Wednesday, May 14, 2008


If you had to spend a year on a desert island with one person, who would it be? Why?


Jessica said...

I think that person would be my sister. As annoying as she is i will have so much fun with her. She is so fun!

Paul said...

if i had to spend an entire year on astranded island with one person it would end up being my mother because she was always there to comfort me and it feels awesome to to have a little bit of comfort when your alone so i would rather have my mother stranded on a deserted island with ke than any body else

Pardeep_123 said...

if i could spend an entire year on a stranded island i would take my cousin Jimmy. She is like the best peron on earth. She is my favorite cousin after Money. If we were even stuck somewhere she would find a way to escape. IN the year we would talk alot. We are like sisters. I would defenetly take my cousin Jimmy.

Anonymous said...

Well,I agree with you Paul.I think a mom would be the best person to take with when your on a deserted island.I mean,sometimes they can get on your last nerve by telling you stuff like ''Honey,its cold out,wear a coat.'' However,moms are always there to protect and love you.

Gurpreet said...

if i had to spend a year on a deserted island and i got to bring one person with me i would chose pardeep. I chosec ger beacuse she is my best friend. She cracks up jokes thatv make me laugh to the ground. And i could use some entertianment there. I chose Pardeep beacuse she has been my best best best friend since third grade or longerb i think. And i really love her as a sister. Pardeep would be the one that i bring to a deserted island with me.

but i do not think that she willl ennjoynbeing there.

Daisy said...

If i had spent a year on a desert with one person, it would be with my mom. I would take my mom because she would be helpful, and fun. she would not be lazy. my is hard working.

Dayshawn said...

If I were stranded in the desert the person i would want to be stranded with is my great brother he's only 8 but he so great to be with

Haresh said...

If I was stranded on a island with someone. It will be Donald Trump. I would choose him because we would not even have to spend a year he could call up a helicopter and we would be gone. But if we had to stay he would order food to be delivred to us.

Cindaline227 said...

i think that person would be Christine Ramkarran. i would want her to come with me because she knows how to spend time with other people. she is so fun!!

Jesus said...

if i had to choose one person i would choose my girlfriend because i love her and she is the me

Christine Beharry said...

I think the person would be my mom. She will be really helpful just like she always is.

Anastasia said...

the person i would want to be stranded with would be my mom because she is fun and is the best.

if it wasn't her it would be my dad because he is really helpful.

if i coulddnt take them, it would be my BFFL Jessica because she is so much fun and is great company.

Pardeep_123 said...

Aww Gurpreet you are sooooooooo nice. Thanks...I would definently take you after Jimmy!111

Pardeep_123 said...

Hello anyone...

Mr.Byrd said...

I love your comments! I

Anonymous said...

haresh you are so funny!!!!!

If I wouLd BE straANTded oN a IslaNd I wouLD haVE tO be WITh PardEEp. She iz VerY FUnnY And mY bEST frIEnd Sry GOpi

Kiranpreet said...

If i was stranded on an island, i would take my mom because she might have an experience of this and would know what to do. She always comports me is always there if needed. I can trust her to help me find food, built a shelter and etc. I would bring tons of books (they aren't people, they are things).

Les_29 said...

If I were to be stranded in a desert island with someone it would be Natasha.I would be with her because she is my BFFL. She is so funny and I tell her ALL my secrets. I trust her and she trusts me.

Sarita*_* said...

If i had to spend a year on a desert island with one pearson it would be my brother. I cant choose betweenmy parenths so i would choose him. He is very annoying and that would keep me busy for one year. I also choose him because he is sometimes fun and he is my brother.

Ramandeep said...

If I can take one person with me to an desert it would be the host on survivor man the host on man vs. wild. they are like experts on surviving. So it would be possible for me to survive.I just hate one thing...
you have to hunt and eat gross food,like bugs :(.

Adrianna said...

if i was stranded on an island for an entire year, i would most likley take my cousin, lisa. she's at the edge eighth grade,in the honor class, and so-called "knows everything." She can help me and keep me company as the surivialist she claims to be. And, wouldn't it be funny if we come back home, eventually, dead?

monica iz smily see:-) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
monica iz smily see:-) said...

Sorry I deleted my comment! =+{

Okay I would choose my Best friend Kadijah.
But then the person would actually my lovely boyfriend!
Because I couldn't last a day without him.
And I love him and he's the world to MmMmEeEe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =+>!