Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wishy Washy

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?


Paul said...

if i had three wishes one would be for everything in the world to be free so no one would go through poverty and i would wish for everything in the world so i would be nice and contented and i would wish finally 4 no one in the world to be rich 3 more wishes


Pardeep_123 said...

#1~ I wish for my cousin to come back. I miss her alot

#2~ I wish that my family and i visit India this year. I really miss my motjer land!

#3~ I wish thta all my friends are in my school next yyear with me. Cause my friends are everything for me!

Anonymous said...

If I had three wishes I would wish for :

1.A younger brother
3.To go to Brazil

BRIANA said...

Okay if i had 3 wishes they will be ................

1. For my brother ( Joshua ) to dissapear he is the reason i have nightmares at night.

2. To one day fulfill my dream and be on American Idol also to be very famous.

3. ..........................I'm thinking

Anonymous said...

why did you name this blog thingy WISHY WASHY .
I think its a wierd name ,but I guess it might have reasons behind it. =]

Christine Beharry said...

#1- I wish there was no poverty or hunger.

#2- I wish I didn't have to go to school.

#3 wish I had more wishes.

Daisy said...

If i had three wishes i would wish for many things. one wish would be to have a puppy or dog of my own. my second wish would be to have enough money to be able to go to college and get a good job. my last wish would be to be able to travel to many countries especially Mexico.

monica iz smily see:-) said...

that stinks i only get three wishes,well i might as well tell them. here it goes, okay !
#1- I would wish that I were a astronant, because I would like to go into outer space!
#2- I would wish that all my friends would have a great summer. I'll miss them at the end of the school year.
#3- I would wish that I would see the best teachers next year.

Gurpreet said...


if i had three wishes

i would wish for tickets to go to india.

second wish....

i would wish for anything that my parents would wish for

thirdly i would buy anything that my nephews wish for

Ramandeep said...

If I had three wishes I would like to wish some wishes that all most everyone would want to wish. My first wish would be no homework. My second wish would be that All children dont need to go to school they just learn there knowledge atomaticly. My third wish would be that there are no masqutoes!!!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

i wish i had more wishes that could be granted like,.....................,okay i have no clue but i know it's my wishes,i really don't care about everbody else's so yeah okay! =+)! =+}! =+>!

Kiranpreet said...

If i had three wishes, i would wish very carefully so that i don't wash my wishes away.

1) I wish for no social issues or genocide going around the world.

2)The world to work together and solve problems, become peaceful and cooperate with each other forever.

3) Make any wishes of mine come true in the future.

Cindaline227 said...

cindy s said

i would wish for a mansion
a million dollars
and for everything to be free in the world

Pardeep_123 said...

Everyone check out my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

monica iz smily see:-) said...

Can i have more wishes that can be granted. like really come on everyone gets to have more wishes why can't me!

Anastasia said...

#1: wish that my mom would feel better.

#2: everyone in my family including me have a better job/ life.

#3: all of the poverty would be gone so then no one could ever be homeless.

i would want this with NO CONSEQUENCES!!!!!!!!!!

Pardeep_123 said...

#1~ I wish for no homelessness. I cant stand it when i see people begging.

#2~ I wish for no bullying. Many people are scared to come to school and walk outside.

#3~ I wish all my wishes come true. I have sooo many wishes

Mr.Byrd said...

Krystal - my title (Wishy Washy) is lame. Wishy washy means undecided; unable to make a decision. It is a saying, and it has the word "wish" in it.

Jessica said...

If i had three wishes i would wish for a pet, money and 3 more wishes!

tareeq said...

if i had three wishes i would wish for 1000 wishes so i could wish even more. My second wish is to have a porche carrera gt. Then my third wish is to have a trillion dollars because it will be even greater to be a trillionare. Those are the three wishes i would make if i had them.

(*_*) (*_*) (*_*) (*_*) (*_*)

Sarita*_* said...

If i had three wishes my first one would be to have all the money there is in the world. My secound wish would be for everyone to be happy and my thid wish would be to have three more wishes. If this is not possible i would wish for a happy and exciting and long and healty life.

Adrianna said...

if i had three wishesthe first thing i would wish for is to be smart in school. i want to be rich when i grow up; not a dummy! secondly, i would wish to live forever. i don't want to die, because then, it makes you think, what the point of living? lastly, i would want to wish for three more wishes!

Anonymous said...

Mr.Byrd- Ohhh. =]

shylawazhere said...

If i had three wishes i would wish for many things:]
1) i would wish to start over the sixth grade part when i started to be bad in school. :):):):):):):):)
2) i would wish for a million dollars
3) in would wish for more wishes hahahahahaha

shylawazhere said...

If i had three wishes i would wish for many things:]
1) i would wish to start over the sixth grade part when i started to be bad in school. :):):):):):):):)
2) i would wish for a million dollars
3) in would wish for more wishes hahahahahaha