Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Try these prompts when creating a memoir!

I remember when…

It made me feel…
I think that…
I learned that…

Do this for as many memories as possible!


Jessica said...

I remember when i went fishing for the first time ever. It might be hard to believe but it was last week! When i heard i was going i jumped up with joy. I felt so excited, joyful, and brave.

Paul said...

I remember when my father took me to Disney world in Miami, Florida. The place was so beautiful and everything was created with such imagination that I was astounded by my amazement. I was thinking that I couldn’t wait to try one of the rides. When I finally got to go one on of them it was the E.T ride. On the ride there were so many colors that I was astonished because there were many animals and it did not even have anything to do with the movie except the fact that it had t5he extra terrestrial, E.T. On that ride I thought I was going fanatical.

Daisy said...

I remember when... when it was my 4th birthday, and i met a new friend who was really mean. she had pushed me to the floor. Then she threw me a toy.
It made me feel... very mad because she acted like a angel in front of everybody. in front of me she would me a devil.
I think that... she was probably mad at me or she was probably jealous of something.
I learned that... that some friends can be mean and others nice. that i should always be careful in choosing my friends.

Tina Thomas said...

43In ps 161 I have had many memories the scariest was today, we (the 6th grade) went to see the wizard of oz and the ride was bumpy it was fun at first then we went over a real big bump and a certain friend of mine was fixing her seat belt and she let go by accident and we went over the bump and she few all the way her seat partner grabbed her head the entire back side of the bus was screaming.What a reflection.

Les_29 said...

I remember when I was really sick because I had swallowed a fish bone. My aunt took me to the hospital and she was rushing through traffic. I felt really bad. I was sad and tired and I had a really high fever. I learned that family does anything for you when you're in trouble.

Jesus said...

i remeber when i went to a concert at tweeter center in NJ and everyone in the crowd was smoking and the security guard chased them around the seats and 1 of the people being chased fell and broke his nose and he still kept running and again the same guy fell over a couple of chairs because he kept hopping over the chairs and after that fall he gave him self up....i was laughing so hard because it looked alot like scoby doo when the creepy dude chased scooby and shggy and when their chased theirs always music playing

Kiranpreet said...

I remember when i made food for my mom because it was her birthday.

I felt proud of myself because my mom declared that the food was delcious.

I learned that if you try your hardest, you can achieve anything, even though it is impossible.(not really impossible)

Kiranpreet said...

I remember when my family and a few relatives went with me to Niagara Falls.

I felt close to my parents and excited to visit a place i hadn't before.

I learned that the best time you can have is with your parents and relatives.

Kiranpreet said...

I remember when we had the Academic Challenge in fifth grade.

I felt nervous to compete against the seven year champions. But i was proud when i found out that we won!

I learned that as long as you work hard and try your best, you will be successful in life.

Mrs. Hazzard said...

Jessica- Did you catch any fish? What kind of bait did you use. Thanks for sharing.

Paul- I remember going to Disney World for the first time when I was about 20. It does not matter how old you are. That place is amazing, everyone can have fun. My husband and I had fun taking our children when they were younger. Now they are 25, 19 and 16 and when we say we are going on vacation to Florida, they still want to come.

Daisyflower: Do you ever see that girl or do you know if she is still mean?

Tina, Tina, Tina... Thank you for sharing about the trip. I wanted to know how it was and what I missed. I really wanted to go. I can't wait to get back to class so you all fill me in. I thought you were going to see a play but it seems there was some kind of ride involved. Oh well, I'll see you all tomorrow or Monday.

Mrs. Hazzard said...

Jesus: I was blown away when I read your blog entry. Thank you sooooooooo much. Keep blogging, even if you're bored. A one liner entry is better than no entry at all. Wow:

Leslie: It was great reading your entry as well. I'm glad your family is there for you.

Kiranpreet: What did you cook? Did you like the way the food came out. Would you say it was easy or difficult. Thanks for sharing.

Mrs. Hazzard said...

What I just experienced in reading your entries is what I was talking about when I said how much fun this activity can be. Even though I'm not in the classroom today I feel connected. Since I am home, I had the chance to read all of your entries and was able to respond to each one I read on this topic. Don't even think I'm going to do this all the time. I just happen to be up at the moment.

So class, keep blogging. Encourage everyone at your table to blog. Be creative and blog, blog, blog.

BRIANA said...

Walking down the sandy trail not noticing but smelling the dead turtle . as i walked thinking of good times but the remainings of this harmless creature just made those good times feel very stressful and sad was it because i felt and feared for living animals when i saw the dead turtle i felt very sick and angry why would someone do this i thought to my self.

Sarita*_* said...

I reamber when I went to Trinidad for my first vacation outside of the country.

It made me feel excited because I was going to see so meany new sights.

I think that Trinidad is a beautiful place and and that it was the best first place for me to go to that was outside of the country.

I learned that Trinidad also have buildings simalar to America and how people live in Trinidad.

leroy121 said...

i remembr when i was in miami florida and i went to a motorbike soon as i walked into the shop i was excited because there was so much cool bikes and big bikes.i walked around the whole bike store and i saw these mini was for kids 14 and older.i fell in love with this one bike it was a dirt was the mx500.i asked my dad and he said ok he is going to buy the bike for me.when i asked the guy that worked at the shop how much the bike cost he said it caust $349 but with tax and everything it came up to 400 dollars.well at first my dad told me its to expensive until i convinced him to finally buy it for me.i became so happy.i was filled with was the day i got my mini motorbike.

andrea__m said...

I remember the time i went to six flags Iwas scared and terrified of the rides .But then my mom told me to clam and she took me on that ride of terror and it made me feel better .....but after that Ithrew up.

Pardeep_123 said...

My memoir is about when my favorite cousin died.

I felt very furious. I couldn't believe that someone special had left me.

I remember the time i saw many people in light clothes crying.

That day i learned that life does not go the way you want it to go. Life may have many sour twists but you have to go through them.

Christine Beharry said...

I remember when we were at P.S.30 for the Acadamic Challenge. It was so much fun. The best part was when we won. We beat the 7 year champions. I was really nervous. I think Mrs. Davis did an excellent job helping us. On that day I realized that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

[Well not everything but almost everything.]

Anastasia said...

my memoir is 4 memories i have had with all of my family members or just one of them.... some sad, some funny, some happy! all these memories affect me, but some dont.

Ramandeep said...

I remembered when...
My best best friend moved away.
It made me feel...
It made me fell lonely,depressed, and have no one to play with.
I think that...
I think that this happened for his own good.
I learned that...
I learned that while life goes on you are gonna be separated from your friends.