreet got me in trouble. I just hate that kid. Fifth Grade: In fifth grade something funny was when Pardeep kept on cracking up jokes and never let me be sad. I love her as a friend! Sixth Grade: In this year something funny was hen lovepreet was cursing in punjabi to our school aids it was mad funny. Soethin else that was fnny is that how Pardeep kept on laughing and laughuin that made others laugh and made my stomach hurt.
There are soooo many funny days that i dont always remember about but one time i can never forget is when Jesus locked Lovepreet in the closet.... oh my god..... everyone was sooo exited to do that... but funny things may be alittle mean...
I remember this morning Mr.Shulman came to teach us a lesson ansd we played a game.. and the person next to us was our partner. my partner was my best friend japneet....but my other friend gurpreet got her worst enemy...named lovepreet....that was soooooooooooooooooooooooo funny...i could'nt stop laughing....then we had to write down ten things our partner AND I HAD IN COMMEN... AND gurpreet had not alot of things in coommen with lovepreet.... omg that was really fun..
The funniest moment for sixth grade was when all of the classes got together and tried to sing "stand by me". Just saying, potentially scarring experience. For fifth grade it was when there was a banter between Ms. Berry and Jesus. That was hilarious. For fourth grade it was when someone took Devi's lipgloss and then she ran around asking people if they had seen it. Finally, she gave up on finding it and pulled out another tube of lipgloss from her pocket. Finally, for third grade it was when there was a rat in the classroom and Ms. O and all most all of the kids started climbing on the chairs and desks. I just stood at the front of the class with Travis shaking my head because the mouse was more scared of us than it with us! Those were some of the funniest moments :)
the funniest moment in fourth grade was when all the girls and boys sat at two individual tables and Jaswansingh had to move to the girls table because he talked to much. Then he was the only boy at the girls table. it was so funny it was hilarious
Well, in fifth grade the funniest moment for me was when Stephanie (Devi) ran into Narsh and hit his arm mad hard. It was because he had her keys in his hand and said, "Come and get it!" She ran towards his and boot him against the wall, then left. His arm was sore. That was bad/ sad, but he should have known better!!! FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i remember the time leslie and mr.byrd started to fight and leslie said mr.byrd signed a contract signing douglas shulman...that was soooo funny...every one started to crack up....
I remember when Sandip brought the PINK umbrella to school. He left it in my class. It was sooooooo funny when we found it. Mrs.Shulman was laughing so loud she turned red. You should have seen Mr.Byrd's face when he found out it belonged to Sandip.
I remember today when Ms.Brown was talking about we can not have a world war 3 because the whole world would be destroyed. So Paul said why can't we live on Mars I cracked up it was so funny.
sixth grade is like the best grade on earth. Sixth grade is all about laughing and having fun. There was less learning and more free time. This year the sixth graders got to do things that lower grades dont get to do. I love sixth grade..
Another thing that is funny in 6th grade is a part of our play in which Leslie comes running to Dona and also when Natasha is having her baby. We cracked up. Laughing to death, Mrs. Shulman was the loudest!!!
i don't know what's funny, the only thing that i think is funny is how Mr.Byrd and Mrs.Shulman act like a married couple they always fight but the fight is extremely funny to death.they fight of one little thing then it expends to a huge fight.But they don't get mad they just laugh at one another, which is the best part!!!!!!!
Monica- I like totally agree with you.I mean,no offense to Mr.Byrd and mrs.Shulman.They are always ''fighting.'' It's not really fighting ,but it sure seems like it.It's also funny what Mr.Byrd says about Mrs.Shulman after they get in a fight.
BALDWIN...he's got the signatures of all the people who have culled. " NOT SO FUNNY", now. Right " PARTAGER"? And especially since NYE- DOT- ROOT, have totally lost their send of humor, and STATESS. With WASHINGTON. Your EGG- MANCHIN? She got cracked. And that's really bad news for DASSAULT and CHENEY. Not to mention REID. And now SYMOOK went PSYLOPA on all that TATEDECO with TABLEPA. And there goes OUTAS with PORYOQUS.Woulnd't you know it? And guess what happened then? REMY and GER flipped like you wouldn't " belief". OKLAHOMA to VERMONT. With the QUEEN.
Well i cant remember the funniest moment in the sixth grade.But i can remember one funniest moment in this whole week.I remember when it was graduation practice on Monday and one of the candle liters said her last name and everyone started to laugh.Especially Mrs.Shulman.
The funniest thing i remember within my fifth grade year is when kishan lamae Jonathan lutchman and Isaiah and were playing outside and we accidentally bumped all of our heads together.
I agree with you Ramandeep. When Briana Marine came up to speak, she said her name as if she was a mouse and made us all laugh. Mrs. Shulman kept cracking up. It was very funny. Even I laughed.
Everyone, I want you to go to my blog and submit things. Check it out!! GO to:
I am looking foward to your blogs!!
um...let me c...the funniest moment that i remember in sixth grade was when my shulman was laughing so much she turned red.that was so funny!!!!!!!!
every 1 started to laugh and we could not stop.that is the funniest thing i remembered in sixth grade.
he funniest moment funny i ever had actually happened today:
i was sweeping in 3/17 for mrs.shulman to help her clean up, so i put it out farther than i was. the next thing i know KISHAN comes walking and trips over the broom. it is stuck between his feet, but he mages to get out.... everyone starts laughing (especially me). this is my most funniest moment (funny for me, but embarrasing for KISHAN BOODHU). DONT BELIEVE ME (ASK CHRISTINE R.!!!)
also everday at rehearsal for graduation, mrs.shulman and mr.byrd are always cracking up. hey are sooo funny. i love that about them (there is always time for fun!) they are the greatest. mrs.shulman especially and mr.byrd tooo.
i also remeber when BRIANNA MARINI said her miidle name (MARIE). it sounded funny because she said it really fast. it was mad funny!!! mrs.shulman kept on laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!! funny BRIANNA TAKE OUT THE MARIE AND LEAVE IT AS (BRIANNA MARINI!) KKKKK>?
Hey guys i agree with you that was funny...
but the most fuuniest part was when lovepreet was talking to the school aids in punjabi and the second funniest part was when i crack up jokes..Sixth grade was a year full of laughter. No matter what happens i hacve learned always to smile and forget the past.
everyone please comment on my profile and please vote on the pole...there are new poles and blogs...check it out....thanks
i remember the time when mr.byrd says funny jokes and acts silly with mrs.shulman...yup those were the fun days...
One of the funniest moments I remember from 6th grade was when we had gym and we were playing baseball. Jesus was the one standing next to the baseball plate and Andrea came running and falls on top of Jesus! That was SO funny!
U THERE?????????
Ya that was funny!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also remember the time when Mr.Byrd was on the laptop and told us to look up but first he closed a window that was there and then this lady pops up and Mr. Byrd says OH! That was funny.
the funniest thing that ever happened to me in sixth grade was when i was outside and somebody was playing basketball and he went for a lay up and he missed and hit the wall.
the funniest thing that ever happened to me in fifth grade was when every body thought the school was hauted. It was a rumer and it was to funny.
the funniest thing that ever happened to me in fourth grade was when a new kid walked in and made a mistake and slipped on a pencil.
PAIN IS FUNNY!! (*_*) (!_!) ($_$)
(^_^) (@_@) (#_#) (%_%) (&_&).
I reamber when I was in 5th grade Naresh took this girl name Debie`s lipgloss. She loves lipgloss and if someone took it she would go crazy. Which she did. When she found out it was naresh she ran and spear him to the wall. Everybody laughed so loud and for so long. At that moment Britney Spears song "Hit Me Baby One More Time" went into my heard. I was laughing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
(*_*) (*_*) (*_*) (*_*)
we had have sooooo many funny times in the time we spend in PS161
one of the funniest moments was when Brianna Marini tripped on the chair and she nearly fell down
One of the funniest moments in class was when Mr.Byrd finally dissed Jesus but then he got scared of what Jesus was gonna get him back so that was very very funny. Another funny moment in class is when Mr.Byrd dissed Leslie that was another great moment sixth is such a grade of getting dissed by your teacher now that's bad seriously
sixth grade was the funniest school year for me. i have to admit that mrs.shulman and mr.byrd are really funny people..
if anyone remebers a fnny time invloving me let me mknoe plz cause i wanna reeber
You guys remind me of when Leslie said to Mr. Byrdthat he made a contract with her on which you signed Douglas Shulman. Everyone had something to say and we all cracked up.
This year was better than any other. I agree with you Anastasia!!
I wonder if Mrs. Shulman really meant that She wasn't giving out any awards to her class. Was she playing?? I hope not! if it is, that is sad for the other class!! Hope you luck.
Everyone, I want you to go to my blog and submit things. Check it out!! GO to:
I am looking foward to your blogs!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
The funniest moments i remember from sixth grade was when Mr.Byrd wasn't going to be in school for 2 weeks and we had a substitute, MS.DEVOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was like SO strict to everybody. Jesus was the one who hated her the most and when it was the last day of Ms.devoser staying with us Jesus wrote on the homework board, "Mr.Byrd, please don't let us be with Ms.Devoser anymore!"m That was SO funny!
I also remember a funny time when Jesus locked Lovepreet in the closet and Lovepreet was screaming like a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jessica i agree with you but at the same time it was a bad idea to lock Lovepreet in the closet. but it was still hilarious!!!!!
another funny moment was when we were all in gym playing kick ball, and Jesus ran so fast and fell on top of Andrea who was on the second base. it was really funny.
that is funny daisy but it was andrea who fell on top of jesus.
Another funny moment was when I was in 4th grade my teacher fell on top of one of my friends. That was soo funny.
welllll..... jessica i do agree with you that the funniest time no for me,but for the whole class (i think) was when Jesus locked Lovepreet in the closet. Jesus is sooo funny, but can be really annoying. and it was funnier when Lovepreet was yelling in a girls voice. thx for reminding me Jess (i almost forgot)!
jess you remember all of the funniest moments. u can be the helper on memory lane. lol!!! that time was really funny when Jesus wroe that on th board. reallllll funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fourth grade:
something very funny was the dissing contest that me and gurpreet and others sixth graders had. The fourth graders vs the sixth graders. It was mad funny. Then next day I bought yo mamma jokes to the classroom and Jaipreet got me in trouble. I just hate that kid.
Fifth Grade:
In fifth grade something funny was when Pardeep kept on cracking up jokes and never let me be sad. I love her as a friend!
Sixth Grade:
In this year something funny was hen lovepreet was cursing in punjabi to our school aids it was mad funny. Soethin else that was fnny is that how Pardeep kept on laughing and laughuin that made others laugh and made my stomach hurt.
Funniest people I know:
#1: Pardeep
#2: Sandip
#3: Mr. Byrd
There are soooo many funny days that i dont always remember about but one time i can never forget is when Jesus locked Lovepreet in the closet.... oh my god..... everyone was sooo exited to do that... but funny things may be alittle mean...
I remember this morning Mr.Shulman came to teach us a lesson ansd we played a game.. and the person next to us was our partner. my partner was my best friend japneet....but my other friend gurpreet got her worst enemy...named lovepreet....that was soooooooooooooooooooooooo funny...i could'nt stop laughing....then we had to write down ten things our partner AND I HAD IN COMMEN... AND gurpreet had not alot of things in coommen with lovepreet.... omg that was really fun..
oh yea when he told leslie he liked lipstick... realllyyy funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The funniest moment for sixth grade was when all of the classes got together and tried to sing "stand by me". Just saying, potentially scarring experience. For fifth grade it was when there was a banter between Ms. Berry and Jesus. That was hilarious. For fourth grade it was when someone took Devi's lipgloss and then she ran around asking people if they had seen it. Finally, she gave up on finding it and pulled out another tube of lipgloss from her pocket. Finally, for third grade it was when there was a rat in the classroom and Ms. O and all most all of the kids started climbing on the chairs and desks. I just stood at the front of the class with Travis shaking my head because the mouse was more scared of us than it with us! Those were some of the funniest moments :)
the funniest moment in fourth grade was when all the girls and boys sat at two individual tables and Jaswansingh had to move to the girls table because he talked to much. Then he was the only boy at the girls table. it was so funny it was hilarious
OMG! So funny!
OMG! So funny!
Another funny memory was when the 6th grade had graduation practice and Mr.Byrd and Mrs.Shulman imitated other teachers.
Well, in fifth grade the funniest moment for me was when Stephanie (Devi) ran into Narsh and hit his arm mad hard. It was because he had her keys in his hand and said, "Come and get it!" She ran towards his and boot him against the wall, then left. His arm was sore. That was bad/ sad, but he should have known better!!! FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yea Jessica that is always funny when they do that. Especially Mrs.Shulman she is funny!!
Another funny memory was when the 6th grade had graduation practice and Mr.Byrd and Mrs.Shulman imitated other teachers.
i remember the time leslie and mr.byrd started to fight and leslie said mr.byrd signed a contract signing douglas shulman...that was soooo funny...every one started to crack up....
I remember when Sandip brought the PINK umbrella to school. He left it in my class. It was sooooooo funny when we found it. Mrs.Shulman was laughing so loud she turned red. You should have seen Mr.Byrd's face when he found out it belonged to Sandip.
I remember today when Ms.Brown was talking about we can not have a world war 3 because the whole world would be destroyed. So Paul said why can't we live on Mars I cracked up it was so funny.
omg...i agree with you haresh...that was soooo funny.. pauls like why dont we go to mars.... i was cracking uo so were others..
Another funny thing that happened was that paul said a line in punjabi... it was alright but he said it sooo funnny.. my whole tyable is halrious..
sixth grade is like the best grade on earth. Sixth grade is all about laughing and having fun. There was less learning and more free time. This year the sixth graders got to do things that lower grades dont get to do. I love sixth grade..
Everyone come join me at:
hey guys check out my profile it's called, +h3 $w33+ !if3
Another thing that is funny in 6th grade is a part of our play in which Leslie comes running to Dona and also when Natasha is having her baby. We cracked up. Laughing to death, Mrs. Shulman was the loudest!!!
i don't know what's funny, the only thing that i think is funny is how Mr.Byrd and Mrs.Shulman act like a married couple they always fight but the fight is extremely funny to death.they fight of one little thing then it expends to a huge fight.But they don't get mad they just laugh at one another, which is the best part!!!!!!!
Check out my blog at www.christinebeharry5.blogspot.com
The funniest thing I can remember in sixth grade is when me monica,kadijah,and natasha .We were outside playing and l had to snezze so l shimmed
I like totally agree with you.I mean,no offense to Mr.Byrd and mrs.Shulman.They are always ''fighting.'' It's not really fighting ,but it sure seems like it.It's also funny what Mr.Byrd says about Mrs.Shulman after they get in a fight.
BALDWIN...he's got the signatures of all the people who have culled.
" NOT SO FUNNY", now.
Right " PARTAGER"?
And especially since NYE- DOT- ROOT, have totally lost their send of humor, and STATESS.
She got cracked.
And that's really bad news for DASSAULT and CHENEY.
Not to mention REID.
And now SYMOOK went PSYLOPA on all that TATEDECO with TABLEPA.
And there goes OUTAS with PORYOQUS.Woulnd't you know it?
And guess what happened then?
REMY and GER flipped like you wouldn't " belief".
With the QUEEN.
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