an act of kindness that affected me was when my mother gave brith to me because if she was not nice and sacrifice me then i would not be alive so i thank her for that
This is a topic everyone can write about. I'm sure that at some point in your life you experienced an act of kindness. For example, I went to the emergency room yesterday because I was not feeling well. The doctors as well as the nurses were so nice to me. The doctors spoke in a soft friendly tone, when they examined me, they were gentle and explained things to me in a language I understood (not medical jargin). When the nurse came in, she told me her name and said she would be taking care of me and was gentle when she took my pressure.
These acts of kindness helped me to relax while I was in the hospital. FYI, I'm much better and plan to see you all Monday. In the meanwhile, while I am recupering, I want to see those blogs. Remember, you don't have to look far to find an act of kindess. How about yesterday's trip, did you experience an act of kindness? Now it's time for you to share.
I'm glad you are feeling better, Ms. Hazzard! I can't believe you got so sick! We all really missed you, and the kids were disappointed that you weren't on the trip.
I hope to see you Monday and we'll be blogging away!
An act of kindness that affected me was when my mom and dad take care of me and give me so much love. I really appreciate them. They have been there for me in everything. They were and are SO kind to me.
one time had to be very kind to one of my cousins because he was very sensitive and everytime you bag on him he starts to cry and you get in trouble. Once i told him that he deos not look fat but he is and that made me feel bad because i lied to you.
Well an act of kindness once made me loose a friend.Im not gonna put that person's name.That person is really special to me so forget about the name.I helped that special person get the friend that, that person wanted to be friends with.when that person got the friend back that person stoped talking to me.And know That person only uses me so I can give that person gum any time that person asked.Isn't that mean!I mean I helped you get closer to your friend and this is how you repay me?! :( :( :( :(
An Act of kindness that affected me was the year of first first grade i met a little girl named Natasha who now will graduate. she was the only one who became nice to me and let me become her friend. since that time we have always been best friends. Having a friend like her made me happy. she always made me laugh, even when i was sad.
Another act of kindness was when me and my parents were together and were talking. they hugged me and told me how much they liked me. i felt special, i felt like i were so important. my parents are the best and i love them all.
Another act of kindness that affected me was in the first week of sixth grade. i was alone in the Cafetaria because Natasha had not yet arrived at school. Jessica, Tina , and Diana were really kind to me. they shared snacks with me they talked with me , and then they became my friends. it was really nice of them to be kind to me.
an act of kindness that affected me was when my mother gave brith to me because if she was not nice and sacrifice me then i would not be alive so i thank her for that
This is a topic everyone can write about. I'm sure that at some point in your life you experienced an act of kindness. For example, I went to the emergency room yesterday because I was not feeling well. The doctors as well as the nurses were so nice to me. The doctors spoke in a soft friendly tone, when they examined me, they were gentle and explained things to me in a language I understood (not medical jargin). When the nurse came in, she told me her name and said she would be taking care of me and was gentle when she took my pressure.
These acts of kindness helped me to relax while I was in the hospital. FYI, I'm much better and plan to see you all Monday. In the meanwhile, while I am recupering, I want to see those blogs. Remember, you don't have to look far to find an act of kindess. How about yesterday's trip, did you experience an act of kindness? Now it's time for you to share.
I have recived a lot of kindness during my lifetime. My family and friends have always been kind and helpful to me.
I'm glad you are feeling better, Ms. Hazzard! I can't believe you got so sick! We all really missed you, and the kids were disappointed that you weren't on the trip.
I hope to see you Monday and we'll be blogging away!
An act of kindness that affected me was when my mom and dad take care of me and give me so much love. I really appreciate them. They have been there for me in everything. They were and are SO kind to me.
I think kindess is the best thing you can do.Ishould be greatful because people are always kind to me like my family and friends[sometimes]
one time had to be very kind to one of my cousins because he was very sensitive and everytime you bag on him he starts to cry and you get in trouble. Once i told him that he deos not look fat but he is and that made me feel bad because i lied to you.
Well an act of kindness once made me loose a friend.Im not gonna put that person's name.That person is really special to me so forget about the name.I helped that special person get the friend that, that person wanted to be friends with.when that person got the friend back that person stoped talking to me.And know That person only uses me so I can give that person gum any time that person asked.Isn't that mean!I mean I helped you get closer to your friend and this is how you repay me?!
a kindness that affect menis that when my mom took care of me because if she did not i will not bealive now
An Act of kindness that affected me was the year of first first grade i met a little girl named Natasha who now will graduate. she was the only one who became nice to me and let me become her friend. since that time we have always been best friends. Having a friend like her made me happy. she always made me laugh, even when i was sad.
Another act of kindness was when me and my parents were together and were talking. they hugged me and told me how much they liked me. i felt special, i felt like i were so important. my parents are the best and i love them all.
Another act of kindness that affected me was in the first week of sixth grade. i was alone in the Cafetaria because Natasha had not yet arrived at school. Jessica, Tina , and Diana were really kind to me. they shared snacks with me they talked with me , and then they became my friends. it was really nice of them to be kind to me.
there's too much to write!!!!!!
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