Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More With Metaphors

I saw some great metaphors on the other post!
Keep it up!
Remember, metaphors compare two things. Try this format:

Now fill in the blanks! Here's an example:

Joy is a
sleek surfboard
riding on white-capped waves,
balancing beautifully between the ocean floor and sky

See what I mean? I could now keep going with my metaphor, or I could find new ones for joy. Try it out!

**Did you notice the alliteration?


Haresh said...
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Anonymous said...

Love is a joyful person sailing all the way into your heart.

*What do you think?

Haresh said...

Nice now I got an idea.

Anonymous said...

thanks haresh... i was thinking really hard to make one up....

Haresh said...

I think I got it

I am as alone as the first star in the sky.

Anonymous said...

nice but a little boring no offense...

Anonymous said...

try again i am thinking of a new poem..

Anonymous said...

don`t worry about anastasia haresh you`r metaphor is grate!!!

Haresh said...
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Anonymous said...

no sarita not that great... you know how i like to speak my mind...duh!!!!!!1

Haresh said...

I'm thinking

I am alone in the desert
in the afternoon
with rocks sinking into the sand
and a mirage lage
in the distance of your feet

Anonymous said...

now that great... i am still thinking ... lol

Haresh said...

lol Mine is great

Anonymous said...

haresh it is grate but stop bragging!!!lol

Anonymous said...

Music is a blooming sound entering your soul and mind...

*Again...what do you think?
8Yea Haresh lolc dude

Haresh said...

I'm not bragging. Nice poem. I was complenting my self.

Anonymous said...

kk thats cool

Haresh said...

Well thanks again.

Haresh said...
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Anonymous said...

hm-mmmm you welcome

Anonymous said...

u r funny haresh. lol

Haresh said...

sarita why don't you put a poem on the new topic like we did.

Anonymous said...

yea it's great and fun to do....try it

Haresh said...

Hey I got an idea. Never mind I fogot. I had aq great poem.

Anonymous said...

yea i know that feeling lol

Haresh said...
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Haresh said...
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natasha ;D said...

hey Everyone I'ts me!!!

Haresh said...

Well I think she is gone.

Anonymous said...

whats up tasha.... it is finally good to have somebody else than Haresh or Sarita or Me lol..

Anonymous said...

whats up tasha.... it is finally good to have somebody else than Haresh or Sarita or Me lol..

Anonymous said...

amm.. here is a poem that i already know but i cahnged some lines to it

Roses are red,
Vilets are blue,
A monkey like you,
Should be in the zoo.

natasha ;D said...
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Haresh said...

Hi Natasha

natasha ;D said...

good one Sarita

Haresh said...

never mind

Anonymous said...

very funny sarita...whats up everyone

natasha ;D said...

hey Heresh

Haresh said...

Someone make a new one up or I will again

natasha ;D said...


Roses are blue,
Violets are RED,
your so annoying,
so get back to bed!
You heard what I said!
that's right TED!!

Haresh said...

I got one
The sun is hot and its pulse is strong

Can't think of anyting to continue

Anonymous said...

here is another metaphor i made....

sadness is a grumpy person going into a dark tunnel.

natasha ;D said...


Haresh said...

who's Ted?

Anonymous said...

very funny natahsa i looveee like my metaphor this is my third one...

Anonymous said...

nice one Natasha lol

natasha ;D said...

moms hand is like the kiss of the moon light

Anonymous said...

we have been talking a long time....believe me!!!!

natasha ;D said...


Anonymous said...

awww natasha i love that one...

natasha ;D said...

I love yours Anistasia yours too heresh!!

natasha ;D said...


Anonymous said...

thanks natasha....

Haresh said...


natasha ;D said...


natasha ;D said...

anyone here?

Anonymous said...

k i am soo bored.... but i am doing
the math hw ...

Anonymous said...

i am here!

Anonymous said...

what is reading hw?

Anonymous said...

idk still

natasha ;D said...

floors are abused everyday by the footsteps of each human being! It feels hurt and ashamed as a kid in pre-school having a time out!
like that one?

Haresh said...

Wait I got another one

The moon has a face like the clock in the hall. She shines and theives on the garden wall.

natasha ;D said...

I know the reading homework!!!

Anonymous said...

yea -_-

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

nice poem natasha but what the reading hw?

natasha ;D said...

-Sarita and Anistasia-
the reading hw is...:
write details from the book "The Giver" what does the following statement mean?
Thankyou for your childhood.


natasha ;D said...

but the one we got on our mailbox is due on FRIDAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

ohhhhh....thank you sooooo mcuh Natasha

Anonymous said... keep spelling my name wrong but that dont matter..i was just saying...

natasha ;D said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you Natasha very much.

natasha ;D said...

your welcome and sorry! Now I know it's...ANASTASIA!

Anonymous said...

u r the best

Haresh said...


Anonymous said...

lol thx once again...ur the best!!!!!!!

natasha ;D said...

I got one:

The kiss of loved one is like touching a star in the sky

Haresh said...


Anonymous said...

lol i love that one....ur good at this...

Haresh said...


natasha ;D said...

And don't worry guys!
what are freinds for?

Anonymous said...

yea i know and ur a great one...

Haresh said...

My turn
Patiently I wait alone and I wonder,
The darkness that surrounds me

Anonymous said...

what does it mean though?

Haresh said...

Don't have a clue I made it up

Anonymous said...

ok that' too weird lol...nice try though

Anonymous said...
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Haresh said...

So you have a better one?

Haresh said...

tought so

Anonymous said...

omg i wasnt even paying attention...

~CHRISTINE~ said...

dear anstasia,
I think it rocks! ITS charasmatice like me, im just kidding. I think its kind of cute it has meaning.
Christine Sewnarine=}

Mr.Byrd said...

Anastasia – Great job! You got it!
Haresh – Good simile! My turn
Patiently I wait alone and I wonder,
The darkness that surrounds me – good!
Natasha – Mom’s hand is like the kiss of the moon light – great!
The kiss of a loved one is like touching a star in the sky – great!
How about a metaphor, Natasha?

Paul said...

sadness is a black hole of despair sucking in in all of the human's mind and all emotions aswell

Paul said...

nice posts haresh i like your thinking:)

Paul said...

Anger is a flaming ball of destruction hurling at the mind ingulfing all of the person'semotions

Paul said...

Love is a sensitive emotion that blinds the opposite gender rendering helpless to all of the other gender's actions

Paul said...

Anger is a flaming ball of destruction hurling at the mind ingulfing all of the person's emotions

sorry about the mistake from b4

Paul said...

Hey mr.byrd i like this website it is very interestin and fun to chat with classmates

Mr.Byrd said...

Good metaphor Paul!

Paul said...

space is an imge of millions of galaxies just floating around for many years just waiting for someone to discover it

Komal said...

happiness is a bright red balloon flying away in the wind

christine rockz (that's me) said...

chrisine r said....

sadness is a wet teardrop falling on a rose

Komal said...
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~CHRISTINE~ said...

Love is a heart beating in your body
d you like it?=)=(
frome christine sewnarine-.-

Komal said...

love is a tiny blue doll dancing on her shelf

tareeq said...

Sadness is a pool of tears dripping onto the Earth.

Steven said...

a tear is a heartful emotion, flowing through a river

Haresh said...

Nice poem steven

Steven said...

thanks, say hi to mr.byrd from me,are you alll blogging now

Japneet said...

anger is a hot bowl of fire swirling in your head.
anger is a hot ring of fire flaming in your head.

tareeq said...

Sadness is a pool of wet tears that are dripping onto the clear green Earth. Sadness could spread trough out everywhere. It is one of the worst emotions. No matter what every body gets sad once in a while. Sadness is a pool of wet tears that are dripping down onto the cold clear green Earth.

Sandip said...


Money isn`t everything
Money doesn`t mean you use people
Money doesn`t mean you pay for things
Money doesn`t get you to heaven
Money doesn`t get you to believe

christine rockz (that's me) said...

christine r said....
Sandeep, what are you talking about. money is like one of the top five things in life. by the time we are 15, it will be able to buy everything!!!!!!

Mr.Byrd said...

I don't know what to say! ALL of your metaphors are awesome. The poems by Tareeq and Sandip are genius! I am blown away everyone. Keep it up!

christine rockz (that's me) said...

christine r said....

~CHRISTINE~ said...


Anastasia said...

Here is one of my metaphor poems...

Clumsy is a jittery
Junebug jumping
Into your feet
It makes you shake ~ and ~
Fall like a EARTHQUAKE does...
it tangles, twisting you feet
Clumsy is a zany ball
Bouncing towards you body...
So...Watch out!!!

Mr.Byrd said...

Real cute, Anastasia - good work!

Anastasia said...

what do you think....critisize but critisize good....Another one of my favorite word is critisize lol...

Anastasia said...

Thank Mr.Byrd it took me a long
time to write that one poem....

Mr.Byrd said...

Hmm.. take out the word does after "earthquake." That will put some rhyme in there.

Put in a rhyme for feet after "bouncing toward your body"
Make sure you maintain the rhythm when you read it aloud. If you're not sure, tomorrow I can show you the rhythm you've built up in your poem.

Anastasia said...

Clumsy is a jittery
Junebug jumping
Into your feet
It makes you shake ~ and ~
Fall like a EARTHQUAKE...
It tangles, twisting you feet
Clumsy is a zany ball
Bouncing towards you heart beat...
So...Watch out!!!

How about this Mr.Byrd??????

Mr.Byrd said...

Amazing! That is a good example of how rhyme can be used without getting too cutesy or ridiculous.

I like it - you might want to think about how the rhythm stops suddenly at the end. Maybe that's what you want. At this point, it's about personal preference.

I think could extend it sometime - connect it to deep meaning. Why are you writing about clumsiness? It's up to you!

Anonymous said...

Sadness is a deep pool druning your heart.

Anastasia said...

Hi Sarita...Well mr.byrd i am writing about clumsiness because i am kind of clumsy....

Mr.Byrd said...

I figured. Does it bother you? What does the word graceful mean to you? These are questions you can explore when adding to your poem. I am only pushing you to think deeply about your writing. Sometimes a person needs to take a break from a piece of writing and come back with fresh eyes. Just some tips!

Mr.Byrd said...

Sarita! That IS sad! Good work!
Don't forget to see my new posting. Why would you write a poem with a line about sadness? Well, everyone feels that way once in a while. It is a strong emotion and good to write about it.
Good luck!

Anastasia said...

No it doesn't bother me, but ake a lot of messes...


Graceful is an adhesive book bringing peace back into your heart and soul or back into the world.

christine rockz (that's me) said...

christine r said....

love is a seed sprouting into a beautiful rose that turns a rainy day into a day of paradise

Pardeep_123 said...

death is a painful shot that stays in your body forever

lovepreet said...

love is joy full person sailing all the way to your heart

Anastasia said...

Lovepreet!!! You really need to stop copying what i write... You did it today and school and you copied my metaphor....Please don't do that... Try to be smart and make your own.. ok?

Anastasia said...

read the poemi wrote on the feelings page when you get a chance to LOVEPREET!!!!!!!

Anastasia said...

read the poemi wrote on the feelings page when you get a chance to LOVEPREET!!!!!!!

Anastasia said...
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andrea__m said...

oh!oh! I have one...
love is the key to happyness
isn't that great
I know i'm great

christine rockz (that's me) said...

christine r said....
anastasia, i totally agree. Lovepreet should stop copying you. plus, he spelled joyful wrong. LOVEPREET, MAKE UP YOUR OWN METAPHORS. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anastasia said...

hey thanks for backing me up Christine....Even through your writing you sound like you do when you are seaking and i love that!
ROCK ON!!!!!!!

christine rockz (that's me) said...

christine r said...
no prob ana.:)

Anastasia said...

whats up christine? whatcha doing?

Pardeep_123 said...

friendship is bowl of strawberries waiting for you to eat them. Some are sweet moments.Some are sour moments.

Pardeep_123 said...

anna lovepreet copied your metaphor.........he is such a copy catter

Anastasia said...

yea i know Pardeep i already told them.....

Haresh said...


Anastasia said...

yea read more at the top

andrea__m said...

wow! pardeep that is really good

Mr.Byrd said...

Good job, Pardeep! You should post more!

Jessica said...

A rainy day is a monster that keeps away bright sunny days from happening.

christine rockz (that's me) said...

christine r said....
rock on jessy. luv the metaphor. by the way, happy B day!!!!!!!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

anger is a vilont gang fight hapening everywhere

Jessica said...

Love the metaphor Mahomudur.

By the way Christine April,12 is not my b-day. You must of got confused with the other Jessica!!:)

Anastasia said...

Annoyance is a little person nagging in your mind...

Daisy said...

Sadness is a rose ripped up into a million pieces and thrown deep into the cold and dark ocean.

Japneet said...

daisy that is a vey nice metaphor on sadness. i have never thought of that.

Mr.Byrd said...

Daisy - really great metaphor!!!

Jessica said...

A disaster is the empire state callapsing and crushing hundreds of people!!

Jaswansingh said...

A blazing, star is
like a huge manshion,
house with no roof in the,
middle of Florida,
with a burning ,
dieing man,
inside of it